Friday, January 26, 2018

Blind Item #10 - The Dancing Boy

I have left this one as is from the person who sent it in because I think their voice is important to the context. Back in the day, there were lots of these Tom Cruise scenes filmed of boys by directors. It was kind of a go to thing they did to get boys half naked.

The story begins when I was seven, and attending the annual school carnival. While I was waiting in line for one of the games I was approached by the mother of one of my classmates, who had with her her friend - a casting agent for "big, young talent" (if I'm rembering his first words to me correctly). He told me I had a "real fresh" look, and could he speak to my parent or guardian about getting some portfolio shots, and possibly some work.

I fetched my mother and he gave her his card, dropping a few names, and flattering her about my "potential." She told him she'd talk it over with my dad, and get back. I could tell she was a little suspicious of him. But, this being the early 80s, and I being a gen xer, dad said I should be able to make my own decisions. I had little concept of it (the closest brush I'd had with fame or rather "fame" was being mistaken by a airline employee for Ricky Schroder a year earlier and then being thronged by fans - he'd just done "the Champ"), but seeing myself on tv sounded fun, and of course all the pizza, soda, and toys.  We didn't even need to call the agent, because within a day or two he called us, presumably having gotten the number from the friend's school directory.

A series of modeling gigs followed, often for mundane things - store circulars, product packaging - most or all of it, I'll guess, lost to time, as well as a few commercials, bit parts, and of course community theater (most of that "family themed" - which was big back then). It wasn't for another six years - I was thirteen by then - that I finally got the Call. My agent said there was an audition coming up for the lead role in a flick by an up-and-coming genre director. I was, he said, on the short list for "special consideration." Not expecting anything to come of it (as nothing of significance had for more than a half-decade), I read for the part, and ad libbed a little. Much to my surprise, I got the Job.

I guess the pr machine revved up after that, because within a few weeks I was getting calls from teen mags for pictures and interviews. Then came a kind of local celebrity, stories in the paper, invitations, and awards (I hadn't even done anything yet). Finally, the shoot.

I had a trailer with my name on the door and a woman who followed me around all day, supposedly looking after my "interests." It all seemed so mundane, people doing their jobs. But I was giddy - almost famous as they say. In retrospect, I realize that certain members of the crew looked at me not with jealousy, but pity. They knew more than I did.

A couple weeks into the production the director took me aside and told me there'd been some last minute changes to the script. Specifically, a scene had been added by the writer(s), and himself. It was not unlike that scene in the 80s Tom Cruise movie minus the shirt, and socks. I was, of course, embarrassed by the thought of it - not least because it didn't seem to have anything to do with the movie - but there was no one around to tell me I might have some choice in the matter.

And even at the time the director cleared the set of everyone but him and the camera man, I thought it was for my privacy, rather than their secrecy. It was only when my agent showed up on set moments later that I got a truly uncomfortable feeling. I did as I was told and there were several takes, after the last of which the director came over - without calling cut - and sat me down on, literally, a couch (this was a living room scene). I'd rather not get into all the details, but when the agent came over and it was clear one of them was there to hold me down (I guess they were going to take turns), I broke free and bolted for the door. 
I ran out through the lot and into a busy thoroughfare, still mostly unclothed. Cars slammed on their brakes, others blared their horns and swerved to avoid me. Finally, two security guards I recognized from the studio - they were on a coffee break across the street - saw me on the median, and rushed over. One of them gave me his coat to put around me. I was rescued, or so I thought.

I told them what had happened, and they seemed understanding. But when they started to lead me back to the lot, I grew concerned. Where were we going? Just to get your clothes, one of them said, and get you home. Once we were back on the lot, though, an ambulance pulled up. Before I knew it, I was strapped to a stretcher and taken to the psych ward. The director, backed by the studio, claimed I had been using drugs, and they'd had to test me regularly for weeks. That my blood and urine tests in the hospital came back negative only meant to the studio and the doctors that I'd switched to designer drugs (which couldn't be detected in tests), and had run out into traffic in a failed suicide attempt.

I was kept in the hospital, heavily medicated, and often in restraints, for close to a month. A girl I met there was an up-and-coming actress about my age also involved with at least one studio project. She had been or rather become uncooperative (stuff had already happened to her), and she was put in the place to "straighten" her out. What they didn't account for was that she feigned continued madness (or maybe it wasn't an act, after what had happened) so she wouldn't be returned to them, and her parents (who didn't object to what they were doing to her). As far as what happened to me, It was only after agreeing to the studio's version of events that I was released.

