Sunday, January 14, 2018

Blind Item #7 - The Church's New Investment

Apparently The Church is finding it more difficult to bring in children the way they have in the past. That elusive head of the Church has donated tens of millions of dollars to research against diseases, many of which adversely affect third world countries. It was during this process of trying to eradicate a disease that one of the scientists created a pathogen which can kill swiftly and effectively. When the head of The Church heard about it, he agreed to test it on a village in a country that was friendly to bribes. It worked really well. It killed an astonishing number of people which were mainly adults. The children of the adults were 30-40 miles distant at a boarding school. Now, with no parents, they needed to be adopted. The Church, along with more bribes to the government had a great way to get large numbers of children quickly.

With that success, they decided to try it again, but this time, the villagers didn't stay in place as they had before and some traveled to a neighboring village. The next thing you know, it has now started spreading to different countries and killing people faster than they can create cover stories. Look for them to spread the rumor it is an Ebola outbreak to give themselves a chance to destroy the evidence of what they did.

It wouldn't shock me if they come forward with a cure and make hundreds of millions of dollars. That might bring too much publicity for them though. Even they would have tough time watching thousands of people die though wouldn't they?


  1. I dont even want to live in a world where this cld be true!

  2. Now when we say "The Church" on CDAN, do we mean Scieno? Or is it that new one, Hillsong? I always assume Scieno, but is it established that that's what it means in ENTY speak?

    1. "The Church is finding it more difficult to bring in children the way they have in the past"

      Refers to "The Church" blind posted on December 12, 2017

      "The church I am referring to is not Scientology. This is a church that was founded just a couple of years ago in northern Arizona. Why this particular location? It is remote..."

      "What they also got though are three things they treasure most of all. Number one was the built in security from the other very secretive religion in the area throughout the town, which was very open to the idea when they saw the very large check. Number two they had the ability to integrate hundreds of children into a community that seemingly has nothing but endless supplies of children. Finally, they were coming to a community where no one looks down on anyone who has sex with teens and tweens."

    2. The "established religion" is the Fundamental Latter Day Saints who own the border towns of Colorado City. AZ
      and Hildale UT.

      The demographics of the towns (nicknamed Short Creek) skew very young due to openly practiced polygamy and child brides (50% of the town is younger than 15!)


      THE CHURCH: Dream City Church (founded 2 years ago when two ASSEMBLY of God megachurches combined in PHX AZ.

      ---sister church is Dream City LA.
      ---has 160 locations worldwide
      ---operates 2 female only sex trafficking rehabs (1 in Short Creek AZ)
      ---operates many other drug/alc/sex rehabs "Dream centers"
      ---founder Tommy Barnett has history of cult associations and hiring sex abusers as pastors in church ministry

      Secret Funding source is David Geffen who owns Dream City Records, a Christian label imprint that's a part of DreamWorks SKG

      "Trinity" referenced in original blind is TRINITY Broadcasting Network.

      "Dream Center" in Romania is the source of EASTERN EUROPEAN teens

      "Religious worker visas" (i-360) are the immigration loopholes that allow churches to import "pastors"/slave labor

      I-360 program has been repeatedly renewed due to congressional amendments introduced by UT senator, FLDS apologist and LDS member ORRIN HATCH

    4. Or I could be mistaken

      In this blind, enty refers to "The Church" in uppercase

      In the 12/12/17 blind it is "the church" lowercase.

      In the 12/12/17 blind he was very careful to say it "was not Scientology"

    5. Good detective work!

    6. Good detective work!

  3. Read about this yesterday:

  4. Is this the vaccine immune virus traveling throughout the world these days? It's all New Yorkers are talking about. Hospitals in the US are running out of beds and patients are triple parked in the ER. THAT virus? Does it have a name?

  5. Chan, zuckerberg were the biggest contributor that I'm
    Aware of recently.. but that doesn't fit

  6. This blind is linked to the previous "The Church" blind, right?

  7. Sorry, Roxy. Didn't see your comment before I typed this. Thank you for answering my question. Don't your eyes bleed with Ebola? Worst Karma Ever: Julian Assange has been living in a tiny room at the Ecuadorian Embassy for years. He finally gets out, catches the virus within 5 hours and....

    1. He's already dead. Dead man's switch already happened.

      I'm not surprised by this blind AT All. Don't trust all those recommended injections either, funded by the same 'leaders'.

  8. This reminded me of what recently happened in Madagascar

    1. Madagascar regularly has Plague outbreaks though.

  9. And I was just reading this story this morning. Could this be it???

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. That is fascinating, @Nutty!

    2. That plague started in Asia and came west through trade routes. It would make no sense that it only altered Europeans.

  11. You mean the Church in Rome, or?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Lots of interesting stories about an usual outbreak of a strain of the plague that moved from Madagascar to mainland Africa. Lots of deaths. Is this it?

    1. WHO thought they had it contained to the island of Madagascar but it jumped over to the continent and it spreading.

  14. Omg this is terrible. Schneiderisnext should be here to let us know!

  15. This is not SciO,Hillsong,or Roman Catholic, it refers to the CDAn blind about a church connected to human trafficking, possibly connected too Geffen,among others.

  16. Bill Gates/ Mark Zuckerberg

  17. @Alexandria Anna,for a newcomer,you are very good at picking these things up. I wish some of the others would do the same ,Instead of bringing in the lynch mob to remove people who have been here for ten years. And quite sure you are right.

    1. I understand what u mean. The new trendy kids kill the mood.

  18. When I think nothing can surprise me anymore, they start killing people with biological weapon. I wonder what's next. And it's all still linked to Hollywood.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Thank You Guesser, I'm doing my best, but I wish I could help more. You're doing great job as well!

  21. It sounds like a made up story, unfortunately, there is probably a lot of truth to it. Very likely,a disease that was created to be weaponized.


    This from October...


  24. This is beyond evil! However, I don't think it's Hillsong. Brian Houston isn't exactly elusive. Neither is the Pope, so I don't think it's the RC. I'm going with Scient*****.

  25. Co$? Hillsong? Church of Satan? Thomas Church?

  26. Evidence is...? Please let authorities know.

  27. I've read most of the blinds here and this is in my top 10 most unlikely. Maybe top 5. There's so many ways it doesn't make basic sense.

  28. For what it's worth...Enty usually uses "organization" when referring to Scientology, so I think they can be ruled out here...

  29. @nutty, that's fascinating, thanks!

    I came across this article in my searches, apparently LDS has been a presence in Madagascar since the early '90s, could it be them?

  30. THe LDS church has a presence all over the world for years and years. Seriously, they're everywhere so it doesn't make sense that it's them.

  31. Sounds like the plot of a book I’m reading called Pandemic by A. G. Riddle. I hope it’s not true, but fear that it is even partially.

  32. Sounds like utter bullshit to me.

  33. Guesser: Alexandria Anna is a long-time poster using a new name. Hmm. Wonder who she is?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Refer to the former blind. Its connected.

  35. I might point out that the plague in Madagascar is killing 8% of those affected, not EVERY! SINGLE! ADULT!. And if Dr. Evil created a new pathogen that kills everyone immediately, it wouldn't be identified as plague, which comes from fleas.

    Enty, stay away from science. You have zero idea what's you're talking about.

  36. I don't have time to read all the comments on the original The Church blind. Do they have a pretty good idea who it is now? It shouldn't be too hard to link them to Madagascar.

    1. Its a web with many branches. Many. The church is Trinity, formerly of Seattle.

    2. Respectfully disagree, Scottsdale is central AZ, and the Blind clearly indicates Northern AZ

      The remote, ethnically white community in AZ is Short Creek AZ.

