Saturday, January 20, 2018

Himmmm Blind Item #1

Recently this barely hanging on to A- list still not old enough to drink mostly movie actress defended this frequent sexual assaulter who masquerades as a television actor/comedian to others in private over his long-ranging string of accusations. Why? And how could she have been in a movie with him, much less that particular story? According to her, because that was mild compared to what she's seen on casting couches herself.  Plus, she said, when he did that thing in front of her that he did to others? She thought it was "kind of cute and pretty funny really – and besides, at least he didn't try to stick it in me". Yikes.  Makes you cringe just thinking of what she's had to endure.


  1. Chloe Moretz/Louis CK?

  2. Replies
    1. Film that was shelved called” I love you Daddy”...?ohoh blatant irony😞

  3. Elle Fanning? Just throwing in.

  4. Chloe Moretz/Louis CK.

    "much less that particular story" is the key line since i love you daddy was basically a movie about his sexual assaults.

  5. +1 Tricia. This one's prosecutable, no? Or was she over 18 when they were filming?

    1. I haven’t the foggiest @just sayin! I think she was 18... it was a rando guess based on descriptors... man,remind me to petition to keep it shelved!

  6. I remember her from Kick-Ass and had to see when she worked with Louis. she was 20-ish, not a kid. What he's done is gross and so fkn pervy, but masturbating in front of a 20 year old is much much much different than if she was a child. I'm not defending Louis CK, but while he had a problem keeping his hands out of his pants, at least he kept them to himself.

  7. I’m endlessly fascinated by the degree to which sexual misconduct has become normalized in the entertainment industry. I remember once casting for a short film I was making. It was unpaid and I was (and remain) a nobody. Yet women kept showing up in slinky outfits and uttering double entendres.

    The father of the lead thought nothing of letting me pick up his daughter, drive her to the set (my house) an hour away, then drive her home again late at night. Nothing happened but I was upset by how unprotected she was. She was fifteen.

    How did this become normal?

  8. @Tricia13 on the nose. I don't think we've heard the worst about LouisCK. Remember his standup routines rationalizing pedophiles on SNL?

    1. Yep.
      What a knee slapper😒
      Maybe he should try that routine in San Quentin😉

    2. Have you got a link? Really need to see that. He seems like a Savile type (not saying he fucks kids) but joking about things he has been accused of is pretty ballsy.

  9. Someone gave me a copy but I can't bring myself to watch it. It may be shelved, but it's all over the internet.

  10. "She thought it was "kind of cute and pretty funny really – and besides, at least he didn't try to stick it in me". Yikes. Makes you cringe just thinking of what she's had to endure."

    It seems that the "endure" part does not refer to CK jerking off in front of her, but to all the other stuff that must have happened with others, which puts the jerking off in perspective.

    And sure if she says it wasn't that terrible, why not believing her? Certainly
    someone pulling it out and masturbating in front of you is comparably tolerable, at least in the world of Hollywood.

    I mean, you might get to see it done to you on the street when a freak walks up to you, right? and you certainly are not going to run to your friends yelling "I was raped!" or letting this sad thing ruin your life, right? I mean, if you are still a person and not walking dead brainwashed virtue signaling social network addicted SJW of course.

    Yet, the fact that CK did it to her too is totally creepy. Basically this guy has done it with every female he's been in a room with? That really sounds like a major sickness.

  11. Whoa, I just read the plot of that movie "I love You Daddy". Written and directed by Louis C.K. He basically gave himself away.

  12. What business are they allegedly partners in?

  13. "...kind of cute and pretty funny really..." A withering dismissal and probably not the intended effect he had in mind. Ouch.

  14. This guy is a creep, but I think she handled this particular situation well. If that's all he did, I wouldn't bother to make such a big deal out of it either. Because I don't know, I'm not smart, how normally should a girl react in such situation? I'm trying to figure out what's "a right thing" here. It's a tough one, especially when it's work place.

  15. I just downloaded "I love you daddy" and watched the first 20 minutes. At minute 18 Charlie Day simulates masturbating in the office in front of people for a good 30 seconds.

    Basically what these people have learned from Woody Allen is to use the industry to air their perversions or secrets so that they can tell herself that they're being honest to the world? On one hand it is one of the ways art works, sure. On the other -- this 20 minutes hardly look like art and this is no "Manhattan".