Of course, my career was over. There was at least one tabloid item about my "bad boy behavior," and the industry press reported that the production was cancelled because it was too far along to find a replacement. You can't expect to cost a studio millions, and continue to work, I remember reading. What that reporter didn't understand was that they had what they wanted, or at least almost - footage of their own private dancing boy (and I'm sure they had further opportunities to fully consummate their fantasy).

The good news is that I found a shrink who believed me, but was willing to humor certain powerful people and their version of events for my protection. He let me off the anti-psychotics, while officially not doing so (they were disposed of secretly by his office), and after a couple years of intensive talk therapy I started to feel like myself again.


  1. Difficult to read with the white background and light color of the text.

  2. Winona Ryder for the girl?

    1. Winona dropped out of godfather 3, in 1990. Her first film was Lucas. Then she shot roxy Carmichael and mermaids back to back before dropping out- it was then (and imbd says she caught the flu and dropped out because she didn't want to give a substandard performance.. but everywhere else has her checking into an institution

    2. I believe it's Heather o'rourke after studio heads put something in her & had to call a ambulance to cedars & she was there for weeks until she went home to die from 'colon???'polterguist & funhouse were the same studios....

    3. actor-Shawn Carson
      movie-Funhouse*carnival type setting maybe? agent=Bob Villiard-just a guess
      girl melt down-Heather O’Rourke
      Director-Toby Hooper
      agent-Villiard-just a guess

  3. Please reveal the agent and director, or enough info that we can out them!

    I thought maybe Chad Allen, based on lookong like Ricky Schroeder and being about the right age, but he continued to work after 1986.

  4. How incredibly sad. I am surprised (although I shouldn't be) that they have such a powerful reach, all the way to hospitals, doctors, and shrinks. My deepest sympathy to this man for the abhorrent behavior he was forced to endure by all of the adults around him.

  5. This is pretty much my new model for Hollywood. At the core, it's hard to look at it as anything but evil.

    I always wondered why so many child actors grew up so wrong. Fame and money came too early I thought.

    No more. Seems pretty clear that most of these kids are abused. The drugs, the naked selfies, all that destructive behavior makes a lot more sense now.

  6. What always amazes me about the story is the studios know it's the directors and producers costing them millions, but they go along with it. It's not like replacing that level of "talent" is hard to do. The only explanation I can think of is that the execs are just as compromised. No one gives away millions for nothing.

    1. You’ll find from reading these that the execs and producers are the worst of the bunch.

  7. "The Champ" was 1979, so I think the school carnival when he was 7 is 1980, and then it would be 1986 when he was 13 that the incident occurred. This puts him at born around 1973.

  8. At least this one got away...every time I read these stories I am grateful to my inner gut at not letting a certain talent recruiter convince me to let my son work with him in spite of the ridiculous amount of phone calls and letters (He was a dead ringer for Macaulay Culkin.)

  9. Good writer. Appreciated his narrative.

    Its crazy how many years and decades of grooming/planning go into preparing these kids for "harvesting" by these abusers.

  10. Clearly the pedos do a lot of, agents, security..

    pedo mafia?

    1. You could not believe how smart and organized they are, and the amount of pedos in strategic positions is alarming.

  11. Could this be Chad Lowe? Didn't he supposedly have some substance abuse issues?

  12. John Hughes had a script for a movie called The New Kid which was based on his teenage years I believe. Howard Deautch was due to direct but passed it off for Pretty In Pink. Just an idea. Pretty in Pink was 1986. Possible they chose to go with The New Kid but because of the kid getting away, the went with Pretty in Pink. Stab in the dark guess.

  13. I've been struggling with reading all of these horrific pedophilic stories here at CDaN, and while I appreciate that at least some form of the stories are getting out, I feel like it behooves any lawyer- who has an ethical obligation to report crime (up to and including if a client confesses to intending to commit a criminal act)- to do more than operate a hollywood gossip website. It behooves any adult, really. but Lawyers have taken an oath with respect to the law.

    If even 10% of these blinds are true, CDaN is not enough. Either the sources or Enty need to do something more. At least for the kids up and coming.