      The Church is more likely Dream City/Dream Center (with a location in Short Creek AZ)

      ^my supporting research

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Authorities know. The Church is protected. The Feds however are eating away. American pedophile minister was indicted 1/10 for his role in Hatian child trafficking. Just a skip and a jump to Silsby, Penn, loads of others, and the Clintons. All of these Pedos are connected.

  39. I mean why not just give the adult villagers CANCER INJECTIONS like the last ridiculous blind? Because there's some shortage of orphan children in the world?

  40. Boo - I think you are referring to the flu virus that is now circulating heavily in the Northeast (H3N2). The flu shot was not very effective against that strain this year.

  41. I love how every blind now devolves to the Clintons.

    "This B-list take what she can get washed up politician is seeking to increase her body count. She's having cancer injected into her rivals, which also means their teen daughters are then orphans which are adopted by the Clinton Foundation and are then molested by her A-list seen better days politican husband."

  42. Everything is being laundered through the Dairy Queen nextdoor to The Meadows.
    World plagues created by The Church as part of a child sex trafficking ring is way too far down the rabbit hole for my lazy Sunday afternoon. I already started wondering if the missile crises in Hawaii was done to get everyone indoors because They feared a possible contamination risk or biological attack.
    I owe my brain some rest today. Somehow Shelley Long is connected though. She's the key to it all.

    1. I agree with everything you just said

    2. Remember when Ted Danson wore “black face?” I bet it was a signal for Shelly to pull the trigger.

    3. Anonymous5:36 AM

      The signal was actually Terry Bradshaw doing the “I have shingles” commercial

  43. "This A+ list high-ranking rich Jewish aristocrat was recently killed in a air collision over his home, despite claims to the contrary. He owned a large house in New Orleans in which the most dangerous game is performed for sport by this A-list seen better days politician and his B-list take what she can get politician wife. Along with Morrissey of course, who personally created a deadly pathogen to kill off the remaining members of the Smiths in the New Orleans residence and use their teen daughters for human sacrifice, after they've been molested by the politician."

    1. @Krab Your parody writing caused me to chuckle.

  44. Fucking hell, Enty, you are killing me!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Thanks Her!

    I wish I could pick Dave Chapelle's brain, he seems to know so so much about the shady dealings of Hollywood. He keeps hinting at it. I thought he just ran away to Africa now I feel like there's more to the story. It's like he's screaming it at the masses "sexual assault is not the worst thing in Hollywood, don't you wonder why I went Africa? AFRICA!!" Idk just my thoughts..

    1. I think a lot of people know. I think their afraid, and rightfully so. Its not just about careers, but lives. People who tell and investigate are killed.

    2. Oh I agree completely. It just made me rethink the Africa thing lol

  47. @Lisa the LDS church is also "at the forefront of genetic research"

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. @Sorry @Boo,no she is not @Tricia, and you are not @ Derrek! I do remember most of your old IDs,and know you have been consistent with the Indian Reservation and some other old stories, so even if you would like to embellish some stories, it's what writers do. I'm pretty certain you're not Malibu either!

    1. Boo used to have another name?

  50. Krab sez -

    "Enty, stay away from science. You have zero idea what's you're talking about."

    Yeah, this and the Instant Brain Cancer delivered by an Omnipresent Death Nurse make that apparent.

    Enty might be including these to distract from his more pointed BIs, showing the lawyers of certain celebs that he posts ridiculous shit for the masses.

  51. This is the most evil blind yet and that's really saying something around here.

    Anyways, the previous blind says this:

    "The church is a non profit and their biggest donor is a shell company which is part of another shell company which is owned by the same A+ list mogul we have seen time and time again in all of these stories."

    I initially wanted to guess Bill Gates because of all the disease eradication programs funded by The Gates Foundation, but he doesn't show up in the blinds "time and time again." That sounds more like Geffen.

  52. Rescinding all my guesses.

    I'm going with LDS based on some googling.

    When Mormons speak of their organization, they call it "the Church."

  53. Jesus fucking Christ ......

    I was only reading that ‘bleeding eye fever’ story today thinking ‘where did that come from?’

    That is terrifying.

  54. I wouldn't put this past Trump or Putin. Neither have compassion/'s all about $$. Well, whores and $$.

  55. Examples of the repeated "the Church" phrase:



    Kind of creepy how they capitalize it.

  56. This IS related to the blind THE CHURCH 

    Schneiderisnext -- Enty was unaware of all of your work on this but has now taken a look and is giving you new clues.

    1. Thanks so much @just sayin'!

      & thank you @Enty!

  57. I'm guessing "that elusive head of the Church" is David Geffen, who "has donated tens of millions of dollars to research against diseases" via the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

    1. I'd second this. Geffen's investments in UCLA have funded tons of AIDS research and @least 3 Ebola studies in Africa

      "Virus genomes reveal factors that spread and sustained the Ebola epidemic." › pubmed

      "Characteristics and survival of patients with Ebola virus infection"

      "Phylodynamic assessment of intervention strategies for the West African Ebola"

    2. The Blind indicates that the head of the church is donating privately to the medical research.

      So we shouldn't expect to find a direct link between the Church and the medical studies

  58. You people have lost your damned minds. Will you believe absolutely *anything* this guy prints now?

    Speaking of "this guy"- the OG "Enty" (David Robert S.) either sold this site/his soul a while ago, or HE'S lost his mind and all of you are following suit.

  59. A couple of points I missed on the first read. "That elusive head of the Church has donated tens of millions of dollars to research"

    Elusive head, so it's not a big public church like LDS or anything. Also, it's the head of the church making donations personally.

    This still makes no sense to me on several levels. But the main one is there's no shortage of orphans in the world. Why would anyone need to create more?

    1. Elusive is Geffen. He's funded this. He's hidden.

    2. Read the former blind. I posted it above.

  60. >

    >I suppose this fake lol

    Large studies have been done and no increased risk of cancer has been shown between people who got polio vaccines containing SV40 and those who didn't.

    Try again.

    1. @Krab

      Way to call out SV40 induced cancer as fake by citing "studies"

      That's like bringing an empty holster to a gun fight

      Only two studies out of 100's have "disproved" the link.

      The majority of the medical community thinks it at least is a contributing factor.

  61. "The Church" is the church somewhere in northern Arizona from a previous blind, right? Now, that BI specifically stated the children they were bringing in needed to blend in with the local population and the understanding was they needed to be white. The recent reports of the eye-bleeding fever come from Africa. I assume this is where some people travelled TO. But the original village where adults were allegedly wiped out to have access to the children would be most likely in some other third world country (one with Caucasian population) OR there should be a sudden influx of non-white kids in the area where the church operates. Any info, anybody?

    @Alexandria Anna - Dobrze pamiętam, że jakiś czas temu Enty albo Himmmm pisał do Ciebie coś po polsku, a Ty odpowiedziałaś też po polsku? Krajanka, czy tylko bawiliście się translatorem Google'a? Pytam w sumie tylko z ciekawości ;)))

  62. "But the main one is there's no shortage of orphans in the world. Why would anyone need to create more?"


    Look, folks, it's obvious that many of these blinds are fake. It astonishes me how credulous and conspiracy loving many of you are. This blind makes zero sense.

    And yeah, lots of churchs refer to themselves as "the Church," including the Catholic Church on down. Maybe it's the Pope ordering the CANCER INJECTIONS on behalf of the Clintons.

