Thursday, February 01, 2018

Today's Blind Items - I Blame Him

This week it is all coming out about what a horrible sex predator this designer is, but I blame him for the downward spiral he put this iconic type figure on which caused her early death.

Over the years, when I would speak to her about him, her first response was always he helped me so much. That was a rote answer she gave to anyone. Once she got to talking though, things were a little different. I think she always considered what he did as help, but the hoops he made her jump through were extensive. She probably slept with three or four dozen guys to help him land deals or get extensions on financing or a new line of credit or get a deal on advertising. She says there was always another reason for her to sleep with yet another guy. Not all of those experiences were pleasant. They treated her like a piece of meat because she was just there as part of a business transaction.

I'm not trying to make this particular blind all that political, but a long time ago I wrote that this now A++ list celebrity paid for some of the financing of one of straight to video movies once she slept with him.

Back when she first started with the designer, he wanted some kind of tax break and he offered her up to a then A++ list celebrity who was at the time the same status as the A++ lister above is now.

For close to six or seven years after they started working, she would do this for the designer. When she would travel all over the world, there would always be what you saw on the red carpet, but what you wouldn't see is who was waiting in that country for her to have sex with for the designer. She started using drugs an abusing them and dealing with the pain and all of you know where it sent from there.


  1. Paul Marciano and Trump for the men.

  2. Trump for A++ List Celebrity now
    Clinton for A++ List Celebrity then

  3. Anna Nicole Smith

    Designer - George Marchiano (?) from Guess

  4. And Clinton for the other A++

  5. *wipes hands* all done. NEXT!

    1. Damn!! Good work sandy / moose / montana! My 2 second response was trump and Anna nicole but it took that long to scroll and see you guys locked it in ages ago 😂

  6. Anna Nicole Smith, Moschino, Trump, Clinton

  7. Anonymous10:16 AM

    This is DEFINITELY Anne Nicole Smith, Paul Marciano, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump

  8. So the 3/4 dead Billionaire in the wheelchair did look like good marriage material

  9. Anonymous10:18 AM

    And I will go so far to say the film Chump gave funding to was her Die Hard wannabe Skyscraper.

  10. I think Anna was a mess before he came around. She was responsible for her own self.

  11. Everybody got it.

    And the rest of the world thinks it's just limited to groping and harassment.

  12. I really liked Anna Nicole. I loved her as a model and, while her reality show was a mess at times, I appreciated seeing her life after having been in the business for so long and her struggles (I realize it was "reality", but still I believe what we saw was really her).

  13. I thought it was well-known back when Anna Nicole was the Guess Model that she was sleeping with Paul Marciano? And Trump and Bill Clinton. She just always seemed like a sad, hot mess who was pimped out early by that hillbilly family of hers.

    1. She was ..... and after the mess she came from, she enjoyed the limelight until you could tell she was restless, unfulfilled, unsettled, struggling. A sad case

  14. You know, pretty girls can usually study accounting or MRI technician skills just like ordinary people do. Choosing to be famous is a choice.

    Not always, I know, but usually.

    1. That's totally irrelevant. Choosing to be a model should not mean signing up to be sexually exploited.

      His behavior is inexcusable, HE is the problem.

      Sounds like you are just bitter that some people can get by on their appearance.

    2. Thanks, Nonya. And even after studying accounting or becoming an MRI technician, she can still be abused and exploited. It's not the victim's fault.

  15. This should have been labeled easy easy. Anna was doomed from the start, but she was an easy target for men in power.

  16. As long as we are not blaming 'hiiiiiiiim' 🤗 Or is it himmmmm?

  17. @J,pretty girls get harassed at those jobs too. So females are supposed to not go into high paying acting and modeling jobs because of someone else's behavior? And in case you didn't pay attention, the men are getting it too.

  18. @ J - Sexual harassment and assault happens in all professions. You just don't hear about it when it happens to average people. Take it from someone who investigates employee "misconduct" for a living.