    I know other commentors frustratingly express similar opinions, but its really, really time or Enty and the sources to find a way to involve law enforcement. Maybe they do, by anonymous tip or something, IDK. I sincerely hope so. A lawyer will be in one of the best positions to know if there is enough actionable factual proof, and maybe that is why its only reported here, but for god sakes, this has to stop. people need to go to jail.

  14. Damn. This made me do a search for some old teen magazines from the mid-to-late 80s to see if I could find a name that I don't recognize; if indeed he was featured as an up-and-coming actor.

  15. "A lawyer will be in one of the best positions to know if there is enough actionable factual proof, and maybe that is why its only reported here, but for god sakes, this has to stop. people need to go to jail."

    if you look closely, you answered your own question.

  16. You people who keep harping on Enty "doing something" don't seem to be aware of reality. This is hearsay. The people who have been molested are the only ones who can possibly make waves, and many times they aren't believed.
    I was molested as a child, and even told my mother and her cousin when I was 14. (In order to protect my sister) No one believed me and my mother continued in her marriage with that pedophile. You see, the pedo and her had a child together and I was a disturbed teen who was "looking for attention". This shit is as common as the cold. If it makes you uncomfortable to read what is finally coming to the forefront of public awareness, then go elsewhere. These victims are doing the best they can.

    1. I’m so sorry for what you have gone through. You are right, sexual assault victims face a mountain of a climb to get their truth out there. More people want to discredit the victims then stand by them for various reasons: money, power, keeping a relationship, a cause, etc. I’m sorry you went through that.

    2. Jane, I'm sorry for what happened to you and I admire your effort to protect your sibling. May your days be filled with peace and joy - because that is what you deserve.

    3. Thank you @Jane. You said so eloquently what I feel every time someone complains about Enty and his sources. I’m grateful to him and Himmmm and all of those who have bravely come forward at great personal cost to themselves. We have no idea what it’s costing them and I’m glad that he chose this format to bring issues forward. I don’t see anyone else doing what Enty does and I hope he knows that we all appreciate him more than words.

    4. My heart goes out to you. I hope you got a chance to heal and live the happy life you deserve.

  17. Producers being compromised is easy for me to accept. They mostly live in their own reality-distortion fields anyway. They can talk losses away, it's what they do. And, after all, it's rarely their money.

    I'm just amazed the people who actually do foot the bills tolerate it.

  18. Victor Salva was an up-and-coming genre director in the late 80's, was he working on anything before Clownhouse that was cancelled?

    1. I thought the same, but Something in the Basement (1986) starred the same child actor he molested while filming Clownhouse, and the blind really sounds like this happened during a first and only time the actor worked with him. And Clownhouse was finished.

  19. Danny Cooksey? He was a child star with one-off bits who now only does voice acting. Probbaly doesn't match uo, time wise.

    Chad Allen maybe?

    1. I don't think it's Chad. He has acting credits from 1984 to 2011, no major gaps.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I have nothing to say except POOR KID. Poor baby. I'm really really glad you had the guts to run away, even if they tortured you after. Good for you, kid. You're a survivor.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. +1 re: ability to do something about this now.
    1) It's up to the victims' willingness to come forward.
    2) Is there evidence or is it just "he said - s/he said", but also
    3) The statute of limitations has long run out on many of these, sadly.

    BTW, if you have difficulty seeing/reading it, highlight it.

  24. I not really interested in who the kid was - he's one of many. I AM interested in who the director, agent etc were. Those should be the reveals, if this is revealed. The scum needs to be at least outed, even if legal charges cannot be brought because of passage of time, statute of limitations etc etc.

    I want to know who the big as yet unrevealed kiddie fiddlers are so if still active, I never put one single penny toward supporting any of their projects past ever again.

    1. The only reason to figure out who the kid was is in order to use that info to determine who the predators were, and then out them here.

      For anyone who doubts that what is written here can make any difference, this is where the Kirk Douglas raping Natalie Wood allegations came from. We CAN get the word out.

  25. There' s no way Ricky Schroder wasn't abused himself.

  26. Trying to piece together genre directors of the 80s who were up and coming. John Hughes as I said had a few films in the 80s that didnt see the light of day. Other peoople that come to mind......zemeckis, levinson, dante, Deutch

  27. Anonymous12:34 PM

    ugh, I'm having a hard time figuring this one out. There are two possibilities I can think of in terms of the pervs and I still don't know if they work out:

    Prior to ET, Spielberg was working on a horror-oriented "sequel" to Close Encounters called Night Skies; it never got made and ideas for it eventually diverged to become ET and Poltergeist. It's possible SS was working on that, but it never got to production according to Wiki, so either any trace of getting to filming has been scrubbed or i am barking up the wrong tree.

