Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 7, 2018

This B+ list mostly movie actress with A+ list name recognition all of you know got some kind of botox injection that has paralyzed a portion of her face for the past week. It kind of looks like she is doing an Elvis thing. Apparently it is going to be like that for a few weeks.

Katie Holmes


  1. It's a damn shame Katie is no longer the cute ingenue (see how that word is supposed to be used Entwat?) Joey and looks totally used up now rough and haggard.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. LOL

    That's what you get for selling your soul to Scientology

  4. She wouldn't have to use both if she just layed off the smoking and boozing...

  5. She always looked weird to me, like she had a stroke; her mouth situation - fucking nasty

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      I don’t think it’s actual Bell’s palsy. It’s a documented fact that certain people freeze up half their body when “trying” to act. The reason why Harrison Ford does the finger of doom, he just realized that half of his body is frozen. Some people just cannot make believe without having to think about it at the same time.
      Anyway that’s my two cents


    Who on Earth told her to use Botox? I think she looks fabulous.

  7. She should claim Bell's Palsy like Angie.

  8. americanpanda, I think nasty is a bit much, but yes. She has always looked like she has a slight paralysis on the left side of her face.

  9. Mark, not because of the slight droop - gf has jacked up teeth and then gets all those break outs from cold sores - YUCK. Just a nasty ass grill.
    She's ok when she doesn't smile or show teeth.

  10. She also has a really long body and really short legs.

  11. She has herpes outbreaks on her face. Not cold sores on her lip, herpes on her face. What dumb doctor gave her botox?

  12. Cripes! Shaming a woman for looking like she's a 39 year old mom who happens to be an actor? Does anyone wonder why middle aged men go for tight firm teenage girls then? Apparently anyone over 20 looks unacceptable if all ya'll are a sample population.

    I personally look "lived in", and wouldn't have it any other way. F uhhhhh ck!

  13. If she keeps it up, Jamie is gone in 3.2.1

  14. Actually, @Dahling, most here would tell Katie to stop trying to look younger,then she wouldn't be having effects from botox. She should stop smoking, that will help most.

  15. Yeesh, people are hitting botox like it's going out of style.

  16. It wasn't botox, it was nerve damage from deepthroating Jamie

  17. The Entys making up shit again. I heard years ago that KH had Bells Palsy.

  18. Always have fillers done by the doctor and not an RN. She is prettier with longer hair. Better than frozen face KK.

  19. @K.W - what do you think cold sores are??! Cold sores are just an everyday name for Herpes Simplex, the virus that causes them. So, yeah, she has herpes, and on her lips for sure, there are so many photos of her with her outbreaks visible.

    Personally, I think Katie is super pretty to this day. Not sure why everyone here is hating on her looks.

    And everyone in Hollywood does Btx, so no big deal.