    @B626 - sadly, its true. Poor Anna was being abused by different people in various stages of her life.

  19. The only thing I knew about Anna Nicole in the Guess days was she was beautiful and from Playboy. I sometimes wish we had internet when I was young, but I also am glad we didn't. At least I got to live in ignorance for a while and just enjoy entertainment (but I'm very glad everything is coming out and abusers are being outed)

    **I'm tired of failing select a car tests. I know what a damn car is (I think)

    1. I don't get those anymore Don. Change your browser maybe?

  20. I loved Anna so much! Marciano is another pig who needs to be taken down.

  21. Can we have a blind about John Casablancas and Gerald Marie?

  22. Can't be Georges Marciano....Enty describes him as a "designer". He's to design what Joe Francis is to film making.

    +1 to the above answers. God I'm tired of the personal insults and attacks on here lately.

  23. OK, then, pretty girls should all go to Hollywood where only a few are needed at any time to populate movies, etc., and they should just try their hardest and gosh darn it they'll get those roles.

    The idea that any of them might have simpler lives by assuming more realistic aspirations is #partoftheproblem and #itstopshere.

    1. No, YOU are part of the problem. Minimizing predatory sexual behavior by a superior as "hey, just say no and find another career."

      If we're just passing out advice then, how about misongyist guys with no insight to add should all go troll a message board where there are other bitter guys who have been rejected by a pretty girl to commisserate with.

      Just simplified your life - you're welcome.

    2. J is very much part of the problem!! Not her first "Girl got what she deserved" post. Perhaps if all women just stayed clear of those big powerful men, and work in appropriate jobs, wear less sexy dresses we'd be.... back in 19-fucking-50.

    3. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Nonya you are my hero

  24. I would guess that very few accountants or women in "normal" professions are pimped out by their bosses' to fund business deals or lavish lifestyles. Lumping what happens routinely in entertainment into the vague category of "harassment" is silly.

    1. Thankfully you aren't in charge of what constitutes harassment.

      Just because something happens a lot, doesn't mean it's acceptable.

      I guess police should stop going after car thieves - since it happens a lot, it must just be the way it is. Cars are too tempting.

    2. Google "Sterling Jewelers harassment" if you think this stuff only happens in Hollywood.

    3. Just because no one told you about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. And yes, it happens in all professions.

    4. @sdaly - you'd guess wrong! I can only assume you slept through the entire onset of the #metoo movement! FFS! Women came out from every profession & every demographic to share their stories of harassment.. "I guess" they were ALL lying. SMDH You discount thousands of stories because it just doesn't align with your narrowminded POV? Wake up! Or don't. But know if ever it has, or does happen to you, you wouldn't have deserved it either. Regardless OD how ridiculous I think you are.

  25. Replies
    1. That's who I immediately thought of.

  26. I meant to add, Do you like my body?

    **I'm acing the store front tests today!!

  27. Anna Nicole.
    Loved Anna Nicole.

  28. I'm not psyched about that, Nonya, to tell the truth.

    I'm not defending him.

    Sounds like you think going into modeling/acting is a just terrific thing for young women to do on this planet, like you'd encourage those you care about to do so.

    More power to you. I would advise women I care about differently.

  29. The sad reality is that a lot of very beautiful girls are sexually molested at a young age. They then seem to be unable to break out of the cycle. I'm not saying that later on they're innocent and don't make choices, of course. They could make the choice to leave the life of fame and so on.

    Just because a choice is hard or costs a lot doesn't mean that somebody is off the hook for refusing to do the right thing (not prostituting oneself). But it does seem like a lot of the most beautiful women are sexually abused at a young age and never really escape abuse until their looks fade. It's a pretty sad state of affairs.

  30. Peace be upon you, Nonya. May your wounds heal.

  31. It's girls in general! beauty has nothing to do with abuse! @Thadj

  32. Donald Trump and Bill Clinton. Both friends with pedo Jeffrey Epstein and visited the Pedo Island. Well done americans...well done!