    The other possiblity is "Sleepaway Camp 4: The Survivor" a 1992 sequel to the 91983 cult slasher film that never got finished. It was meant to bring back the first film's director Robert Hiltzik (not exactly upcoming by traditional standards -- he's done nothing outside of the SC films -- but maybe the writer thought he was up and coming at one point?) but ran out of money. The first film cast real teens in the roles, but I can't find any real casting news for this one. Howeer it is apparently finally coming out on DD this year at some point? Idk, these are just guesses.

  28. Tough one, I'm sure there was pleeenty stories like this...Very curious who was the director, producers and which studio.

  29. @La-Juice

    Its really hard to tell if any of these are true. Sure, some like James Franco and similar people have been confirmed afterward, but there theres some that don't reflect the actual situation. Like the Heather O'Rouke story. If one read the blind, and looks at the lawsuits and news outlets, then you can see there is no reflection to both parties. I think there are some sources that are telling their creepypastas to Enty, and its hard to tell who's legit or not

  30. @Melvin I thought Spielberg too but he was pretty established in the 80s. I think this blind would take place 1985-1990 purely by the timeline. Its someone who was trusted to churn out a hit by the studio and who had a enough weight to get away with what he did. I agree, this blind is hard to figure out. Just tiny bit more info and we could be getting something :/

  31. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Here's what we got: male actor, born in the mid 70s. Mistaken for Rick Shroder in The Champ around 6/7. That film came out in '79, so for it to be topical to audiences, this is probably around '79-'82 that he's getting mistaken. Gets agent year later, does nothing of importance for 6 years, when he becomes 13 Gets cast in a movie. Gets press for it. so this HAS to be somewhere between '85 and '88. He looked like Shroder at 7, got big film role at 13, The Champ came out in 1979, so give or take a few years, was born between 1972 and 1975, maaaybe '76 if we are stretching it.

    So, mid to late 80s movie. Never completed. Teen male star who had at least one tabloid scandal involving drugs at that time and pretty much disappeared. Film was made by a genre director -- so someone known for horror, scif, action ,fantasy ,etc...

  32. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Jesus doesn’t anyone fight for their life anymore? Eyes, throat, groin... viral areas. Especially the eyes. Jam your thumb in as hard as you can. Fuck rapists. If all rapists had one eye would everyone know the truth?

    1. @normal Comsudering he was a very young teen on his own with these three grown men and no secure guardian of any type, I’d say running near-naked into oncoming traffic very much counts as fighting for your life.

    2. You're a f**king idiot. Reason why boys/men don't feel able to talk a bout male sexual abuse is because of imbeciles like you. You freeze up, you're in shock. Educate yourself.

  33. I'm so sorry this happened to the writer of this blind. so many stories of kids being abused on set that I have to ask how ?? The set social worker is turning a blind eye? They are union, aren't they? Ugh I hate all this!!

  34. +100. I am horrified and stunned, once again. Theses monsters all need to get the larry nassar treatment. Life in prison. But Cosby is not in jail, Weinstein is not in jail, spacey is not in jail. When will we see actual justice for victims??? Blinds are a good start to get the truth out but where is justice?? And by justice I mean long jail sentences and no careers ever again, not staying holed up in Hilton like 'rehabs' with room service.

  35. The way I am reading this, I don't think you can guess the kid by looking at IMDB as this sounds like it would of been his first credit and there is nothing to indicate he acted again afterwards.

  36. @lurky it makes it difficult. thats why i am trying to start with up and coming genre directors who may have worked on a cancelled project. for some reason, i am thinking that because of this incident, knowledge of the movie has disappeared .

  37. LaJuice, totally empathize. Problem is, what are the police and prosecutors going to do about old cases with no physical evidence. And that's the good ones, the ones who haven't been paid off and are willing to risk their careers and safety to pursue justice. So no criminal ramifications.
    Next you have lawsuits, which require the victims to come forward and relive the torture and go toe-to-toe with very powerful people. Maybe the victims get paid, maybe they get what lives they're rebuilt destroyed. That takes a lot of courage and a lot of support.
    As far as shouting names in the public square, nobody seems to be willing to climb up on that cross for all the retaliation, legal and otherwise, that would come their way.