  63. Ha I love how the pedo funded trolls work so hard. We all know who you are. One thing we are not is naive. New names too.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. So anyone that blows the lid off of the corrupt Clinton’s are crazy?? I left the Democratic Party long ago because of them. As well as other things. I realize after looking at what a horrrible person JFK was that Democrats are all about “The Cause” and will villianize anyone who goes after the person leading “The Cause”. Want to rape children and have legions of people defend you? Support : unchecked immigration, gay marriage and unlimited welfare. Say the right things and the children are your oyster. And no I’m not a Republican. I was raised by a psychotic liberal mother who forced me to go to any march by these people. I have been forced to see Bill Clinton speak three times. He made me want to vomit. I will never forget when he was accused of rape how my mother degraded that poor woman along with the other so called “feminists” . I realized it’s only rape if a white Republican does it. When I was raped as a child by an illegal alien from Mexico my mother didn’t even pursue charges “because he had been though enough in his own country”. I was 9. I was grabbed at a water park and raped. She still throws in my face how she supports unchecked immigration “no matter the cost”. So to you liberals who demonize people who won’t vote for your precious party - screw you. I will never vote democrat. And no it’s not because I’m racist or whatever horrible names you use to shame people to The Cause. It’s because my life has been an endless hell because of your precious causes. Hilary Clinton is an evil person, she protects her rapist husband. Their daughter allows a rapist to hold her children. I will never support an evil person for any cause. I would rather die than be a Democrat. What do you have to say to that Krab?? Say Anything?? People who see Hilary as what she is aren’t bad people. They aren’t racists for wanting a wall. They aren’t bad people. I want a wall, I want strict immigration. I have two daughters that’s why. My mom told me my rape was unfortunate, but look at the good family people that could get to this country. Screw any of you who focus on that instead of people like me, the poor woman killed at the wharf. We aren’t collateral damage. Hilary Clinton is a pedophile supporter. Deal with it.

    1. While i font agree with everything you say, i for sure do not undrstand your mothers reaction!!! Your rape was " unfortunate"? And it let "family people in"?!! Who gives a crap!!!! Your daughter was raped!!!! That shld hv been her number one priority!!! Hundreds of hugs to you. Your mother's priorities were 1000% wrong.

  66. This blog has been occupied by The Professionals.
    Civil liberties have been suspended.
    Martial law has been imposed.
    Habeus corpus has been overruled.
    The brothels are operational.
    You cannot win.
    You can only admit.
    You can only submit.

  67. April, you sound loopy. A wall isn't going to keep immigrants out and it won't prevent anyone from raping your daughters.

    1. I sound loopy?? Strict immigration policies which other countries enforce - so called liberal countries - keep most criminals out. Way to be a typical liberal. You immediately used name calling to invalidate me for “your cause”. Thanks for proving my point. You and my mother would get along.

    2. And I am not anti immigration I’m for smart immigration, there is a difference. I also am very well aware from being a nurse that the majority of rapes, molestations happen from close family members or people close to the family.

  68. Adding this for further research... the President of the LDS Church just died on Jan 2nd. He had battled Alzheimer's for the last two year. Could this the "elusive head?" Or maybe one of his handlers behind the scenes?

  69. @just sayin' . . . thank you for the link back to the earlier blind THE CHURCH

  70. @Don: Shelly Long, hahaha

    Hi Don!!

  71. @April, thank you for putting it to words so well. Hat tip.

    @Krab, care to guess why open boarders is so important? Much easier to hide slaves and enemy combatants.

  72. @Krab: When was his Shiva? I seriously ask this as being such a high profile figure, it would have been a mass of people traveling there. We've not heard a peep.

  73. You don't need to invent a new pathogen to kill masses. They already exist, and allegedly can be purchased cheaply. You can't give someone cancer with a shot either. These should be clues that these are fake.

    1. Dude. Check out Japan's Unit 731.

      They were doing human experimentation during WW2. AMERICANS took over the research and pardoned the scientists (much like German rocket scientists in operation Paper Clip)

      The US then engaged in covert experimentation of chemical and biological weapons against North Korea/China throughout the 50's. They also tested them on San Franciscans ("operation sea spray")

      Don't be naive. The military always is on the cutting edge of scientific development. Even medicine is constantly weaponized.

      We invented nitroglycerin as an explosive before it became heart medicine.

      We invented the nuclear bomb before the nuclear reactor.

      bio/chemical warfare is the most stealthy and easily deniable form of war/subterfuge. Of course We're in a biological arms race.

    2. @schneiderisnext don't forget about MKULTRA - confirmed during a Supreme Court case to have involved over 80 institutions/groups. So much human experimentation and the victims were downplayed, laughed at, and called delusional for decades.

      Or the Pont-Saint-Esprit mass poisoning in 1951. Over 200 people went legitimately crazy, tripping from an unknown cause. It was eventually ruled/decided to be from Ergot traced back to the flour imported from 300 miles away.

      EXCEPT that 1) no other towns that used the flour were affected. 2) who researched the poisoning and ruled it error? Sandoz Chemical, including Dr. Albert Hoffmann. Those names might sound familiar - he was the person who discovered LSD 13 years earlier (although psychotropic side effects were not known until 5 years after discovery).

      Why would a chemical company from another country entirely come research the cause of mass poisoning? You could probably explain it away, especially since it was a crazy thing that happened. But why were they the ONLY people allowed to investigate? Why Hoffmann? At the time, LSD was not known to the masses. It is all pretty darn convenient. Especially since, at the time, Sandoz and the CIA were already working together on LSD experiments under Project Naomi and MKULTRA.

      On the American side, Frank Olson is said to have been involved, as he was working on similar things at Fort Detrick. You may recognize his name as the agent that was dosed with LSD without his knowledge and then "chose" to take his own life under the influence. They couldn't cover up his death as well as they wanted and it is one of the first times they had to admit, eventually, to dosing people against their knowledge, although they claimed they only did it to staff/agents.

    3. Also testing syphilis on Afican American prisoners.
      Amongst many other medical experiments on those in prison.

  74. Alt-right 4chan LARP. Some dumb people believe it. lol

  75. No where in the blind does it say 100% of the adults were killed. It also says they want people to think it is Ebola,because they have to destroy the bodies immediately. Do you really think it is impossible to cause death with chemical weapons? They are used quite often and effectively, and leaves little damage to property and land,a pesky by product of other weapons of mass destruction. There is of course, no shortage of orphans, the point being is the Church would be helping in an emergency. Enty has always put in red flags,to give deniability, and also to make it hard to guess. Having said that,he is putting out more conspiracy theory blinds, and when they get solved,then we can tell if it makes sense.

  76. @Movie (not gonna repeat the slur in your name)
    I stand corrected. My understanding was from just asking some doctors; no I don't have a degree. I apologize. Do you think they would need to create a new pathogen as well though? I don't frequent conspiracy related sites and only came here for the gossip originally. So what I posted was essentially an opinion that this all seems way out there. Perhaps it's just hope that the world's ugliness isn't so organized and powerful.

  77. Krab, Unknown and Rafael....please feel free to close your browsers and return to your preferred programming at CNN. You sure waste a lot of time trolling on this site. Why spend your precious free time on a site you hate with such vitriol? Think of all the wasted minutes you've clocked in here...when you could have instead started a twitter revolution? Just could be making a HUGE DIFFERENCE right now (creating trending hashtags and harassing celebs)...but instead, you're here. Tsk.

  78. I thought the church was another name for the cia

    1. Excellent point. The Church, Catholics In Action, and Christians In Action, are all nicknames for the CIA

      However, the original church blind (12/12/17) indicated the church formed "about two years ago"

  79. It is not the Mormon (LDS) Church. Yes, they are into genealogical research, because they believe that all of their ancestors must be saved, so to speak. They have researched their family trees since they started their religion. No, I am not a Mormom, but I lived in Utah for a few years, and I have worked with a few Mormons over the years. The vast majority are good, wholesome, family oriented folks.
    I am a longtime reader, and a very rare commenter. I took a hiatus for a year because some of the commenters were getting too ugly with each other. I have been back for a few months and I have enjoyed much of the dialogue. However, this partisan bickering deflects attention from the evil perps being identified. It appears that might be the goal for some, and others just seem bitter about life.
    We have something special here, and we can attack each other, or use the information Enty provides to make a difference.
    (Steps off soapbox....)