  33. God Bless you Nonya! Thanks for pointing out all of the logical fallacies and not so sublets gaslighting of the 1 initialed commenter and his ilk. THEY are the ones who need healing

  34. I honestly don't understand why some commenters jump on "J" for pointing out that beautiful girls need not solely depend on their good looks to make a living, that they have the option of developing their minds and acquiring other marketable skills.

  35. Interesting and thoughtful posts. Yes, beautiful young girls are can be sometimes molested, usually by men, tho perhaps pimped out or also victimized by complicit mothers. But elderly women can also be beaten, raped, killed, again, mostly by men. Many wonderful, loving, hardworking individuals, but an ugly, destructive gender. And women, it's our complicity and enabling that let's this predation continue. So. Let's. Just. Stop.

  36. "I would guess that very few accountants or women in "normal" professions are pimped out by their bosses' to fund business deals or lavish lifestyles"

    Is that the only form of harassment you recognize?

    "Lumping what happens routinely in entertainment into the vague category of "harassment" is silly."

    It happens routinely everywhere. You really believe jobs in finance world are different? Wall Street has some of the highest rates of sexual harassment in the country. Would you shoo women off those jobs, too, refuse the job offers from high finance and investment divisions?

    How about lumping in the plain girls who are ordered to be grateful for the attentions of men, ergo these women are physically unable to elicit harassment by those men who imagine themselves the Sexy Beasts of Industry? One can't harass the unattractive, by your estimates, right?

  37. Thanks, Eowyn.

    I would advise any young woman interested in being a movie star to stay away from such a horrible industry. There are two reasons going in that direction might be acceptable... 1) you really really really need to be famous, in which case I'd suspect something's not quite right with your self-esteem, or 2) you really really really need to make $10 million a year and nothing short of that will do, in which case you can make your own choices about how you accumulate that money and please don't bother me later on when you regret those same choices.

    It's strange. I think people have their "mandar" turned on, infer that I am a male, and pounce. But I don't know. And I certainly don't know any of these posters personally, like they seem to believe they know me.

    I'm sorry for the suffering of anyone, including Anna Smith. But I think there's some chance she MIGHT have been less miserable as a florist, or a dentist, or whatever. Pure speculation, which unhinged people will want to castrate me for engaging in!

    1. Please stop and STFU already. We get it, you think abuse only happens in entertaiment circles and its the women's fault for being exploited.
      Your mental gymnastics are impressive, but you are not being castrated for your opinion. Your opinion is flawed. Fuck off with your male victimhood, you are not being harmed or injured for being pulled up on your dicky thinking - pathetic!

    2. Coming from a #metoo florist, you need to fuck right OFF.

  38. I think villainizing men is just as stupid as villainizing women. Men are men and women are women, and the current social experiments (now generations ongoing) trying to change all that are, to my eyes, obvious utopian experiments that people in future times will talk about with amusement and wonder.

    As for all girls being subject to abuse, yeah, maybe. I don't really know. I have had a pretty good life and am only now becoming aware of just how rampant sexual, psychological, and physical abuse is. I had little exposure to it. It's been a pretty shocking discovery process, mostly due to news reports, documentaries, CDAN.

    Anyway, I just notice that beautiful girls seem to get a lot of attention from teachers, coaches, male relatives, etc. I'm sure there's plenty abuse of plain looking girls, but it seems to be different in nature. Any girl that could be described as a "knockout" or "bombshell" is treated strangely by everybody around her, due to jealousy, desire, etc. And I think it's a unique situation. Other situations seem similar; I just think extreme beauty seems to correlate with sexual abuse and subsequent promiscuity in a particular way that I have noticed. Which is a damn shame.

    1. Just shut up. You're personal experience and self indulgent intellectualising are not a reflection of reality for many women and men. All the women and children raped during war, sex trafficing and random acts of opportunism all exist beyond the realms of your limited thinking. You're opinion is completely irrelevant. Ffs to see this is the thinking that exists in 2018 is depressing. Jesus wept!

