Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 16, 2018

This foreign born A++ list celebrity probably can't back out without looking foolish, but a lot more people are whispering about the past of his significant other. One thing that is very noticeable is at a recent event, the significant other worked hard to get the attention on herself rather than him. Further, there were only about 20 people who showed up and the year previous with that first couple in attendance the number was about ten times higher.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle/Kate and Prince William


  1. Backing out is a week or two of bad press. Not backing out is a lifetime of the same.

  2. Kate Middleton is the truth.

  3. My impression is that he is completely smitten. I will be very, very surprised if the marriage doesn't happen.

  4. Hard to believe Harry or his people dropped the ball on the due diligence of her background if this is true.

  5. I have a bad feeling about this. Whirlwind romance doesn't always translate to long term happiness. These two don't look like a fit to me. Something just seems off.

  6. If she's such a big trouble for Royal family, he better back out now. Otherwise, knowing Windsors, MI5 will do this for him lol.

    1. Yes with MI5/MI6 there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
      Or even a bright light in the middle of the tunnel.

  7. Markle gives me Debra Messing vibes; always looking for the camera.

  8. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?

  9. There a very strong 'rumor' floating around that there will never be a wedding as one will have an 'accident' between now and then...I am not making this up, not saying it is fact just playing telephone...And remember these are simply pawns and puppets we see, there are many more powerful people behind the curtain...

    1. Enty had this in a blind a couple weeks ago

  10. If they're talking about the trip to Wales, hundreds of people were there--easy to see in photos. The couple have only made 3 public appearances, I think. The first one with hundreds, the second to a radio station, and the third to Wales with hundreds.

    1. It is the Brixton PR event he is talking about. The Cardiff trip happened after this blind was written.

      And she is always looking out for the cameras. Wonder how they feel about Eugenie’s Wedding for this fall?

  11. Markle gives me Pippa Middleton vibes, yes loves the attention and the camera! This wedding is happening, there is no way Markle will let anyone come between her shot at marrying a Prince. She will get Harry to that altar no matter what is takes! Wish I could get on board with this, but there's just something about Meghan that rubs me the wrong way.

  12. Won't happen. The breakup or tragic accident will sell a billion papers, beget TV specials galore and channel even more money than the wedding would. MM's market value will rocket and yachts will line up for her, providing they go with breakup, not tragedy, of course.

  13. Doesn't matter if she was vetted. If the public gossiping gets to a loud enough point where even the Palace becomes aware of it/can no longer ignore it, I would expect that they would put their foot down.

  14. Meg keeps looking directly at cameras, posing for selfies, hugging people etc, The thing is though she's American and an actress so it's what she's always done at events. More palace training, and she'll be a clone of Kate in no time.

  15. Meghan is an actress and of course she is going to pose/play for the camera....much like her late mother in law did.

    She would have undergone not just vetting but extreme vetting to get where she is.

    She'll be polished up as she goes on but I do find it amusing that racists who can't own up to be racist find the flimsiest of excuses to critique Meghan.

    1. I always find it amazing that black women could care less about the character of the person and only see her skin colour. They are racist in reverse as are many black people.

    2. Wow...You are so thoroughly racist it's amusing to see you pointing fingers. Are "they"? You've met enough black women to make a blanket statement about MILLIONS of us? Oh, ok...

      Nothing concrete about Meghan has been published. Blind items and rumors are easy to plant and you choose to believe them because you want to.

      If you really believe Harry is marrying an overbearing prostitute then I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Smh

  16. It was interesting to see Princess Eugenie’s engagement photos yesterday. She’s marrying her boyfriend of 7 years, a fishlike British white guy, standard royal spouse type. Anyway, their photos were dull and basic, but much more sincere than Harry and Meghan’s Vogue editorial knockoffs.

    1. You nailed it about the difference in the engagement photos. Plus the ridiculousness of sparked £75,000 photo dress

  17. I must be naive. She’s so pretty and they look so happy and when I look at photos of them I just think “wow, I bet they have a lot of fun sex.”

    1. No, you are just a decent person and not a secret racist or bitter loser eager to eat up every anonymous gossip item planted to knock her.