  80. long time lurker, first time posting.. just curious, but what if THE CHURCH doesn't refer to an actual religion but an organization REVERED like one? something like WHO, UN, et al? just spitballing.

    1. I guess that is possible, but the original Church blind says it was founded 2 years ago in AZ

  81. Bill & Melinda Gates dreams come true!
    Wouldn't be surprised if they are involved.

    Really good video of Homicidal Eugenics Maniacs Bill & Melinda Gates:

    Peter Thiel loves bioweapons too!

  82. Recent outbreaks of disease:

    1/14 Crimean-Congo haemorragic fever (first identified 2 years ago)

    "A young Ugandan girl collapsed [in a pool of her own blood] and died on Friday after potenially catching a rare virus known as Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever."

    Zambian Cholera

    1/14 "The outbreak has killed 74 people since Oct. 4" "causes acute watery diahrea"

    South African Listeria

    12 January 2018 – What is believed to be the largest-ever outbreak of the bacterial disease Listeriosis – or Listeria – has left more than 60 people dead across South Africa, with nearly 750 confirmed cases

    Indonesian Diptheria

    1/14 "Indonesia's been hit by a diphtheria outbreak that's infected hundreds and killed 44 people."

    Mystery Haemorragic fever in South Sudan 1/8

    Three people in South Sudan have died of a suspected viral haemorrhagic fever and 60 of their contacts are being monitored..National health authorities and WHO are investigating and have found evidence of zoonotic haemorrhagic illness in goats and sheep in the area, including some deaths, as well as deaths among wild birds at the time, it added.

    Kenya/Ugandan Marburg outbreak 1/11

    "after the devastating Ebola outbreak, we have a new worry. An outbreak of a related virus known as Marburg virus has begun in a city called Turkana along the Kenya-Uganda border in East Africa." "First case September 2017"

    1. Recent Outbreaks continued

      Yemen's Cholera

      Right now, the largest cholera outbreak that Yemen has ever seen is hitting the country. According to the December 11-December 17, 2017 Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin released by WHO, the number of suspected cases has reached 994,751, 1069 of which have been confirmed via culture. The disease has claimed a staggering 2,226 lives thus far.

      ROMANIAN Measles

      Romania has been experiencing a large outbreak of measles since February 2016. Cases continue to be reported despite ongoing response measures implemented at national level through reinforced vaccination activities. Between 1 January 2016 and 30 June 2017, Romania reported 7 491 measles cases, including 31 deaths. In 2016, several other EU/EEA countries reported measles outbreaks and an increase in the number of cases continues to be observed in 2017. Some previous and ongoing measles outbreaks in other EU/EEA countries have been epidemiologically linked to the current outbreak in Romania. Overall, more than 14 000 cases have been reported in the EU/EEA since January 2016, including 35 deaths.

    2. Wow. Very well done Schneiderisnext. This is amazing.

  83. For anyone truly interested, go back and read ALL of @Schneiderisnext research starting on page 2 of the comments in the link below. Nice work.. also thanks for recommending this @justsayin'

    I'm sure others have given you props.. just trying to add more recommendations.

  84. Geffen clearly believes he is a GOD.
    That somehow he can control pathogens.
    Won't it be wonderful when this asshole kills not only himself, and all his sex slaves,
    but 1/2 the world?

    Geffen, keep it up buddy, with any luck,
    one of the pathogens you paid for will infect your evil ass
    and you'll be bleeding out your eyes in no time.
    I'm so relieved you're able to control all the pathogens in the world with your money.
    Good luck with that.

    Plague Outbreak/Marbug/Ebola

    An unusually large plague outbreak in Madagascar has killed 106 people since August. About 70 percent of the cases are the more virulent form of pneumonic plague that spreads by coughing, sneezing or spitting and is almost always fatal if untreated with antibiotics.

    In Uganda, officials are on high alert because of a recently reported outbreak of the deadly Marburg virus that has killed one person and may have exposed hundreds more at health facilities and during traditional burial ceremonies. Marburg is a highly infectious hemorrhagic fever similar to Ebola and is among the most virulent pathogens known to infect humans.

    For the World Bank simulation, organizers looked at the impact on travel and tourism of an outbreak of a mysterious respiratory virus in a hypothetical country. Participants included finance, health and tourism ministers from about a dozen countries, and officials from organizations including the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the International Air Transport Association.

    1. Eastern Ukraine is simultaneously suffering from a Measles and Tuberculosis outbreak, but numbers of the infected are not recorded/reported due to political instability

  85. @April .. so sorry for your tragedy and your lib mother. All we can do is spread the word and support our potus.

    @krab.. go fu** yourself! How dare you say that won't keep her daughter's from getting raped you f-ing troll! Hopefully you get raped in jail with the rest of the dems!

  86. upon further research, this would refer to Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation as the "elusive head of the Church has donated tens of millions of dollars to research against diseases, many of which adversely affect third world countries. " as the CHURCH. the gates foundation does Orphan support in africa the disease being originally worked on was either the cure for Malaria or his latest Ebola: throw in NATO,CDC, Unicef and NIH for the win on all involved. Gates Foundation was working in Uganda with the Africa Innovations Institute studying the characteristics of female smallholder farmers.

  87. WTF did they get this idea from "The Constant Gardener"?! Taht was a fictional spy/diplomat novel, FFS! It's horrific that anyone would want to do it in real life.

  88. Could you clarify if you do or do not support Entys theory? Genuinely am interested with your background. My hubby is a doc with a military infectious disease specialty ( Undergrad in Chemistry) . Oldest kid is a neuroscientist. I harangued them about this and they were both felt like this is normal weird shit. Course I mentioned it in 3 sentences and you seemed to have done some actual research.

  89. I wouldn't put much stock in the writer's use of capitalization, we are talking CDaN here. ;)

    1. Hahaha good point @Mary

      @mag totally agree that outbreaks are the new norm.

      What is unique about the Romanian outbreak is it seems to be the starting point for the current 2016-2017 outbreak. While there have been 14,000+ European cases and 35 deaths, 31 of those deaths were in Romania.

  90. @Schneiderisnext - Wow, that's pretty impressive. Romania is poor, so it makes sense. However, bear in mind that measles outbreaks in the EU are becoming more and more common now for the same reason that such diseases are making a comeback in the US: because of anti-vaxxers. There have been serious outbreaks in Germany, including over 650 people in Berlin alone in 2015, which would be BEFORE this BI's timeline.

    Now, assuming you really are onto something, and bearing in mind previous Enty blinds which pointed to Geffen (Cornell, Bennington, the Island, etc.) one might think DG is some arch-villain, one that scriptwiters for James Bond movies could think up. Based on the BIs, this is a guy who will see you dead if you're in his way, even if you're famous and people are bound to start digging. Hell, he'll kill tens of people for his own agenda. What bugs me here is: how come Enty's sources, who tell him what the guy is allegedly capable of, keep delivering these stories? If even a portion of this is true, surely there are not that many people in DG's circle who know the facts, so if there's a leak, it should be fairly easy to find the rat and eliminate him/her. It should also be equally easy to eliminate the person who publishes these things. IF this is true, there is no sensible explanation for why people who actually know something risk so much just to provide the intel to a gossip blog.

    1. Shenanigans on your anti-vaxxers claim. It's unvaccinated immigrants and every thinking person knows it. 10 minutes on google plus a napkin & pencil to sketch out a timeline will help clear your vision if you doubt me.