  39. Kate Upton tweeted yesterday
    "It’s disappointing that such an iconic women’s brand @GUESS is still empowering Paul Marciano as their creative director." She ended the tweet with a potentially telling hashtag: "#metoo."

  40. Definitely Anna Nicole and Marciano and Clinton and Trump. But I doubt that the deal between her and Trump and her and Clinton was just sex for money. Trump wasn't married at the time when he was involved with her and they were actually dating for a while. I don't think its a big deal that he gave her the money to finance her movie. It was also an open secret that Anna Nicole had a sexual tryst with Bill Clinton back then (after all, who DIDN'T he have sex with?) but Clinton was good looking and a charmer back then, and I think that she actually liked him. She would have slept with him even if he didn't do any favors for Marciano. Anna Nicole had an addiction to men who are rich and powerful. She screwed them just because... And, like the blind says, there were LOTS of them.

    I'm going to say something that will not be popular, but I don't fault Marciano for Anna Nicole's downfall and death. She pretty much did that to herself. Many women who put themselves into those types of situations usually have a plan for how it will benefit them (financially and otherwise) in the long run. Anna Nicole was very pretty but she was just not too bright. Marciano DID launch her as a high-profile fashion model for the Guess brand. She was making a lot of money and she became very famous. She could have made better choices. But, she was the consummate yacht girl, turned model/wannabe actress. She was what kids today would call 'super thirsty'. She married a man who was 62 years her senior and in a wheelchair just for his money. She was always channeling Marilyn Munroe and ended up just like her: a used up, drug-addicted whore.

  41. @John Doe

    That's a pretty good summation of ANS. In the end, like Marilyn, ANS had no clue about who could really help her and who was contributing to the downslide of her life. That is extremely sad but ANS didn't check herself into rehab and didn't marshall together her professional possibilities. She loved to party and to sleep with rich guys. Years ago, she could have lived that out like Gypsy Rose Lee, but the modern scene is so exploitive and drug ridden it's like ANS followed a well trod script into perdition. At least it looks like she had some fun on her own terms.

  42. Kate Upton (Guess model in 2011) posted a message on her IG all but stating that Marciano is a serial assaulter/abuser

  43. "I just think extreme beauty seems to correlate with sexual abuse and subsequent promiscuity in a particular way that I have noticed. "

    You might not want to rethink that premise, but it simply isn't true. Many times, a beautiful girl is protected because she has no lack of boyfriend prospects who dampen the ardour of others protecting her to some extent inside a hostile atmostphere.

    You are (purposefully?) ignoring the normal looking women and girls who are abused throughout childhood and subsequent adulthood, the normal women who are gang raped, the women who are simply raped because access to their domicile was easier (not that they were prettier) and piles of other circumstances where any woman at all is vulnerable.

    Being plain or lacking attractiveness doesn't lessen one's chances of being sexually assaulted. From anecdotal evidence, the girls I know who were assaulted, when I was young, were more likely to be shy, not typically pretty, social ghosts, ungainly and awkward and extremely vulnerable to the attentions of older, confident men in higher positions. Predators go after the those kinds of women just because people like you assume only pretty girls could possibly be molested or abused - no one is going to believe the mousy, plain, girls deserve sexual attention at all.

    Wake TF UP!

  44. ANIMAL FARM (the Book) comes to mind here.

    Great Metaphor to show that Every Player is an ANIMAL. The "Groomers" are Pigs, The Abusers are "Dogs", the "Victims" are Whores. And we the CONSUMERS are also ANIMALS. We support the actions through our own denial, materialism, voyeurism and Enabling.

    By the way, my analogy of "ANIMALS" is in no way meant to Impart these Sick & Twisted Human degenerate actions on our animal friends. Animals are Noble, Animals follow the simple rules and laws of Nature. We do not.

    We "Think things out" and make CHOICES.
    Unfortunately, many of those choices are PURE EVIL.