      She MAY be calculating and trashy but there is nothing proving that. Also, what do they think she'll do? Run off with the family jewels? She's going to take pics, pop out some ginger babies and enjoy being royal. Like most people would...

  18. She is a black, American, Catholic, Divorced
    and a yacht girl. Harry met Meghan Markle on her back and those are facts. She looks horrible in all the photos coming out from the UK. I still think she is pregnant.

    1. @Lisa, I read this with a side of *meow*


    2. What's wrong with being black Lisa? Or even 50% black in her case?

    3. Have you ever seen a black British royal?

    4. Yes the portrait of Queen Charlotte, Queen Vic's grandmother. Your lack of knowledge is showing, along with your bias. Their line is already polluted, so there's one less adjective for you to be aghast about.

    5. She was German. Her tan skin from a Portuguese relative. Not British.

    6. Shes not even black...she is mixed race...black father, white mother...so the race of her mother doesnt count?

  19. I don't see Prince Harry backing out, although I don't think that's what the blind was saying. I took it to mean that just because others are whispering and if that eventually comes to Harry's attention and it gives him a quick moment of clarity as to whom he's actually marrying, then it would make him look foolish if he backed out.

    He's obviously smitten with Meg. Unless he's a better actor than Jason Mamoa in how smitten he "appears" when he's around his main woman, then he is truly and "blindly" in love. Meg is the actor and she doesn't even look as smitten.

    As for whispers/gossip among others about Meg's past, that is just par for the course for the world of England's royalty. Whispers and gossip are tightly woven into that who matrix and have been for hundredssss of years. Just because there's gossip about one of the potential royal's past doesn't mean that it will stop the marriage from happening and it certainly won't end there. She will be whispered about forever now.

  20. I don't understand people complaining she's an 'attention seeker'. She's an actress so she is obviously used to playing up towards an audience. That doesn't necessarily equate to somehow not being serious about a marriage, she could be enjoying the attention AND in love.

    At the end of the day the royals know they are an outdated institution and Markle will do wonders for their image. if Harry has a couple of kids with her and at some point in the future gets divorced with no scandal or intrigue - he will be doing a hell of a lot better than his Dad and dodgy Uncle Andrew.

  21. @ Lisa "She is a black, American, Catholic, Divorced
    and a yacht girl. Harry met Meghan Markle on her back and those are facts. She looks horrible in all the photos coming out from the UK. I still think she is pregnant."

    How do you know he met her 'on her back'. How is that a fact? No way is she pregnant now either, she is not going to walk up the aisle in a royal church watched by millions with a 5 month preggers belly.

    1. @ Em Lew we know that because Harry told the world during their engagement interview that they had two drinks and then spent 5 days sharing a tent in Africa.

  22. I couldn't agree more with claire most people dislike her because of her race but will find any excuse or wildly unbelievable lies to criticise her. The article in the DM was ridiculous you can find lots of photos of Kate looking at a camera and lot's of Meghan not looking at the camera it's a public event she can hardly shield her face it would be ridiculous. Some people will will use anything against someone. I'm wondering are the people who think the marriage won't happen the same who swore they wouldn't get engaged or that they weren't a couple. Get over it they're in love they're getting married and couldn't give a crap what a bunch of racist trolls think about it. Careful not to drown in you sea of tears on May the 19th.

    1. I think its clear Meghan is flopping and to the sugars out there who love her former prostitute ways, give your heads a shake.

    2. I don't care about her "prostitute ways" at all. I sure do think she's beautiful! Like, one of the most beautiful ever. And I think they look darling together. Their kids are gonna be cuuuuuute

    3. Yeah, you're right about people using anything against them! You could crack a self-deprecating joke and someone will use THAT against you (that's how you know the hate runs deep).

    4. The concept of racism was invented by the elites. Irony is staggering. They had to pit the peasants and slaves against each other to avoid the palace being rushed. I've personally done more for black people than any idiots commenting. How do you know what my colour is? I don't live in mental ghettos like some who think they have a dog in this situation. Meghan who has captured a dim prince w/ her pu$$y then claims to be a feminist makes all black women look bad.