  91. @Schneiderisnext
    I'm not sure you should second guess yourself on uppercase/lowercase. I found some other interesting links based the church... sometimes references the cult.. other times he's saying not the cult.. and sometimes not Scientology. I'm not seeing a pattern just yet.

    "#1 - There was a huge shakeup this week in a church. A real church. Not Scientology. It turns out that one of the leaders of the church got a 14 year old pregnant. The 14 year old is a half sibling of these network reality stars."

    "All this spotlight focused on this church is bringing out former members who actually say it is a cult rather than a church. The church is not ready to defend itself like Scientology would."

    "More and more is emerging from people who have attended this in the news church (not the cult)."

    06/10/17 - Scientology Reveal
    It took awhile, but that wacky religion finally got payback against the now career dead comic thanks to their photographer church member. The comic has long been a SP.

    "Laura Prepon and Ben Foster announced they are expecting a child together. No doubt this is the culmination of what their Scientology masters wanted...

    ...Laura's error was not devoting enough time to the Church."

    1. @incatneto

      Thanks for these links!!! I was not aware that a church was mentioned in blinds prior to December!

  92. @yikes. Based on the posted article he does believe enty

    "To understand Stewart’s role in catalyzing viral oncology research, it is necessary to recognize that until the 1950s, scientists dismissed the idea that viruses could cause cancer. It took many decades before the seminal contributions of several virologists studying cancers were appreciated, such as Peyton Rous’ 1911 discovery of the Rous sarcoma virus (which caused tumors in chickens), and discoveries of Richard Shope (rabbit fibroma) and John Bittner (mouse mammary carcinoma) in the 1930s. In 1951, Ludwig Gross described the transmission of leukemia in newborn mice by using a cell-free extract; in 1953, he reported parotid tumors in these mice. Even after Stewart confirmed Gross’s findings in 1953, the scientific community still did not acknowledge viral causes of mammalian cancer. Only after Stewart fulfilled Koch’s postulates in 1957, with the assistance of Dr. Bernice Eddy, did oncologists pay heed to viruses.

    Dr. Eddy had also trained as a PhD bacteriologist at the University of Chicago and since 1937, worked at the NIH Biologics Control Laboratories, in Bethesda, Maryland. In 1954, Eddy had been sidelined for whistleblowing about the presence of live virus in Jonas Salk’s inactivated polio vaccine (the infamous Cutter incident). So in 1956, when Stewart approached Eddy for assistance growing the agent causing parotid tumors in mice, Eddy readily agreed and the 2 women rapidly worked out the characteristics of the agent that was not referred to as a virus in their publications until 1959. Together they showed that the virus produced 20 types of mouse tumors and could cause tumors in other small mammals. At Eddy’s suggestion, the virus was dubbed polyoma, which means many tumors, and they named it the SE (Stewart–Eddy) polyomavirus. They also demonstrated that the virus causes cell necrosis and proliferation in cell culture, that it is highly antigenic, and that it leads to formation of specific antibodies in infected animals whether or not tumors develop."

    To summarize. Viruses cause cancer. Viruses have been historically present in vaccines.

    If you want proof of new viral and bacterial synthesis, check out "wolbachia". It's a bacteria with multiple lab created strains that are being tested right here in the USA as a chemical free mosquito control agent.

  93. Nikleigh said...

    " How dare you say that won't keep her daughter's from getting raped "

    The great majority of rapes are perpetrated by family members or someone known to the victim, no immigrants involved. That's just FACTS.

    "Hopefully you get raped in jail with the rest of the dems!"

    Aren't you a treasure.

  94. For those on the Madagascar train, there is a plague out break there every year and has been for the past two decades, it's just that last year it was particularly strong and the media picked it up and ran with it while having ignored it for the past decades.

    There are so many comments today, I haven't read all of them but this seems so out there simply because of the children angle , having said that I have no problem believing drug companies spread new strains of flu virus so they can then make billions with a new vaccine every year.

    Oddly the first church that came to mind was the Mormons because they are everywhere with volunteers and doctors but I can see any reason for them to do this . I think they are one of the few the good guys in this crazy self serving world no matter how odd they seem sometimes.

  95. @Schneiderisnext

    Don't forget that the Dugway Proving Ground in UT (Another Utah connection) is one of the primary Bio/Chem warfare testing facility for the US military.

    And look into the fact that Lyme Disease is actually an "escaped" US Army Bio Weapon from Plum Island Animal Disease Center of New York. it was designed not to kill but to infect and defeat the battle capability of a population.

  96. Anonymous6:29 PM

    @april, hang in there, it's tough to be sane in an insane world. agree 100% re immigration, etc.

    for the others, you can give someone cancer with an injection, plutonium, asbestos, radium, there are many substances that can do it

    and bioweapons / chemical weapons can be deployed as narrowly or widely as the antagonist desires but are subject to going out of control

    this is a scary blind, hope it turns out to be mistaken, but I suspect its a fact or distortion of a fact

    too often in the last two years I read stories on alternative media that later enup in the mainstream...

  97. how does 1% of a population not vaccinated lead to 30%+ infection rates within a population unless the Vaccine isn't effective or for a total different purpose than advertised... If a majority of a population is vaccinated then the only ones at risk for infection should be the unvaccinated.

  98. I'm not sure how it's relevant on this thread, as they all seem to be intertwined, but I just came across a comment on facebook where they said that 'most' of Donald Trump's employees at Mar a Lago were Haitian.
    With a quick google I found this (amongst many other similar articles), from the New Yorker, dated back in 3/2017:

    The sixty-four foreign dishwashers, cooks, cleaners, and gardeners that Mar-a-Lago is expected to employ this year will be paid per hour roughly what they were paid last year. (The Palm Beach Post reported that the range is around ten to thirteen dollars an hour.) The foreign workers brought in to help staff the club tend to come from two countries, Haiti and Romania, according to someone who works at Mar-a-Lago as an employee of an outside contractor.

    I know it's not uncommon to utilize the H-2B program, it flies in the face of his platform.

    This is not a politically motivated comment. I am only emphasizing the Haitian/Romanian/Eastern European connection to the blinds.

    1. Damnnn....and we all know Virginia Roberts, the sixteen year old sexually abused by Epstein was procured at Mar-a-lago...

      Maybe that's why Epstein was kicked out...he should've known better than to go after the domestic staff...

  99. Listeria is caught through eating rotten or infected food.

    Cholera is a water borne disease which occurs in unsanitary conditions.

    Both of these occur naturally within an impoverished or wartorn environmental without plumbing or proper food storage. Listeria was all over DC in the 90s because of an outbreak on raspberries from Central America.
    Cholera is now at epidemic proportions in Yemen because of the siege there by Saudi Arabia (with our help, naturally.)

    Marburg is endemic in Green Monkeys and some bats in Africa. Many cases of it transmitting to humans happen in caves. It is highly contagious between humans but isn't likely transferred on surfaces.

    Hemorrhagic fever is a collection of five viral diseases groups, one of which is Marburg and Ebola.

    Soooo, none of these look like they need a laboratory to cause or spread the disease.

  100. The church might be the one in Arizona metioned in other blinds. I believe the virus story. We are already at a breaking point with world population. Stuff is starting to get real, and the elites would benefit from bringing numbers down. No, I am not wearing a tin foil hat. I have seen things that have convinced me anything is possible in this world. I mean ANYTHING.


  101. "Romania is poor"

    Romanians also refuse to vaccinate their children -

    So the reason for the massive outbreak of measles there is pretty pedestrian.

  102. Honestly it feels like someone’s trying to test market a spec screenplay.

  103. @Plot
    What you say is true, however, one would need a laboratory to splice any bacterial/viral diseases (or a new bacterium/virus) into a vaccine or 'treatment'.
    Not saying it's true but it would take a lab team with specimens to manage it.
    As to deaths due to somewhat usual causes, in the usual countries, that's exactly where you would experiment with a new 'anti-viral' or vaccine.
    That Bill Gates, with his vaccine philanthropy, is
    a eugenicist is worth noting, for sure.