  45. All kinds of people, especially all kinds of women, get the shit end of the stick. Poor and unattractive women are most vulnerable of all, and our societies treat them absolutely horribly.

    So forgive me for not ramping up my fury when I hear about another gorgeous knockout running into rough characters as she climbs the fame ladder. Yes, it sucks when that happens. But agency matters... this isn't a meteor landing on someone's head.


  46. Anyone else notice TMZ' almost "harrrrumphhhh"! tone pointing out how KO's instagram was right in the middle of "Marchiano's big nite"? Again with a slant towards the accused male ...

  47. @GuardianAngel:

    ITA. I wish CDAN enables readers to vote "thumbs up".

  48. @plot and @J

    Yeah, that sounds right. I don't really feel any sympathy for ANS in particular. I just feel sympathy for children and tweens who are abused. It's one of the saddest things in the world.

    I acknowledge fully that all kinds of people are abused, but I don't think it's too controversial to suggest that attractiveness is a factor specifically for teenage girls. I see your point about being protected by boyfriends, though, who themselves are usually high within their local pecking order.

    Like I said, maybe you two are right. I'll have to think about it.

  49. Thadj... I may be totally wrong. Often I am.

    So without claiming my beliefs are "correct," I'll observe that I almost never see anyone on the internet say someone else may be right, and more reflection is called for.


  50. I can't get behind saying ANS lived life on her own terms and good for her. She set the worst possible role model for Daniel and effectively murdered him by providing him with drugs, and left behind a motherless baby girl. It's ok for Liza to "go like Elsie", she has no kids.

  51. @Thadj

    " I don't think it's too controversial to suggest that attractiveness is a factor specifically for teenage girls"

    It may not seem too controversial because that is the prevailing notion, not the truth of the matter.

    Predators seek out the young least likely to complain or even think they have been abused. Clumsy, plain, nervous kids don't even think anyone wants to touch them sexually (given cultural stereotypes) and therefore are told by predators that they should be grateful for the attention (not directly, but predators are good at communicating this) or to disbelieve what is happening. Predators are good at spotting the most vulnerable people, not the most attractive.

    The prettiest girl in my HS was forced into a hard kiss by a boy between classes (to the applause of his jock friends) and her parents went apeshit. They were prepared for that since they knew their daughter was gorgeous. The boy was suspended for a while and the parents were mollified in some way not disclosed to us.

    But my friend, undeveloped, thick glasses, clumsy and a social misfit was fucked by the favorite English teacher at the school for 3 years after she turned 13. He totally groomed her and her family. They were THRILLED a teacher took a special interest and brought his kids to their house to visit. She even had a boyfriend after a while that the teacher took credit for by "giving her confidence."

    The prettiest girl's parents would have seen right through the English teacher in a heartbeat. The plain girl's parents thought that the English teacher encouraging her to read Lolita was a sign of hidden brilliance in their daughter.

    That's how it works.

    1. Ignorance of healthy boundaries has zero to do with looks. Perpetrators focus on the vulnerable.

      It's about dynamics.
      And ignorance is a fantastic enabler.

  52. Starting to feel like everyone would be safer with bodycams.

  53. Everyone with bodycams. What could go wrong?

    1. Hate this convo / LOVE this reply. Gonna let those with cooler heads prevail. My Grrrrr factor got triggered. I'll let all of my snarky comments above stand, but I will also applaud the applied logic of J and the poster above ending in "adj" - as flawed as I find it. (browser cutting off left side of screen.)

  54. @plot

    That makes sense.

  55. Anyone who thinks that women in business professions are not pimped out or treated like play things, really have not worked in corporate American enough. Go read Emily Chang's book about the Silicon Valley sex parties. Also read up about the shit going down at Kleiner Perkins or the many other VC firms.

    Junior Associates at law firms also get raped by their Managing Partner. My husband worked at 2 different Big Four accounting firms, and witnessed ( and testified about) harassment and assault of women at each firm. It happens in every profession.