    5. The Royals are the worst family in the world when it comes to morals. So I couldn't care less if one of them marries a half black former prostitute she's not in the same league as them when it comes to questionable behaviour. I don't feel represented by MM as a black woman and don't think she makes any black woman look bad. You're bitter about people that couldn't give a toss about you.

    6. Hear hear! The Royal Family have more skeletons in their closet than most. Harry's mother was a virginal white Royal bride of the right class. Her marriage was an utter disaster. The only good to come out of it being two children. Stick to Disney if you want fairytales.

  23. It was interesting that they would have Eugenie announce her engagement so soon after Harry. It seemed like a deliberate distraction.

  24. For all of those pro-MeAgain Sparkles people who think that the only thing that anyone could hate MeAgain Sparkles for is her biracial identity, give it a rest. I couldn’t care less about her race, and I actually think her skin tone is very pretty. I dislike her for who she is as a person and how she acts, which has nothing to do with race or skin tone.

    I agree that Eugenie’s photos come across as more genuine, and less like an ad for Van Cleef and Arples. There’s a warmth that isn’t present with MeAgain’s photos. While you can say that “she’s an actress, so of course she’s going to be looking for attention,” she’s also chosen to give up being an actress and ought to take a page out of the Queen’s book and the Duchess of Wessex’s book on how to behave around paparazzi. She hasn’t quite gotten the memo that she needs to be literally and figuratively a step behind her fiancé and several steps behind more senior members of the royal household (DM has already commented about how she’s been going ahead of Prince Harry at events). If she wasn’t ready for the adjustment, she shouldn’t have gotten engaged so soon. Even though she won’t likely be queen, Will and Kate’s kids are still very young, and once both the Queen and Charles die, Harry will be 4th in line (assuming the third child is born healthy). Abdication is also not a remote concept since the Queen’s uncle abdicated less than 100 years ago, so there should be concern for Harry’s future wife as a possible leader of the UK.

    I think I was the one who threw out that it might be Brixton for the event, but the more I think about it, the event could have been Christmas Day service at Sandringham.

    I doubt that any royal could get divorced without scandal.

    1. I see you there Duchess Catherine 🕵

    2. There are rules about "walking behind your man" in England? I mean in 2017? That's... IDK what that is: i was under the impression we were all created equal. I'm like the biggest Anglophile ever, but good God. Can't they amend taht?

      I'd marry into a royal family just to screw with their "customs/traditions", and then on my deathbed, I'd be like, "I WAS JUST MESSING WITH YOU ALL."


      And those were her last words... #RIP

  25. hahaha, loving the trolls that hate Meggie, like "Unknown". Newsflash Harry was never and will never marry you. haha, sound like a spoiled little 12 year old girl.

  26. In many of the photos Princess Sparkles is pulling on him as if he's trying to get away. When Eugenie's engage pics look less forced that's saying something too.

  27. Just going to throw in my two cents...it's ridiculous to say that racism has anything to do with feeling that MM being a whore makes her an inappropriate choice for Harry.

    1. +100 although, as I always say,
      I don’t think Harry is a prize

  28. Andi F, I’d never choose to marry him (I wouldn’t want to marry into that family [it would be cool to meet the Queen, but zero interest in meeting Charles, Phillip, Wills, Kate, etc.], and he doesn’t seem terribly bright or well-educated, so I doubt he’d be able to hold an intellectually-stimulating conversation). Disliking a public figure and not making any qualms about it hardly makes me a troll. It isn’t as if I am directly harassing her or her friends/family. You’re just pissed that I’m not a racist, so you’re choosing to attack me directly with baseless accusations, like a true troll. Btw, Harry was never what? You appear to have forgotten to finish that thought, or you just have horrific grammar.

  29. Guess I’m alone here. Harry is my favorite royal and I love MM. I have watched every royal wedding since Diana when my mother awoke me at an ungodly hour to watch it. MM is the first truly stunningly beautiful bride to marry into that family and I can’t WAIT for the wedding.....which WILL happen.