  104. @mary lamb

    "That Bill Gates, with his vaccine philanthropy, is
    a eugenicist is worth noting, for sure. "

    I don't understand this statement. I have my issues with Gates but that's a pretty out-there accusation.

    Also, the diseases are going to be there anyway, no enhancement needed. In fact, it's safe to say that these diseases exist in labs all over the world at this point, no human donor needed.

  105. @plot you aren't wrong at all. Environment, lack of herd immunity, all contribute to disease outbreaks

    However, food for thought.

    Would a disease mutate towards greater pathogenicity in the wild or a lab?

    What is the incidence of infection and death rate in these newly identified outbreaks/strains?

  106. @Schneiderisnext

    In the wild, since the chances of mutation are so much more varied based on the varied genetic samples of the hosts and the ability of the virus or bacteria to adapt more quickly to environmental fluctuations and changes in biology.

    That's what AIDS and bird flu and the Nile Virus and MRSA have taught us.

  107. @plot

    I guess I disagree. Once we understand the function/structure of viruses and are manipulating them on the genetic level, we have the advantage to the wild.

    With genetic editing we are splicing like never before. Spontaneous exchange of genetic information between organisms is relatively rare in the wild.

    It's literally the main focus of modern biology research.

  108. At the same time, what happens in the lab is under extremely controlled conditions. Nature is much less predictable.

    1. @plot

      Yes, but we exist under a pest control and disease worldwide health structure that explicitly controls pandemics.

      Labs allow and combine organisms from different continents.

  109. So is this supposed to be referencing that new and fatal bleeding from the eyes disease?

  110. I really want to know who this is...the church and the location. The Meadows in Wickenburg is the place Weinsteins goons hinted, but I doubt whether this is the actual location Ente's "Church" resides. I imagine it remote and secret.

    Does anyone have any clues? I know Trinity has been discussed, but is there another possibility?

    1. Dream city church: TOMMY BARNETT's

      Dream Center

      Short Creek az

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. A sobering doesn't even have to be a 'church' or government or drugs company with mega million$ behind it doing things like this. Any high IQ sociopath with a degree in the relevant sciences and an agenda could do it can buy gene splicing equipment online.

  113. "enigma_412 said...
    long time lurker, first time posting.. just curious, but what if THE CHURCH doesn't refer to an actual religion but an organization REVERED like one? something like WHO, UN, et al? just spitballing."

    This is exactly what I thought immediately. It's not actually a church or religious organisation at all, but a very big, important and powerful organisation, that is so UNTOUCHABLE, it's nicknamed here 'the church'.

    For something this horrifying, you'd need insane funds, to bribe and corrupt entire regimes, COMPLETE ACCESS to these countries, with doctor teams, etc.... no way this is spearheaded by 1 individual - what would be the gain?

    But if a 'charity' arm of say the UN, like the UNESCO, or something along those lines, did that, then they'd get trillions of charitable donations to "help eradicate this terrible disease".
    I'm not saying that all countries know or are involved, just a handful would be enough. Or even less.

    If soon we will get the death-porn videos of dying children on our tv screens, with the ubiquitous tel numbers and websites asking for donations, then I think that's probably the trail.

    Monsters. Words fail me what human being would do for money.

  114. Sorry I obviously meant UNICEF

  115. I tried to take a nap, but this blind is so terrible, I can't stop thinking about it.

    What CDAN does is obviously very much necessary, but it used to be such fun, and now it's all pedophiles, rape, dead children, and then this! OMG, I just can't, it's too much. Maybe ignorance really is bliss, I never believed it was, but I don't think I'm strong enough for this shit, this is heart wrenching. I'm horrified. No words.

  116. More of a reader rather than commenter most of the time (it's easier to open multiple BIs in my ipad and read while riding on the tube in the AM). Anyway, I work for an umbrella organisation that affiliates with large organisations like UNHCR, MSF, etc., as a field doctor that works with refugees/migrants in the UK and parts of the EU. I've seen *a lot* of shit (a lot of DISTURBING shit) and I can honestly say that if any of the organisations that are "over" me have a hand in what this church is doing I'll be surprised. Everything that I've dealt with firsthand has been medical emergencies due to exposure,police violence, trampling/stampedes, etc.; there's some lingering illnesses that are common when children and YAs are exposed to the elements but nothing waaaaaay the fuck out there. However I *will* keep an eye out and ear open to anything unusual that I may overhear or see in emails.. Hrm...

  117. @boredatwork - I feel the same way. If all of this is even 50% true, it is beyond frightening.

    @Schneiderisnext - Thank you for all of your due diligence on these monsters. I hope we all see the day they are brought to justice. I pray that some decent folks at Interpol and the FBI are following their trails and building ironclad cases.

  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. is possible to give people cancer by injections. It has been added to our polio vaccines in the past. The book Me and Lee by Judyth Very explains.

  120. "Shenanigans on your anti-vaxxers claim."

    Except it was reported in Germany and France that Romanian children living there were developing diseases because their parents refused to vaccinate them. The laws have since changed in those countries because they kinda like their herd immunity.

    "10 minutes on google plus a napkin & pencil to sketch out a timeline will help clear your vision if you doubt me."

    I doubt you because you aren't able to explain or link to the proof of your conclusion here.

    Shall I link to more articles about Romanians not vaccinating their kids?

    -A measles outbreak in Romania has killed 17 children and infected thousands more since September due to poverty and an anti-vaccination movement, the Romanian Health Minister told media last week.

    Florian Bodog said that none of the children who died from the highly contagious virus had been vaccinated, adding that the last victim was a one-year-old girl from the northern city of Satu Mare.-


  121. "The book Me and Lee by Judyth Very explains."

    You mean Judyth Vary Baker who claims to have been Oswald's lover?

    Yeah, she's a scientist we should pay attention to on all things cancer.

  122. Not convinced of any specific group, but saw this and didn't see it here (though there's a shit-ton of comments, so maybe it is here):
    "The Deseret Morning News Church Almanac gives information on historical membership records of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). The church's reported membership as of December 31, 2016 was 15,882,417.[1] The growth of 1.59% in 2016 is the lowest percentage growth since 1937.[2]"

  123. Generally a lurker, but I'm going to weigh in here. I have no knowledge regarding the entertainment industry but I do have knowledge of microbiology and biochemistry. There is no way this blind is true. Not because I think that a conspiracy on this level is impossible (I do know about MKULTRA and the testing of biological warfare in San Francisco, for two examples). I know scary programs are designed and carried out by humans. However, I also know about the state of science as far as "weaponizing" microbes, and genetic engineering to increase virulence and infectiousness.

    There is no way a church or even a large organization could carry out a molecular biology/genetic engineering program such as that described in the blind. It would require many laboratories and lots of scientists over years, and the work conducted on the down low. Maybe large governmental/military level. Now, the one exception to that is a new technology called CRISPR. It is an amazing technology, but even then, a lot of scientists and labs would be involved and CRISPR is most likely not sufficiently advanced at this point.

    And for the poster saying that molecular biology in the lab is faster than naturally occurring mutations in the field, I would point out that you need a flu shot every year because of the amazing speed of flu virus mutation. Viruses and bacteria are devious creatures that have improved their ability to subvert the immune system over literally hundreds of millions of years. See And Bill Gates, a eugenicist? No way. He's a lot of things - unethical and merciless businessperson for example, and philanthropist too.