  38. So anyone can just send these in?

  39. I don't know much about Hollywood, but I read quite a bit about the priest molestation scandal that went on in the 70s-90s, because as it turned out, though I didn't know it at the time, I knew some people on both sides of it pretty well. I see some of the same patterns here, especially with authority figures, doctors, and even parents helping to cover things up. Sometimes they did it because they honestly didn't believe it was real, but other times they did believe it but thought making it quietly go away was the best thing for the child.

    In these cases where there's far more money involved, and an industry where everyone knows drugs are in the mix, it's very easy to believe doctors can be convinced to keep a "drug abuser" sedated -- or paid to pretend that's what they're doing.

    If any of this seems unbelieveable, it's not, because it's all happened before.

  40. So much for working today. Thought Wikipedia list of 1980s unfinished films would lead to the smoking gun, but none of the ones listed fit. You would think if it was a major studio that was so far along that they couldn't recast, it would be easy to figure out.

  41. Genre film that had a decent-sized PR push in pre-production but never got finished. It's the kind of thing that if you don't know it will take some actual research work.

  42. i hope this man can get justice somehow. Or at least peace of mind. I hope he is still able to see therapists to help him.

  43. Might 'Dancing Boy' be a big, big clue?
    An unfinished musical from 1986 or so?

  44. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Some genre films abandoned or not made during the late 80s:

    David Lynch's Ronnie Rocket (unknown if it made it to production)

    Jim Van Bebber's Chunk Blowers (with Skinny Puppy; made it to production, not completed)

    Charles Band's Pulsepounders (made it to production, not completed)

    1. I went to school with Jim Vanbebber. Go figgur.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.


  46. "There' s no way Ricky Schroder wasn't abused himself."

    It would explain a whole lot about his adult behavior and choices if Schroder was abused. He, like Aaron Carter, posed for cameras in a very...gosh how does one say this...provocative manner, I mean provocative to pedos. Both carried it into adulthood somewhat, too, and then tried to consciously eliminate the posing with the veneer of ultra-manhood, tattoos (in the case of Carter), or religion.

    Not to say that template is universal or accurate but it's interesting to note.

    Here are some of Schroder's charity endeavors -

    "Schroder is an active member of the National Rifle Association and is very active within children's charity circles. He is an auto racing enthusiast and a past winner of the Toyota Pro/Celebrity Race in Long Beach, California. He is also a supporter of Racing For Kids, in which celebrities race to raise money for children's health care. Schroder and his wife are active celebrity "Advocacy Ambassadors" for the child abuse prevention and treatment organization Childhelp. He is working with Paul Mitchell schools to build water wells in Guatemala via Wells of Hope. Schroder is active in support of the Cadet Youth Academy program.[citation needed]"

    Trying to save his past childhood self through saving current children?


    Take heart that the current abusers coming out will encourage others to go to the cops and/or expose the abusers much sooner after it happens. We can't downplay how much effect the US gymnasts have had on the world from inside their bubble of looking like perfect little tumbling dolls. If they were abused, anyone can be. Keep the support going, protect the victims, and those who are abused will start reporting it sooner and more loudly, I think.

  47. As far as the on-set social workers meant to monitor the kids, some are compromised, sure. On the other hand, what teen isn't thrilled to get away from someone whose job is to be his/her babysitter. Escaping the on-set minder must be a real game on sets with tons of kids. If another adult helps them do that, he must be a really cool guy, right?

  48. Im thinking the genre was horror. I don't know who the upcoming directors were at the time.

  49. Sam Raimi would have been starting to get popular then

  50. Why is everyone trying to guess? It was sent in... assuming it’s real, the guy says himself that his career was over before it really started.
    He isn’t giving any clues to anyone’s identity.
    Just the story.

  51. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Joseph Zito, who had already directed slasher films The Prowler and Friday the 13Th: PArt 4 was working on an adaptation of SpiderMan in 85/86...

