Friday, January 26, 2018

Blind Item #9

This A list director who is staying in the shadows has coughed up some money for an accused friend. The director is paying the legal bills of that disgraced former rep who funneled young talent to the director to exploit.


  1. Replies
    1. Former rep is the Corey Feldman guy -Weismann?

  2. Singer and Alphy Hoffman

  3. It's definitely Singer, the rep could be anyone. Marty Weiss seems to be in deep shit.

  4. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Bryan Singer

    Tyler Grasham

  5. It is shocking to me that the Gary Goddard story hasn't gotten more press. A big name accuser - Anthony Edwards - describing abuse of multiple underage boys by a man who designs Disney parks!
    With other victims publicly supporting Edwards' accusations!

    Nothing on CNN, nothing in the NYT (other than a blurb update to an earlier story). I suppose because the entertainment companies also own the news businesses now, it is even easier for them to bury damaging stories.

    1. Front page on the LA Times and Goddards dirty deeds. Feel so sorry for the young man who has since passed away from HIV

    2. Excellent point - where is the big press?!

  6. Could also be Tyler Grasham for the agent. He represented kid actors and was recently fired by APA after multiple accusations of sexual assault.

    According to an article on written by one of their victims, Grasham credited Singer with "helping launch his career".

  7. The agent is probably Grasham, but Singer seems to be laying low calculating this will all blow over, and although reporters and journalists claim to be pit bulls when it comes to uncovering abuses of power, they seem to be letting Singer skate. Goddard was part of his gang, as was Spacey, now Gresham.

    You'd think someone would be trying to connect the dots.

  8. Bryan Singer & Tyler Grasham

    LAPD has been corrupt for decades.

    They don't care if you rape children, as long as its not THEIR children!

  9. The only reason Singer is bankrolling Grasham is so Grasham will keep his mouth shut.

    See, there are deals and pleas to be made. If Grasham spilled on even one of his ped0 buddies, the whole domino effect could happen since ped0philes are friends with other ped0philes for protection/cover. They all have direct on each other, so of course, mouths keep shut.

    After Spacey being interviewed by the FBI for visiting the island and said it was to relax - lying to an FBI agent is a felony, in ANY setting. Only can hope he will be visited again....

  10. Singer coughing up money for Gary Goddard since Anthony Edwards and more revealed him to be a scumbag rapist pederast.

  11. Seriously - a hidden camera on some bait and get these guys in jail. Otherwise you are dependent on multiple victims all coming forward and not being paid off or bullied or derailed through lengthy and expensive litigation. 2018! Investigative journalists should be all over this.

  12. Where is Chris Hansen to save us?

  13. Think Singer will come out of hiding when he runs out of money?

  14. Since cynicism is so ugly, no matter how accurate it's projections end up being, let's hope that the reason the press is being silent on this is because the FBI has flipped someone - Goddard or Grasham - to squeal on a whole Hollywood and Corporate network of pedophiles.

    Do we know if the FBI is even involved with any of this? Could we know if the FBI wanted to keep their involvement on the QT?

    I really hope they are involved because every PD in the vicinity of LA is thoroughly compromised to the power of Hollywood at this point.

  15. I told one of my younger friends to keep his mouth shut unless he wants to end up dead so there's that. He is and was friends with many of the names we discuss often.

  16. Singer won't run out of money. His convicted pedophile buddy has been out of the country for years now. I'd say he'll follow suit if push comes to shove.

  17. Was Edwards around when Michael Egan III was in court against Goddard? It might have helped, assuming Egan was a victim and not just some guy reading blind items.