    And the whole cancer injection blind is pretty ridiculous. The proteins discussed are annexins. They have been found to be part of the invasive cancer process. So, there is the outside possibility that they could speed a cancer that is already metastasizing, but, even then, it's doubtful a simple injection would do the job. It would need to be delivered specifically to the cancer site to have a chance of working. Even that is would be highly experimental.

    Entylawyer has been remarkably prescient in many issues (Aziz Ansari, anyone?), the science-based conspiracy theories are far-fetched, at best. I guess that's what happens when entertainers mix in to science. Just like when scientists mix in to the entertainment industry.

    Hey, I just saw the "Eagles" are touring, Don Henley front and center. I'm patiently waiting for the big reveal this spring.

    1. Re: silly religions don't have scientific power

      I think you're forgetting about the power and scope of religion/religious organizations.

      The Catholic Church has more elite institutions, hospitals, and universities than every advanced country and corporation combined.

      Hell even fraternal organizations like the Shriners, & AHEPA own and operate hospitals with state of the art genetic experimentation

      Many other orgs from, orthodox Jews, fundamentalist Christians run state of the art hospitals and laboratories. Why? MONEY. As nonprofits you have way better tax benefits than for profit medicine. Also religious organizations (especially large ones) need investments/have the capital for large scale projects.

      Re: Crispr/genetic editing being too new to be effective:

      At my 2nd tier, American state college, students perform CRISPR experiments in labs as 2nd year students

      The technology is so ubiquitous, we are already gentically modifying and releasing complex organisms like mosquitoes (look up Oxitec)

      Mosquitoes are wayyy more complex than single cell bacteria and viruses.

    2. Re: widespread flu variations prove that organisms mutate faster in the wild

      That's up until mankind understood the mutation mechanism. Flus get worse because they basically trade/mutate genetic information at a very fast rate. Scientists have even realized that there are even codependent viruses and bacteria, that actually inhibit or further each other's spread (wolbachia is an excellent example)

      Now that we know more about how it works, scientists are testing combinations of diseases so they can hopefully be ahead of the natural mutation rate. Theoretically this is a good thing, we can create a virus and vaccine before nature does.

      But. The flip side of that. You now have a weaponized disease that can be used in the battlefield while your soldiers are vaccinated.

      Also, Maybe you need a flu shot every year, but I certainly don't ;)

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.


  125. Thank-you so much chickensashimi! Not being a scientist myself, it's been difficult to explain why these Super Sekret Lab blinds are so off base, so deliberately false, that it taints all Enty's blinds unfortunately.


    I think the last of the Big Secret conspiracies was the JFK killing, and look how that turned out. Nobody trusts the secret services anymore or official versions completely anymore.

    JFK was the last time a good number of people kept silent about those horrible days and what really happened. Although I'd love to know more about WTC 7 (which is curiously off most people's radar), for the most part, large conspiracies are no longer possible though compartmentalized conspiracies of a few individuals are.

  126. @plot. No problem. I'm just glad when all those years in the lab pay off.

  127. @chickensashimi -

    Thank you for going to into detail about the ridiculousness of this BI (and any others that claim rogue labs, etc.); I work with refugees and migrants and dealt first-hand with attempting to contain a diptheria outbreak. THAT shit is highly contagious on a molecular level and is a pain in the ass to try to contain. All of the comments about cancer injections, etc., have me rolling my eyes. To be completely honest, you're 1000% more likely to "catch cancer" by eating fast (and processed) food than from a flu jab or any other injection (unless you're a truly evil person and someone DOES have it out for you and worked hard to kill you.. but that's some James Bond-level shit..). It goes hand in hand with the anti-vaxxer/autism claims. My daughter has Apergers syndrome and was vaccinated just like every other kid (including my son, who is fine.. and hell, myself and my husband.. and we're solid) and is perfectly fine. If I could go back in time and be able to not have her vaxx'd? No. The amount of cases of shit like Rubella, Measles, Mumps, etc., are higher than ever and it's because of parents who'd rather risk their kid's health.

    All of that health shit (rants) being said, it's all way too far-fetched. Yes, there's been some weird shit that's happened and I'm sure there's weird shit being engineered now, but I highly doubt that's what this situation is.

    While I'm commenting (I'm on a slow train..), I'll go on ahead and comment on the Rothschild airplane crash situation. The situation with that is that there is no situation. I live about 10 minutes (or so) from where it occurred north of Aylesbury. The skies around here are BUSY. I mean BUSYBUSY. There's multiple RAF bases that are active (RAF Benson is very active and has it's Chinooks in the skies constantly on the daily.. they're hard to ignore) and loads of both private and small public airports. This is the country house belt. People are flown in and out all the time, especially if the weather is decent. All of the statements that the area was sealed, blah blah fuckity blah, is rubbish. It didn't happen on Waddesdon nor did anything land ON Waddesdon Manor itself. It was adjacent to and mid-air, with both the helicopter and Cessna being in the air (not taking off or landing) while crashing. There were people in both the VILLAGE of Waddesdon and village of Westcott that saw it occur. I know everyone wants to jump in and go "Ooooh Rothschilds! Illuminati!" and all that but it's not true. No one lives there as the home belongs to the National Trust and is a tourist site. There are offices, etc., but that's about it. Yes, Getty does live nearby. As does Rowan Atkinson, Jeremy Irons, Maurice Gibb's widow (massive estate in Thame), and a million other celebs, etc.. I will say that if you're bored and want to google, I'd check out Getty's plot in Stokenchurch (Wormsley Park; it's near the M40). It's a MASSIVE plot of land with lots of little buildings, etc., that are interesting. So if you want to dig, dig there. ;)

  128. And thanks to lefthandscissors!

    My grandmother had two siblings die of diptheria and the other kids were extremely lucky not to catch it. It's a horrible death from a highly contagious disease. Another sibling dies of blood poisoning.

    My grandfather on the other side saw 4 of his siblings die of now treatable diseases or prevented from the improved labor and delivery conditions we have today.

    It astounds me that people don't realize that the vast majority of scientific invention over the last 100 years has been of great benefit to our species. Hell, talk to your parents about polio and how many children were crippled by that disease in their generation. My parents weren't allowed outside to play in the summers in any public spaces, no pools, no parks, no courts, no musical events, NOTHING, because polio was so prevalent. They weren't allowed around other children at all while the weather was over 75 degrees.

    For the real threats to our health, look at the food industry and those industries fighting to end environment protections (Trump and the GOP are all on board for that!) The science and medical communities are not our enemies.

  129. But Bill Gates is visiting poor countries with his wife, working to eradicate malaria and other local diseases. I cannot believe he would do anything wrong, unless he absolutely does not know...

  130. @plot

    THANK YOU!!! I actually have an elderly-ish (he's in his late 70s) neighbour across the lane from me that had polio as a child and it's beginning to seriously affect his mobility. And as you said, everything is (for eons) has been contagious. It mutates. It's like this fucking flu we're fighting in the UK currently. It's a variation of the "Aussi Flu" (H3N2) however the current flu vaccinations aren't "working" because it isn't the same strain that the vaccine works against.. but this happens ANNUALLY. It's why it's still around- because it mutates as it skips from continent to continent, so that when it finally comes back around the following winter it isn't the EXACT same strain, but there are similarities. It kills me when people scream that they don't work.. well, not always, but would you like to see what could happen if you didn't have one?