  16. The guy’s no George Clooney
    Picturing him with his junk in his hand
    How could she NOT laugh hysterically
    and bolt from the room?

  17. Louis C.K. is an example of why there needs to be at least two if not three levels of "sex offenders" in the whole #metoo movement. What he did was inappropriate and in some cases I think some of the women were directly in a business relationship with him, making it workplace misconduct sorta. But it's not rape, he didn't touch anyone and in most instances that were made public he asked for their consent. Creepy, inappropriate, deserves to be reprimanded publicly but definitely not on the same level as Weinstein.

    Does a person become so rich and famous that even when the other person consents to the sexual act, it's not consent because a person is too rich and famous? IF you become too rich and famous are you stuck with a sex doll because virtually no one else is capable of giving consent even though they consent because of the power disparity? I don't know the answer to that. (Disclaimer: i'm not rich or famous and never liked Louis C.K.)

  18. Came here to say it was "I love you Daddy" or whatever that shit was called. As a former LCK fan, what the fuck happened to you man?

  19. @MattDaddy,
    It used to normal that actresses (and some actors) were prostitutes. If you go back far enough, entertainers of all stripes were usually slaves or the very lowest of free people, with a few higher born artists thrown in because there have always been people drawn to the artistic side of it. I don't think it was until the Victorian era that some artists tried to make acting more respectable.

    In the '50s the studios used to put B-listers of both sexes to work in brothels when they weren't busy on set. (Source: a bio of Howard Hughes - I can't remember which one. The author cited letters someone wrote to someone else at the time describing the scene.) And of course B-list actresses were expected to be escorts in the '30s (e.g. Joan Crawford).

    So what's happening is that sexual misconduct is becoming less normalized.

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  21. Louis C.K. is a sick f*ck and people need to stop acting as if his actions were not as vile as they are. He is f*cking deranged. Seriously. Sick in the f*cking head.
    Just because he didn't rape anyone does not make it less of a crime. They are many ways to skin a cat, this guy is just as dangerous as HW and KS, just dangerous in a different way, not a lesser way.

  22. @ChamomilePee (and anyone else who wants to see just how creepy Louis CK actually is) --

    Here's Louis CK joking about pedophiles on SNL. The relevant material starts at about 5:45:

    Here's Louis CK joking about pedophilia on his sitcom:

    As we all know, he joked a lot about compulsively jacking off too. Interesting.

  23. DDonna -- thanks for posting. CK's jokes don't even make sense. Like if child rape was downgraded to the level of outrage we feel for male on female rape, more kids would be returned alive. Like serial rapists of women leave their victims alive as witnesses. So should we just not prosecute any rape so victims can't testify? This is what this man spends his time thinking about.

  24. This is the PROBLEM with the Me Too Movement they want to BURN men by the stake. It is like the Salem Witch Trials. I actually AGREE with Chloe Moretz here. Louis CK ASKED ALL THE WOMEN PRIOR to jerking off for CONSENT. He did NOT TOUCH any of the women! So I don't see it as sexual assault or even sexual harassment. What Louis CK did of course is inappropriate but the BS online by some feminists is PATHETIC! Chloe Moretz has the right attitude so Louis CK is a bit kinky and weird. But to try to make it seem like Louis CK is a sexual predator is BS!

  25. Sounds like most Woody Allen movies... Joking about child abuse or defending someone guilty of such a thing is suspect.

  26. Thank you posters for the info re I Love You Daddy.

    You watched it so I don’t have to.

    1. what is the mindset of a dude that just unzips his pants and rubs one out in casual conversation? and not just CK didn't Harvey do that too. and be able to finish? wtf . you'd think afterward he'd feel all weird and shamed but no he kept it up on multiple occasions. is it for the shock value? must be some sort of quirk within because how do you even do that a second ,third ,eighth time? ..far beyond seductively trying on clothes in the fitting room when you know Someone is watching 😏

  27. Oh Enty, you used a "dash/hyphen!" We're making progress, dahling.

  28. @Orville is correct. To quote Louis CK's ex-girlfriend Laura Silverman (Sara's sister), what he does is gross and creepy, but not criminal. His entire stand-up comedy persona/career has been built around the premise of how self-aware he is of his own pathetic nature. He has a compulsion that is inappropriate and unacceptable in normal social situations, but to try to group him in with actual predators/rapists like Weinstein & Spacey is just preposterous.