  30. I think she can look very stylish at times, but in my mind's eye I keep seeing those Christmas pictures of Meghan with that inane smile and that stupid mushroom hat that was too big for her head.

    1. I thought those hats (milinery?) are MEANT to look stupid? Like that's the point?

  31. Interesting article in the NY Post today about how Princess Eugenie’s engagement ring is much more expensive than Meghan’s, since it contains some kind of super-rare gemstone surrounded by very pure diamonds.

    Not great optics. But hey, Eugenie’s fiancé is a businessman. Maybe he has much more cash on hand than Harry.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. @Scandi Sanskrit, the person with royal rank (male or female) always walks in front of the person with lesser rank. Queen Elizabeth has been walking in front of Prince Philip for 70 years now.

    The way to avoid this is to give up your royal rank, like Princess Anne did for her children. They walk side-by-side with their partners.

    @Unknown, I think the problem is less that Meghan is trying to be noticed; it's that she's trying to be liked. If you've ever been the new kid in a school or on a team or in an office, you can sympathize. She's trying terribly hard, and I kind of feel bad for her.

    I think the core of the problem is that they're trying to rush her into a very different role than she's accustomed to. A longer engagement - maybe not as long as Eugenie's 7 years - would give the public time to get used to her, and give her time to get used to all the Royal Family's various quirks.

    If she had, say, 2 years to clearly be Harry's partner, be seen with him at various events and let her (reportedly) sunny and kind personality start to shine through, this would all be much less controversial. And her race would be less of a big deal.

    I think some in the crowd feel she is being forced on them very quickly - this divorced American actress with a certifiably trashy (white side of her) family - and that they are told that if they are uncomfortable with that, they must be racists. That's not a recipe for anybody's happiness.

    Harry himself is probably at fault in this - he's clearly passionate about her, and pushing for too much too soon. Bad for her, bad for the public. A tactical mistake.

    1. Thank you, Nutty! You're very knowledgable. Well if it has nothing to do with gender and just ranks/seniority, I actually have zero problem with it. In my culture, if there's one chair then the more senior person should have the chair and everyone else can sit on the floor. So I get that (in fact I remember being quite offended when I saw someone who wormed themselves into a group sat next to a board member while the directors/main producer who had been in the organisation WAAAAY longer all sat on the floor—they were well-travelled/westerners, so I don't think THEY minded but it bothered me).

      As long as it's not a gender thing. I like to respect elders.

  33. Claire Renee said...
    "I do find it amusing that racists who can't own up to be racist find the flimsiest of excuses to critique Meghan."

    Guess what Claire Renee- I don't have to like every person on the planet who is not white. I am beyond fed up with the liberal left who tries to shut down every argument by shaming and calling people racist. I am not calling you a name because you like Markle, so please try to respect other people's opinions. I think her ethnicity is actually the most interesting thing about Markle, but to me she is just a very fake and very ambitious girl who wants very much to be enormously famous. She should be careful what she wishes for.

  34. Frankly, shouting 'waycist' every second, is getting boring.
    I don't care if MeAgain is black, brown, white or purple with blue polka dots - she's just fucking UNLIKEABLE!

    Comes across as smug, desperate, and terribly unintelligent in her behaviour. Blowing kisses like she just won a pageant, fake children hugging, hanging onto Harry's sleeve for dear life - seriously, most ppl who dislike her judged her by her behaviour and obvious character and not by the colour of her skin.

    You tolerant lefties, MLK would wipe the floor with all of you. You are all obsessed with skin colour, sexuality and whatnot, and can't seem to see past that.

  35. I feel like people are being incredibly unfair to Meghan. It seems everyone has it out for her and will find every reason in the book to discredit her. That is far from reality. Meghan is a kind, loving person, it is the core of her soul. She will get married to Harry and have a family with him. You will see it. When it happens, think of this comment.

  36. Jennifer, you're absolutely right!! The elites are race-baiting as they have been doing for thousands of years to get the peasants fighting amongst themselves, all so they can be easily controlled. And all the masses easily fall for it, hook, line and sinker.