    Every single day that I come home from being in London for the day I blow my nose and it's just... black pollution. That's in my body and I was only there for maybe 10hrs at most, yet it's "no, I won't have my kid vaccinated! No one knows what's in there!" Actually, yeah, we do. Why not worry about what's in the air that your kid is breathing, the water they're drinking (I mean, have we forgotten about Flint?!!), the food going into their mouths. Sometimes I just can't with people who think everything has a secret side to it.... especially after having treated those who only have the shirt on their back and lost everyone and everything. Keep on sitting at home on your Ikea sofa and keep thinking up ways that proteins and DNA and RNA are being manipulated to created cancer vaccines and so on.. *eye roll*

  131. All of my medical crap having been said, I'm NOT saying that this church isn't a thing. I absolutely believe that it is. Child trafficking is fucking scary and eye-opening. I don't put anything past people who have the power to purchase children from poor countries (it happens, A LOT) for their own nefarious purposes. I do think that a lot of the people who DO do this are those we don't actually know from a celeb/"famous person" standpoint, but I'm not negating that there are those who are famous that have a hand in it. I'm certain that it happens. That being said not every foundation or famous person that works with a humanitarian charity is out to find kids to take back to their dungeon. A few years ago I was on a trip with UNHCR/MSF, etc., in Ghana and Sudan and we had a few celebs through while I was working. A couple different actors (one of them just about everyone knows; they didn't come together, just FYI, weeks apart) were genuinely interested in the work we were doing interacted with the children and families, asked us questions and really engaged with the situation. They actually seemed to give a shit about what was going on. The others? It was photo ops with children (one specifically asked for "cleaner children to be near me.. I don't want to catch anything!") and doing various "chores" around the camps and then gone. Spent less than a day, came with a trillion staff members/assistants, etc.; I'm pretty sure that if you really take a good look at celebs who go do various humanitarian relief campaigns you can spot those who do it for PR and to make themselves look good and those who are doing it because they care. Those who are doing it to scout kids? I dunno. I've not come across that in a celeb (yet)... private citizens with boatloads of cash pretending to care? Yes, they're poorly hidden wolves in sheeps clothing and do exist. They're hedgefund managers, oil tycoons (from various countries), old money, new money, American, Middle Eastern, French, Russian, Australian.. and everywhere in-between.

    Now back to churches. I grew up down the street from Jim Jones' VERY FIRST church that he ever preached at (in Indianapolis). He wasn't the HBIC, more like assistant to the assistant HBIC. My parents grew up in that neighbourhood and vaguely remember him (they weren't churchgoers and neither were either sets of grandparents.. it was the late 1960s and my old neighbourhood had roughly 15 churches within a 8 block radius..) as being a weirdo that hungout in his car practicing his preaching to himself. He soon moved to a bigger church in Indy and from there he eventually drank the kool-aid. But that church in particular has always had weird shit/congregations. I could write a story about the shit that went down in that building but fortunately it was bulldozed a few years ago... bloody cursed.

  132. The Catholic church could have bio labs in secret. just saying, as they would probably be the only ones really. Now church members involved in working in programs or labs giving them access to stuff could be slightly different, and more believable.

  133. @lefthandscissors

    I tend to believe in Clooney's Satellite Sentinel Project from what I've read of it.

    But I've also heard stories from my friends who work for relief agencies about the erstwhile celebs who show up for their photo op and then run away.

    Oh churches in the USA are big money, and big money laundering and even bigger houses of horror even if they are "legit". The number of fundy churches around here who sponsored Russian adoption trips, then switched to Haiti, and then the members competed with one another for holiest family to adopt the most messed up child, was sickening. These Russian and Haitian kids were ordered to never speak in their home language, to never refer to their childhoods, cuz they are Americans now and can leave that horrible past behind.

    Needless to say, most of these adoptions (for which members paid their churches enormous sums of money) have not worked out well.

    My issue is this heading of The Church. What Enty is describing is more on the level of a network of multi-denominational churches, some with trafficking issues I'm sure and some with just everyday fundy issues of neglect and member competition for being god's specialest rainbow.

  134. @post

    Clooney IS legit. He may come off as a douche sometimes but he's sincere, I can say that (he's also really f'ing nice.. he came into my local pub last spring and we had a long chat about Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio-related shit and living overseas, etc.; absolutely down to earth as they come..).

    I agree with your thoughts on Enty's church blind. It's completely possible, more than, actually. However I doubt that there are people working away in laboratories creating mutant genomes and all that "Young Frankenstein" level shit.. ffs.

  135. @plot and @lefthandscissors. Heck, I'm a molecular biologist and you know what I got a few years ago? Whooping cough. Yes, I'd been vaccinated as a child but I did not know that immunity is not lifelong and I had not gotten a booster (and my doctor didn't tell me I needed one. I guess I missed that journal article.).

    My area is very anti vaxx and I probably caught it from my daughter who brought it home as what we thought was a bad cold. She didn't get full on whooping cough having been recently vaccinated, but I did. I was sick for 8 weeks easily. A less healthy person could have easily died. Our next door neighbor brought home a newborn and asked if I wanted to hold him. I begged off because I had a cold. I didn't have a cold - I had whooping cough. I could have easily been the death of that child. All those old diseases are nasty nasty nasty and those microbes are still trying to get us, in new ways we can't necessarily predict.

  136. @Schneiderisnext. Don't get me wrong, CRISPR is crazy powerful. Everyone should learn more about it because it's a BIG DEAL. That's why I brought it up. But there is a big difference between using it in a lab with store-bought kits and using it in the wild for the scenario I commented upon. I personally do not believe it's ready for prime time in that way, or that it can necessarily be used to accomplish the scenario outlined. That doesn't mean that this technology shouldn't be watched closely and questionable uses called out. I'm glad Hollywood is learning about it because I really can't overstate how powerful this technology is.

    It's DNA sequencing powerful. So let's keep talking about it and keep our minds educated and open.

    1. Totally agree @chickensashimi I also don't know if it's ready for primetime, but it isn't science fiction.

      And if there is a profit or power motive, I see it happening sooner than we expect.'s an inevitable human tendency, but in the same way hackers hold onto zero day exploits. Knowledge that another doesn't have, is power.

  137. @schneiderisnext and @chickensashimi

    Your points are completely valid and true. (sidenote: it's good to have this level of intellectual discussion here.. LOL) Yes, mosquitoes are harbingers of death, same as fleas. Yes, there are biological weapons out there and they're being developed by every country on earth, sadly. However this blind goes way out there for me. I'm not denying any of what you've said- it's all true and factual, however, putting it into this blind is a bit of stretch. But that's just me. I could be wrong as fuck and go into work in a month and have a meeting regarding an outbreak of XYZ in whatever country this blind is referring to (in which case I'll probably poo down my leg and wonder wtf to do next because I'm not trying to be bumped off by some crazed pedophiles..). But yes, religious groups do have loads of hospitals and research centres, etc.; that's a fact. Some of them are incredible with the research they've done and breakthroughs they've pioneered. The flipside of that coin is are they really doing underhanded shit? Yes, you're always going to have rogue doctors/researchers, but as a group/whole.. I don't know. Are they actually willing to risk their entire organisation for this? That's a hard pill for me to swallow.

    As far as flu shots go... that's a grey area for me. They're effective for the elderly and very young (re: 5 and younger IMO). No it isn't the same strain but it can help curb some of the really bad symptoms of the flu. I personally haven't had a flu shot in decades. I've broken protocol by not doing so, but I'm not the only one. I'm relatively healthy and know how to deal with it. The last time my children had a flu shot was when we lived in the US and they were toddlers.. which is yeaaars ago. I know they're going to catch a cold or some version of some virus multiple times because they're kids and kids carry bugs/viruses better than fleas and mosquitoes (in some cases... LOL). That being said I'm currently commenting back while drinking a hot tea with honey and whisky because I have a killer cold (or is the "Aussie flu"?) that's keeping me from sleeping. So there we go. LOL. (And holy shit whooping cough... girl, I feel your pain. That shit is BRUTAL...)

  138. Ty both for your perspectives! We must have been neighbors for a bit while we were at West Point . ❤️NY. Much better than Walter Reed and the Pentagon.

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