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. So sad for this little boy (now an adult, of course). His story reminded me of the young 14 year old who ran half-naked out of Jeffrey Dahmer's house to get away from what JD started to do (rape him and drill a hole in his skull). The cops were called but returned the boy to JD's home because JD made up a story that it was a lover's spat, or something like that. The boy was so confused and afraid that he couldn't convey to the police the danger he was in. Thankfully "Dancing Boy" had a very lucky set of circumstances that followed to help him out of a terrible jam.

    As for the boy, I'm not interested to know who he is -- especially if he wants to keep his anonymity. However, I would LOVE to know who the perps were. I'm reallyyyyy hoping this blind turns into a reveal.


  54. Chris Hebert

    b. 1973, Fullerton, CA - filmography from 1983-1988

    "His acting career began when he was allowed to audition for a local theater production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream . . . Hebert got the part and through that summer production, he made connections to a professional agent who got him work in commercials and television before that summer even ended.

    1988 Dance 'Til Dawn (TV Movie) for the Dancing Boy title

    Chris had a fair number of bit parts in his 5 years of acting, so that doesn't fully match the blinds' description of "commercials, bit parts, and community theatre"

    "Hebert's acting career dwindled down during his high school years, an experience fueled by personal problems at home" so I haven't found material to further support the alleged breakdown.


    Dee Caspary

    b. 1975, Downey, CA, filmography 1984-1989/92

    **So You Think You Can Dance
    **Dancer for Paula Abdul, Tiffany, New Kids on the Block,

    Dee appeared in the short-lived NBC show "Hull High" as one of the many dancing students. It was there that he met Kenny Ortega, and he cast him in his directorial debut Newsies as Snitch

    Kenny Ortega

  55. Oh how I wish someone would gather current young adults and get them to smash the system by speaking out about their abusers! Anyone who's surivived abuse, uou are all so brave! We hear you! And we believe you!

  56. The actor likely won't even have imdb credits since he only did print, commercials, and local theater. I would think the way to find it is either through the director or somehow find info on a studio-backed film that was big enough to lose millions because it was canceled when a young actor was fired due to "bad behavior". As someone else pointed out the timeline is probably somewhere between 1986 - 1990.

    1. I checked out the lost film wiki for mid-late 80s genre film that was never finished, but nothing quite fit. I thought I had a good hit with the 87 adaptation of Stephen King’s Apt Pupil, but it turns out that one ACTUALLY starred Ricky Schroeder.

    2. Maybe it is Ricky Schroeder? Only some details are changed.

  57. Another angle would be too look through some teen mags from the 1980s and see if any of the cover names fit a career ended early, very early.

    God, I'm sure there is a Pinterest...

  58. @Beyond Kenny Ortega as the director and Disney as the studio is very interesting, he has a long history with Disney. Could be possible they made the movie but it was erased from history. Involves dancing of some sort and Kenny being a choreographer makes sense. He was a dancer turning into a director of musicals. He has been long suspected as being into underage boys. So, maybe there is a movie that was due to come out before or after News Boys

  59. Anyone wondering about Chad Allen - he goes under a different name now and is a good person doing good things with his life. He had some challenges, as these people do, but is now a healthy person who does good things in a healthy way for people who have their own struggles.

    Just wanted to throw that in there.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Thanks @filmfanb The timing is right with Kenny as the up and coming director.

    The writer of the letter doesn't seem to look forward to the prospect of the added "dance" scene, so that doesn't feel like a match for Dee, who's clearly an avid dancer.

    Who knows, maybe we'll save Kenny for another blind.

  62. What about Cary Guffey - 'Barry' from "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" (Spielberg, 1977)? Born in 1972, blonde cutie; last motion pictures were Mutant, and The Bear (both in 1984); left the industry for good in 1985 after the TV mini-series "The North and The South".

  63. He says that this movie that never came out is the first and only thing that he did besides print and commercials, so he essentially has zero credits. Actors that had some credits and then stopped working at that time wouldn't fit. Basically any actors with credits won't fit. The teen magazine would be another way to possibly find out, but if he doesn't have any credits, would he be on the cover or somewhere buried in the magazine?

    This is an interesting one because if it's real I wouldn't think it would be hard to track down, but nothing is coming up on canceled movie productions in the 1980s.

    1. He mentioned bit parts, but not whether they were TV or movies so there miiiight be some credits prior but none after.

      He also mentioned industry papers talking about the film’s cancellation. That would be a worthwhile avenue to check if anyone has university databases access. (Doubt most public libraries would pay for the depth of access needed to find full text mid-late 80s industry pubs).

