Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 8, 2017

The in the news husband of this former A- list celebrity turned A- list reality star turned celebrity turned A- list reality star turned celebrity who is an offspring of someone with A+ list name recognition is cheating on her. The same person he has been cheating on her before they got married.

Bristol Palin/Dakota Meyer


  1. Can't say I blame him. I am a conservative and even I run far away whenever this family name is mentioned.

  2. And he just filed for divorce which would explain the reveal. Two kids later.

    Class act, guys.

  3. Surprised it lasted that long. Is she really A- list? That seems a bit high for her.

  4. You people are GOOD! I couldn’t even make sense of the “blind hints”!!!

  5. Sergeant Dakota Meyer is a Medal of Honor winner who has suffered a lot from his combat experiences, so I won't say much about him except that his decision to get involved with the Palin family seems like the first in a series of poor decisions. Hopefully he comes out of this on two feet and makes better decisions in the future and gets in a good place.

  6. The Palin's are losers. The end.

  7. I must say, though, it must have been pretty satisfying for Sarah Palin when Katie Couric made that incredibly stupid and ignorant remark about the Dutch on air. Sarah must have thought, "And what's *your* reading material, Katie, 'Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skates'?"

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Do Tell: That was certainly my first reaction!

  8. The trailer park trash used him to upgrade their cred with conservatives and to repair Bristol's image as an unwed mommy. I can't see anyone wanting to have to be around this family constantly and have to deal with their idiocy. Bristol probably will grow old alone and maybe have another illegitimate kid before she does.

  9. The Palins weren't losers. They were a pretty solid, successful middle-class family. But celebrity bit them very hard. I suspect that Sarah and Todd would gladly go back to what they had in June of 2008.

    I've forgotten, Spacecowboy78: which towns elected you mayor? Which states elected you governor? Which career on the north slope did you have, and which fishing business did you create from scratch, successfully? You are fortunate that anything potentially negative about you and your family does not become instant tabloid fodder.

    1. This is good. Politics aside, they were successful and had a decent life I suspect.
      It went south in a bad way when the spotlight hit them, and I agree they probably would go back a decade if they could.

  10. Yeah, I was a little surprised by the split. They seemed so tight-knit. She doesn't seem phased at all -- at least from any photos of herself -- that her husband left her and the kiddies.

    Really, he was cheating before and during the marriage? With whom?

    Why get married to her and have another kid when you have a side chick?!

    Lot's of respect to him for his service and valor, but there was some poor thinking going on with that pairing.

  11. Your vs. You're: Poor thinking, I agree. Bristol is cute, no doubt. And once they already had a kid, I can see trying to make it work. But someone isn't trying very hard here. Fame whore virus at work, I suspect.

  12. So is she pregnant with someone else's kid again?

  13. Yawn. trash will be trash.

  14. GordonScott: Sarah Palin loves the limelight and will do anything to keep her face in front of the camera, it's just that nobody wants her now. If someone offered her another TV show, she would jump at it. When I visited Alaska years ago, she was the governor at the time, before anyone else knew who she was. Every time I turned a channel, there she was. I couldn't figure out why their governor wasn't spending more time actually governing. Total camera whore who loves attention.

  15. Umm wasn't he already married when he tried to marry Palin a couple of years back? Isn't that why the Palins cancelled the wedding at the last minute, because he was still married to someone else? I mean the guy is obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer if he was trying to be a bigamist. They're both trash

  16. Gator, if someone offered you a TV show, would you turn it down? It's a lot less work than dragging in a fishing net, and it pays a lot more. The thing is, she has been offered shows, on several networks. She's turned them down.

    I've never understood the hatred, except that because she's Republican, she therefore deserves it and so does her family.

  17. HH314: no. He had been married but divorced in 2010, four or five years before he married Bristol.

  18. GOP cuckservatives are dumb fuck nuts and should be forbidden to have children.

  19. Gordon Scott, I don't think so. People don't just cancel weddings a day before with hundreds of guests present because of an undisclosed divorce several years prior. He never finalized it and his former wife showed up at the wedding.

  20. Also, Gordon Scott, I do not begrudge the Palins there TV opportunities, I just cringe at their trashiness and lack of class. They belong on Jerry Springer not in the government

  21. He always seemed like kind of a hard-ass to live with. I hope she takes the kids back to Alaska to be near her family.

  22. Ugh it's worse than the K's that shall not be named this month.

  23. Gordon Scott he was still legally married and they had to cancel everything until it was worked out. It probably wasn't deliberate, but he still couldn't marry her. Meanwhile the white trash was trying to get her married to him so Palin could flaunt him on the 2012 campaign trail.

    1. This guy is all classes of sketchy. He wasnt divorced when he tried to marry Bristol. And there is scuttlebutt he he lied and/or exaggerated his military record. And remember the pics he took with guns and ammo right near his infant daughter? I mean was that necessary? I think it was staged photo to get reaction. Bristol never had a chance to grow up. When sarah palin was offered VP, shecshod have said no- because bristol was pregnant. But sarah cldnt resist and thrust bristol, at 17 and pregnant, into the spotlight. Before her values and ideas for her future were formed, she was thrust into this unreal reality, where u make money with reality shows, her looks were criticized, her clothes, that she was even pregnant- it stunted her personal growth which is why she is so mixed up.

  24. That family is the American embarrassment part 1.

  25. Oh, Damn! There are a lot of Palin haters here.

    Looks like @GordonScott got roughed up a little after his comments. I actually thought his comments were more easy to digest than some of the hate that others spewed out. Keep comin’ back, Gordon.

    I don’t like or dislike the Palins. I believe they’re a great place to start if you’re looking to watch a train wreck though, but reading the more balanced (ok… neutral) comments about a celebrity that’s getting trashed grabs my attention and keeps me coming back.

    Just sayin’, so please don’t let that ruffle up any feathers of the Palin haters – I’m still a daily fan of several of you and your other less-hateful comments. 😉

  26. Also, Dakota was NOT still married to his first wife when he met Bristol. If you look up public records it shows that he and Cassie Wain were divorced in 2010, well before meeting Bristol in 2015. Perhaps there is an error with the public records though.

  27. Bristol needs to tie her tubes and focus on her kids. The Palin children seem to have issues with their spouses and home life must have been a nightmare!

  28. I thought there were questions about the daughter being his kid, which is why the wedding was called off. I find this assholes a bunch of hypocrites, especially since Bristol kept preaching about abstinence while pregnant.

  29. Lordy, who knew the Palins employed an army of commenters?
