Saturday, January 20, 2018

Blind Item #4

I don't know where he gets them, but this A-/B+ list actor who all of you know and spends most of his time doing television does take steroids. I'm not sure why he bothers to deny it. A lot of actors get steroids and HGH legally from doctors which are much more willing to take a chance on steroid prescription writing than opioids. 


  1. Matt LeBlanc. He has that look of straining in his suits all the time without being overweight.

  2. This is not a blind enty. It was already publicly known yesterday. Him, Wahlberg, Roman Reigns. They aren't athletes so I don't care if they use help to get fit for work. no different than implants, botox, etc.

  3. Josh Duhamel does mostly TV? I don't think so.

  4. Dated lots of steroid gym rats. If you want bacne,erection issues and rage issues, alrighty then..

  5. Ryan Phillippe in Shooter.

  6. +1
    Definitely. Many denials and he’s way to anxious to show off his nak s torso— in the snow💁🏻🤷‍♀️

    1. Also had roid rage-ish attack on an ex GF I think

  7. This was a headline yesterday - Duhamel, Wahlberg and another I forget. Probably most of the industry too. They probably write it off as a business expense.

  8. Anonymous12:06 PM

    This could literally be half of Hollywood. Or half of the US. Average dudes on the street are getting steroids and HGH on the regular, any of the roided out dudes at the gym can tell what doctors to go to, or what dealers.

  9. May I just take a moment to do a PSA against testosterone for men. That stuff is bad news. My hubby had beads implanted, it was six months of living with a crazy ass person I didn’t know. It took us a couple of years to get over the emotional damage. My sweet gentle hubs still lives with the guilt of some of the truly horrible things he did.

  10. There are 60 and 70 yr old actors on HGH. There are 60 and 70 yr old FRIENDS of actors and restaurant owners on HGH. It's an amazing drug. If you can afford to do it, I have zero problem with it.

  11. Anonymous1:55 PM

    The testostrone fad is getting on my last nerve, don't even get me started. Mention that I'm feeling wiped at the end of the week, "Hurrr, you must have low testosterone, soyboy!" Shut up, already.

  12. Tricia 13 - yummy

  13. Agree with Tricia. Saw pic of him recently. His body has hallmarks of rods especially at his age.

  14. If it's Ryan Phillipe he needs to up his dosage, he still is skinny

  15. Ryan P does not need steroids. I think another blind about him insinuated possible meth or coke problem. Hope it's not true! I know body builder who did this and dropped dead from massive heart attack.

  16. Christian Bale for Batman working out 5 hours a day
    With fingers crossed

  17. pretty much anyone in North America over the age of 40(and often times under) can get trt or hormone replacement therapy legally.

    despite what ignorant people think you can't just sit on your ass and become a muscled marvel with them, plus not every person that takes them will become "huge"

    Alot of older actors have been on them for over 40 plus years(not straight, well maybe in a few cases)

    Top amateur and pro sports they are pretty much a given
    And alot of the older men(and women) in politics are on hormones as well

    These comedians said it best, billburr on oprah/lance armstrong interview nails it 100%

  18. Zac Efron DEFINITELY uses steroids it is so silly his fans do not want to believe it. To have that level of muscle definition is NOT just due to hard work. Why lie? I also suspect Jake Gyllenhaal, and Dwayne Johnson have used steroids as well. The guy who plays Thor probably uses them to. MANY male actors use steroids but like the blind says they are monitored by a doctor. They use just enough and then stop using.

  19. Sylvester Stallone tried to bring them into Australia a few years ago and was charged by customs for importing an illegal drug.

  20. Josh Duhamel as interviewed by TMZ at the airport about the roids and he said, "do i look like i do steroids?" not exactly a denial, but really hope he stays healthy.

  21. hate to hear that about Duhamel and Wahlberg, but I get it. If I was a gym rat, I would be doing them too.

  22. seems like male counterpart to girls and fillers and Botox , the illusion that somehow that improves appearance but when overdone it is incredibly and painfully obvious. plus don't steroids funk with your manhood. it's kinda like gift of the magi to chicks that are attracted to that, you can bed him but CK thyself cause he can't get it up then it will lead to rage and all the drama but then shallow girls don't really enjoy sex do they? they like idea of it or being able to babble/belittle to their girlfriends, they aren't truly in it to win it or they wouldn't be so trite to begin with. fake moaning as biff crumples atop them and then make plans for subsequent visit? (insert nancy kerrigans whyyy)

  23. When males do steroids their pp shrinks up. I worked in an ICU and if they require an ICU they typically have had an MI(heart attach) and historically, most die.
    I don't believe Duhamel is on steroids, but I've never seen him without being all covered up (aha! maybe hiding it). But I called out Whalberg being on them for a couple years now.

  24. It's been so long since he went Hollywood that I had totally forgotten that Duhamel did steroids. Anyone who knew him from AMC can see that, because his natural build is incredibly lanky. I remember him talking about Cameron Mathison volunteering as his trainer, but still not being able to gain bulk. Then he leaves NYC for LA, and within a year he pops up in Vanity Fair totally buff despite having a broken leg.

  25. You don't really need to "suspect." Any of the actors doing superhero movies (and likely half of Hollywood is trying to get in one before the fad dies) are taking some kind of PED. Hell, one of the superhero movies is ABOUT the HERO taking a PED. They have to work out and diet, but none of them are going to get that big that quickly, lose the size, and then bulk up again for the next film without them.

    It's hard enough gaining that kind of muscle in your 20s. Imagine trying to do it regularly at 40.

  26. There are always exceptions to a rule, and Terry Crews may be one of those guys with the kind of genes Trump tells his doctors to lie about. He doesn't show any of the signs of a person who has been on the drugs for a long time, his face/head looks pretty much the same.