    And for what it's worth, I've seen "I Love You, Daddy", and I actually thought it was a pretty good movie. One of the things that's great about it is that it doesn't play it safe--it takes chances, and dares to make the audience uncomfortable by challenging us to think and engage with subject matter that is typically either agreed-upon or "off limits". This, by the way, is what all true artists do with their work. I wouldn't go so far as to say "I Love You, Daddy" is a masterpiece, but it is an accomplished piece of writing and filmmaking that deserves to be seen and engaged with, rather than sneered at.

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  30. @J.D. Jones: Oh, hey Louis, hi! Whom do you masturbate with these days?

    @DDonna and Just sayin: I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out CK was a pedophile, just because it's Hollywood. In which case, I'd be relieved to see him in a condition not to harm anybody any longer.

    That said, it seems to me that the point of that joke and what makes it potentially funny is HOW ABSURD is the argument he is making in defense of pedophiles. So saying that it doesn't make sense or that it is absurd as if to demean it means you are just not getting the joke.

    It remains that the topic is morbid and I don't get why would anybody focus on that rather than trying to spread some love. There's too many CK jokes about harming children, and he's not the only one doing that. Basically all of comedians do it (cannot forget the cringey, scary ending of an otherwise funny show by Ricky Gervais centering on the murder and rape of a little girl), and it really is something that has to stop because it's like a little poison poured into people's mind dressed with some laughter. It's awful.

  31. Okay, but the question remains: who casting couched Chloe? The other answers are obvious.
    It's the previous predators that need to be outed.

  32. So let's unpack all of this a bit.

    Who else has Chloë Grace Moretz worked with, particularly before she was of legal age? Well, we've got Martin Scorsese, in "HUGO" (a movie I love, but.....), the same Marty who cast an under-aged Jodie Foster as a teen hooker in "Taxi Driver."

    Chloë also worked with Tim Burton and Johnny Depp on "Dark Shadows." That movie looks like a rogue's gallery to me, but whatever.

    Chloë's breakout role was the foul-mouthed super-assassin Hit Girl in both ultraviolent "Kick Ass" movies, beginning at the age of 13. As well as starring as a teen in the "Middleschool Date" segment of the reprehensible "Movie 43," which is possibly the worst film ever made and includes segments devoted to necrophilia, pedophilia, rape and child murder, all played for "laughs."

    She also had a big role in Antoine Fuqua's "The Equalizer," as a teenage prostitute.

    One of her first not-TV film roles was Steven Seagal's "Today You Die." She was 8. Her very first film role was "Heart of the Beholder," a film that vilified Christians who protested "The Last Temptation of Christ."

    At the age of 13, Teen magazine called her "The busiest actress in Hollywood."

    @ancoranonhocapito -- Ricky Gervais is another one to put on the "watch list," IMHO. His only theatrical film as writer/director is "The Invention of Lying," which is a two hour rationalization for why "lying is good!" and plays like something the devil would make. Cast includes Louis C.K. and Jeffrey Tambor in key roles. Another rogue's gallery cast that sure makes you wonder about Jennifer Garner's spotless image.

    The more I dig into all this, thanks to this amazing site and others, the more I think it's possible--nay, probable--that nearly everybody in Hollywood is beyond dirty, and anybody with a name above the title should be considered a criminal instead of merely deeply broken narcissists. I hope I'm wrong.

  33. Ashley Judd and James Franco

  34. @J.D. Jones said: "what he does is gross and creepy, but not criminal." Indecent exposure is criminal, and if a non-celebrity stranger did this to a woman, she would likely immediately contact law enforcement. Indecent exposure can escalate to sexual assault, so this behavior should not be laughed off or minimized. Moretz needs to educate herself regarding women's issues to better protect herself if she continues in this industry. If she can't see the harm and only measures it according to the worst behavior in the industry, it will only continue. I'm looking forward to seeing some actual reforms to prevent all of this behavior in the future, instead of the usual speechifying and posturing.