  64. This would be about 1984, 1985. I'd look to an old 16 magazine of that time as they were more into the promo write up of unknowns.

    I believe that his reference to being a " dancing boy" is to a more recent horror that came to light after the US went into Afghanistan, the dancing boys who are dressed up like girls, ordered to dance and entertain the old shits who then rape them.

    This has gone on in that country for years.

    I hope this gentleman can get revenge on the guys who did this.

  65. If he was 7 years old in the "early 80s" then I'm guessing that could be anywhere between 1980 and 1984-ish?

    If he was 13 years old when this incident happened, then we are looking at late 1980s (perhaps 1986 - 1989-ish) that this flick production was canceled.

  66. Replies
    1. But Flight of the Navigator was completed and released.

      Plus he had a Peter Brady thing going on.

      ...He was definitely a "one and done" actor, though. I feel really awful for him if rapey pedo bs is the reason why; but it would make sense.

  67. And these despicable demons are gonna have a "peoples answer to Trumps STOTU"really?

  68. Someone with good sleuthing skills check out buzfeed forgotten heart throbs of the 80s and 90s

  69. I think the girl in the institution was Drew Barrymore and the time would be about 1988

  70. would be great to find all the Tiger Beat issues from 1988 and see the "upcoming" actors

  71. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I think I got a hit. Maybe. Robert Sutherland Telfer. Cast at at 13 in Saved By the Bell: The New Class (which shares a director with Rocky Road) with no prior credits, something enough to land big Teen Beat type profiles. Made it only 13 episodes before being canned for unknown byt rumored reasons. (Check out reason number 2 in the link.) Only other known credit, in the same year, was Dutch for the director of Crocdile Dundee. Maybe there is a long forgotten film in between?

    Absolutely NO online presence since. No information on him can be found.

  72. Hope he can find the strength to find an attorney. . You can be very sure there are hundreds of others, you are in a spot to make a difference and save some lives . Contact Ronan Farrow
    Remember seeing all the gymnast this week 148 young survivors spoke out- you could find some satisfaction .please reach out- you mat save a child that week
    Bless you and hopefully you have been able to integrate this experience into your life and not let it define you
    Reporting it could give you a great sense of emotional soothing
    We care,

  73. Hope he can find the strength to find an attorney. . You can be very sure there are hundreds of others, you are in a spot to make a difference and save some lives . Contact Ronan Farrow
    Remember seeing all the gymnast this week 148 young survivors spoke out- you could find some satisfaction .please reach out- you mat save a child that week
    Bless you and hopefully you have been able to integrate this experience into your life and not let it define you
    Reporting it could give you a great sense of emotional soothing
    We care,

  74. Upsetting read, but I'm glad this kid had the right instinct to get the hell out of there. A lot of kids are more trustworthy, that poor girl.
    I so understand now why most kid actors are so fucked up. Innocence is precious and people who compromise kids' innocence should be locked up for life or executed. The older I get, the more I believe in capital punishment.

    Speaking of dancing boys: the term comes from Afghanistan, where young boys, called dancing boys, are often dressed up as little girls (or not), and have to dance and then perform sexual favours for all sorts of disgusting men, from tribe elders to heroin drug lords, etc.
    One of those 'cultural' things that many soldiers suffer PTSD from when confronted with, and not allowed to 'handle'.

  75. @Jane: I'm sorry about your horrifying experience, and especially about having a mother like that. No kid deserves parents like this. I shudder.

  76. Chad Allen? He was living with Bryan Singer's convicted pedophile buddy when he was like 15. The buddy that left the country. They had a production company together. The Den, I think. The buddy's name is Marc Collins Rector. And in looking this up to refresh my memory, RDJ was in a movie with Chad back then.

    1. That was Chad Shackley, not Chad Allen!

  77. @nonya-bidness Please do not give yourself/this website/himmmm more credit than is due. The Kirk D. story has been around for many years- many years before CDAN came into existence.

    1. Hey dumba$$, try reading. I never took credit for anything. And whether or not that rumor was around, it was its posting HERE by enty and himmmm and the resulting posts and traffic and tweets that garnered the attention on the story, and cdan and himmmm were specifically mentioned in the reference.

      So go back to adding no value and smearing people who did not live with pedos. Reading comprehension really isn't your wheelhouse.

