Thursday, January 25, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Mr. X - Old Hollywood Harvey

December 4, 2017

This permanent A+ list actress was assaulted several times by OHH when she was underage, as she got older OHH set her up with several rich men to sleep with for money. One of those men was the guy who would become her first husband.

Elizabeth Taylor/Conrad Hilton


  1. Poor Elizabeth Taylor! Was the OHH the pig, Louis B. Mayer?

  2. I wonder if OHH is Louis B. Mayer. Pretty hard going working for the ole school studio heads.

  3. Jeez, take your pick with the studio heads back in the day. They all make Harvey Weinstein look like Phil Donahue.

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I'm muted.

  5. Whaaaat? Oh hell, this is one sick reveal!

  6. Makes no sense as written. ET's first husband was Nicky Hilton, the son of Conrad Hilton. So, as written, that means the Conrad Hilton reveal can only mean he was the O(ld) H(ollywood) H(arvey). However Conrad was a hotel manager and had no influence over studios, much less MGM where ET was contracted. I think that the ENTY intern might have meant ET and Nicky Hilton (meaning that ET was the actress and NH was the man she initially slept with for money) and then you could have someone like Eddie Mannix as OHH.

    1. He wasn't a hotel manager. He created an international hotel chain and was a billionaire. He was also a financier in entertainment, mainly because he was celebrity obsessed.

      Not hard to believe that he was a creep. Zsa Zsa Gabor said he raped her when she was divorcing him.

  7. ^
    Nicky was just his nickname. Enty is probably refering to his real name:

  8. Old Hollywood Harvey is Eddie Mannix. There were a series of Blinds about him a cpl mos ago

  9. When religious types used to say actresses were whores, I thought they meant like flirty or scandalous, I didn't think literal was an option.

  10. I find this really hard to believe since Mama Taylor was a notorious stage mother who would not let Elizabeth out of her site. She was far from Mama Gumm who would pimp Judy to anyone who could advance her career.

  11. @Brayson87: Actors have always been known as travelling prostitutes because that is how they made their money. The religious people did not start the "rumor."

    @MontanaMarriott it is an open secret that Liz Taylor and other child stars of yesteryear were pimped out. There is a reason that documentary is called Open Secret.

  12. OHH is Conrad Hilton.

  13. So, Conrqd set her up with his son Nicky? I read a biography of the Hiltons, and it said Conrad was always hesitant about Nicky marrying her, because of all of her drama. He actually tried to talk him out of it. He was also an extremely devout what you want into that one, but it's hard to believe.

  14. Aha...I thought the blind was referring to Conrad Sr. This makes more sense that someone else was the Dirty Harvey.

  15. @ Gator: devout Catholic? That's an oxymoron.

  16. Wasn’t Liz‘s mother a helicopter parent?

  17. At the end of it all, these 'amazing' former Hollywood greats are pretty much only remembered for their drama and who they slept with/married.
    I bet most people can't name a Liz Taylor movie but they can sure as hell name a Liz Taylor husband.
    Not too admirable.

  18. I doubt OHH is Conrad Hilton. It's much more likely that Mr. X just confused Liz's first husband, Nicky Hilton with his father Conrad, who famously married Zsa Zsa Gabor roughly around the same time. It makes no sense that a guy who runs hotels would be pimping out a teenaged MGM contract star of the '40s when the studios were most protective of their stars. Somebody at MGM would be doing that.

  19. M Styles, Cleopatra? LOL
    But seriously, people forget her career prior to being MJ's BFF, marrying and re-marrying and her perfumes.

    Also, this is my first post here.

  20. Has anyone ever considered how these Jewish men are pimping white girls and raping them? I don't think Jews think Christian white girls are even human. I think we need to start purging our socitety of these nasty Jews.

  21. I dont think they were all pimped out so aggressively. Liz Taylor was also known to be one of the few child stars who at 12 stood up to Mayer when he threatened her mother. She threatened to quit and he apologized to her and she said she realized she had power then. So Im not sure she was passed around. Virginity had value and a stage mom would realize that. Not that she couldnt have been molested and not saying Mayer and the others werent obvious rapists.
