Thursday, February 22, 2018

Blind Item #8

This A- list talk show host has always landed on her feet through millions of battles on a show she shares with others. This time though, she is going to be headed for the exit. If she doesn't quit, the producers will not renew her contract. They want someone much much younger and want someone they can mold aka desperate for the job and do what they say.


  1. Replies
    1. And one can only hope🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    2. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Can’t fix stupid. Joy seems to revel in her hate lately.

  2. What, obnoxious isn't the new funny?

  3. Or Sharon Osbourne?

    Joy is a stitch.

  4. Jackie Mason said, "Joy Behar, she has the talent of a crutch."

    Or wait was it his "she believes in nothing. That’s why she talks to the devil.” lol

  5. I can only hope she is a goner. Can’t stand that bitch

  6. Whoopi is 13 years younger than Joy, and a pivotal part of the show. Although we know how much networks dislike supporting female AA hosts it's probably not her.

  7. Replies
    1. What on air battles is Kathy Lee having? 😆

    2. I thought she had a dispute with joy when she was on as a guest

  8. So what is she? Hateful or stupid?

    There has been no talkshow hostess more stupid than Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

    1. Sure there has: Joy Behar.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. They need to get rid of M McCain but this is not her. Is Joy A-?

    1. Seriously.
      Her Sorority Girl voice is so grating. (McCain)

  10. Hope to God its Behar. Cannot stand the bitch.

  11. ABC just had Joy Behar host the Roseanne reboot special in Primetime. That seems like a reward to me.

  12. Hope this is that obnoxious shrew JB.

  13. I think Barbara has Joy's back. She wont let her be fired again.

  14. +1 Joy Behar. Her latest blow up with Meghan McCain is in the news today. Producers have had to stop Meghan from quitting twice already over Behar’s attacks especially. (Because apparently Meghan has been good for ratings.)

  15. Joy Blowhard. CBS got 25000 calls about her comment last week.

  16. +1 Tricia. Joy all day.

  17. Please let this be Kelly Ripa.

  18. I'm w/ Tricia. I think this is Joy. The fight w/ her and McCain is pretty bad.

  19. Buhbye, Joyless. Please let the door hit you on the way out.

  20. I don't really know, since I don't watch daytime TV, but aren't Joy's fights legendary and part of why people turn into The View?

    I only know her from subbing for Larry King and as a guest on a panel, but she's funny, to me. Didn't The View fire her and rehire her a couple of times and learned the lesson that people watched when Joy was on over when she wasn't?

  21. Can’t imagine anyone tuning in to any show to see Joy Behar. Would love to see her Kathy Griffined. Can’t stand her. My guess tho is one of the today girls to make room for barf Katie Couric. Just don’t know which girl. PS. The only way I would ever tune into the view is if Meredith Vieira came back and JB was gone.

  22. Right wing hacks get so upset by Joy Behar. Such delicate little snowflakes.

    1. I’m not a right wing hack but I do take my faith seriously, we turn the other cheek all the time, but I’m tired of hearing my faith get mocked by soulless scum like behave and those of her ilk. There is a reason these left wing losers never mock the Muslim religion. They actually strike back, and not in a friendly way.

  23. The orders from 4chan and the Russian bots seem to be to attack Clooney and Behar this week.

    I amuses me no end that the Hacks can't bring a single valid criticism against Behar except "She's a MEANIE!"

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Fine. She’s a vacuous toffee headed libtard nincompoop. A totally redundant statement on multiple levels.

  24. McCain is a brat who always has to have the last word and play the victim.....

  25. JB's is like shoving broken glass in my ears. She is such a bitter twat.

  26. Behar is obnoxious. She forgets that the show already fired her once.

  27. ...and took her right back again when ratings tanked...the public loves Behar's shit stirring.

  28. Joy is the worst! Even when I agree with her point, I want to take the other persons side because she is just nasty and hurtful and mean in her arguing. She is plain hateful

  29. I think it might be Whoopi... she stays telling them off on air about playing the music while she speaks and seems like she's kind of over the job anyways..

  30. Boring without Joy! Tell it like it is Joy and give them he'll! Cancel the show ..

  31. Please be Joy. She killed the show for me. Very much an attention seeker.

  32. " but I’m tired of hearing my faith get mocked by soulless scum like behave and those of her ilk"

    How about the soulless hacks inside your faith who preach the Gospel of Prosperity? How about the ones who consign all LGBT to hell while snorting meth off the butts of rentboys in sleazy hotel rooms? How about the preachers whose sins with young girls and boys are covered up by congregants like yourself? How about the use of tax exemptions to own fleets of cars and million dollar homes?

    Not tired of those yet, I suppose.

    The rot is from within. Don't blame us for noticing.

    "never mock the Muslim religion"

    If you think your religion is somewhat better than Islam, act like it.

  33. I love Joy and think she is funny. We would be friends.