  78. I think you will find that the guilty do everything they can to sue and discredit people. It's up to the victims to out these people because they know 100% of the truth. This site can only help to bring awareness to disgusting behaviour that is presumably already being discussed elsewhere... Or there isn't enough information for justice, which is more disappointing than odd.

  79. @ The Writer of this blind-Thank you for having the courage to share your story.

    @ Hunter- Thank you for telling us about Chad Allen.

  80. Director: Tobe Hooper (famous for horror genre - Texas Chainsaw Massacre)

    Movie: The Funhouse (1981).

    Actor: Shawn Carson

    Photo: He's a brown-haired Ricky Schroder.

  81. Good find @Lion's Den

    Shawn's last film credit: Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983) looks like it was a fairly major production. Directed by Jack Clayton and produced by Walt Disney from a screenplay by Ray Bradbury. So, even though its his last film, it doesn't quite fit the writer's description of his "gigs" up until "The Job."

    I like the guess, though, cute kid who does look like Ricky. Not sure Tobe Hooper would be up and coming at that time. He began directing in 1969.

  82. What a bunch of shit.

  83. @Beyond EMF:

    Thanks. Hooper wasn't really "mainstream", mostly had cult status/following with "TCM."

    With the rise and financial success of "slasher" films in the late 70's/early 80's, I think "The Funhouse" was Hooper's 1st mainstream theatrical movie.

  84. brian svuris maybe, a critic compared him to a young rick schroeder lookalike, he has 2 credits on imbd, 1 is tv

  85. oops brian svrusis

  86. Just a guess...

    Joey Cramer was born in 1973 and looked like a brown haired Ricky Schroder. His name is also similar to Joey Kramer (drummer for Aerosmith). Lots of legal issues later in life.

    IMDB: Joey Cramer was born on August 23, 1973 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada as Deleriyes August Joe Fisher Cramer. His debut was in the Sci-Fi movie Runaway (1984), directed by Jurassic Park (1993)'s writer, Michael Crichton. 1986 was his most successful year after having a brief role as young Broud, in The Clan of the Cave Bear (1986), as the son of Scott Bakula in the Disney TV movie Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color: I-Man (1986), and being the main star in another Sci-Fi movie, Flight of the Navigator (1986), directed by Randal Kleiser (Grease (1978)'s director), at the same time that he appeared in a double episode from the TV series Murder, She Wrote (1984). In 1987, after appearing in Stone Fox (1987), he ceased acting in order to continue his studies. Eventually he back to cinema in 1996, in a brief and uncredited role in It's My Party (1996).

  87. @nonya If you respond to someone, it might help addressing them.

    "...this is where the Kirk Douglas raping Natalie Wood allegations came from. We..."

    No, this (CDAN/himmmm) isn't where the allegations originally came from. "We", I took to mean CDAN as a collective- author (s) and commenters, and was correct in doing so. Since when is it "smearing" someone by saying they lived with someone else? It's certainly not an accusation. If that's the case, this entire website is smearing people, and more, 24/7.

    My reading comprehension is just about perfect.

  88. @nonya Meant to ask: garnered attention from who? Because that blind came out in 2012 and as far as I know no crime has been punished because of it.

  89. From the continuation of this blind on Jan 28 I believe the dancing boy is set to play the joker or his lover. Leonardo di Caprio is talked about as the lead role. He could be the Ricky look-alike. He didn't have any acting credits until 1989 and nothing to get noticed much until 1991 with family ties. He was 13 in 1987/1988 so that would be when the scrapped movie was starting and ended production. Just a guess considering that the 2nd blind seems to refer to the joker movie.

  90. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Major issues with this blind.

    My Google-Fu is pretty tight.

    I can find zero references to any teen actors reported to have attempted suicide in this way in the 80's. I also can't find any records of a movie canceled because an actor attempted suicide.

    I know Enty fudges details, for plausible deniability and to protect sources, but those are the two key facts of the blind. Fudge those, you've got nothing.

    The blind is super clear: he got ONE part in ONE movie, that movie was canceled, and he did NOT work again. So any guess involving an actor who continued to work in TV and film has to be wrong...unless, again, that fact's been fudged too. (At that point, the blind literally becomes "young actor filmed in underpants then locked up so he wouldn't tell and it never got reported anywhere by anyone".)