    While you're at it, you may want to look into what happens on Thursday nights at the Rosewood, Sand Hill Rd. It's not just Hollywood.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Bay Area Girl, I know you're right, I've read the articles, but for some reason your words hit me in the gut tonight. My daughter starts her 2nd year internship this summer and graduates from law school next year. The idea that she'll be confronted with this stuff sickens me.

    1. It's everywhere. I worked in IT for years and the guys were dicks. You have to encourage her to be the confident outspoken type who won't draw male attention. Predators go for the vulnerable pleasers who don't want to look bad if they say no.

  58. Can't be Trump. He never pays his debts.

  59. For those that loved her, you may be forgetting she tried nightly, before she died, to take her daughter away from a good man and give her to another. It almost ended in disaster for her, but thank God Larry prevailed. Her son, also, was drafged into her nightmare, and she killed him in many ways with her life.

    I always reserve my compassion and understanding to the children first.

    1. But how good is Larry? Not only has he spoiled the girl rotten and turned her into a complete brat but he started pumping her out as soon as she could speak! I don’t even think he works, he just lives off of her income.

  60. Paul Marciano, Anna Nicole Smith, Slick Willy and POTUS. Paul’s brother Georges (yes with an S) was a real piece of work as well, however he went off the reservation and sued members of his staff for allegedly swindling him out of money back around ‘05/‘06, shortly after he had been accused (and sued) by his children’s au pair of some...”indiscretions”. His attorney at the time was one Martin “Marty” Singer. Btw his staff countersued and won a massive settlement by default IIRC. He cleaned out most if not all accounts, assets and various properties prior to judgment seizure however I believe they got at least a few choice pieces of real estate in the judgment.

  61. @just sayin - not sure where your daughter is going to school & planning to practice, but there are good people out there who will help. I have been harassed & even groped, but escaped worse because some good folks intervened. Things are getting better. No one has messed with me since I ascended into management and my colleagues & I have cleaned up a lot of crap over the years. We need more women & empathetic men in the legal profession, so don't give up.

    I would also suggest that your daughter find as many "allies" as soon as possible, in law school or on the job. The buddy system isn't just for kids.

  62. How strange the way opinions which differ cause some people to lash out. Makes me nervous and makes me feel sorry for those who have to deal with this in a corporeal/corporal sense.

    1. Grow the fuck up, if you put out a dumb opinion why can't you be told it's stupid? You're an adult surely 'you' can cope with differences of opinion.
      Grow a pair of balls darling, because playing the victim is lame af. How many female subordinates have you comforted and coached in how to deal with unwanted harrasment in the work place? You're nervous? You are NOT a victim.

    2. Right? It feels like every time you post you’re getting stopped at a DUI checkpoint and God forbid you give the wrong answer!

  63. Yeah, I know a lot of programmers and they rape like crazy.

    1. Yeah some of them 'are' rapey as fuck.

    2. I thought they were all virgins 😂

  64. Jesus.
    I need a xanax after all these comments.

  65. "He" isn't the problem... Women - who know they're only attracted to money and a lifestyle, are not the problem either.. Even when they are constantly preaching about #equality, and many of their problems arise from trying to keep money men... Money is the problem.

  66. J's right. All the scandals we're hearing about, it's all about the power and seduction of money. She stopped being innocent when she posed for Playboy as Vickie Smith.

  67. Why isn't Hefner blamed for her downfall as well?

  68. I think you have understand that there are women who are used and pressured into things, and then there are women who see sex as just one more way to get ahead. Group #2 doesn't have to be yachting or something obvious...many members of that group just marry as well as they possibly can and then enjoy their life. The country's full of men who think their wives love them, when in fact those same women tell their girlfriends they married for the lifestyle and love had nothing to do with it.

    However, in order to be in group #2 by have to be of sound mind. High/drunk/mentally ill women cannot consent. I'm not sure ANS was in a state to give consent at any age past 15. High and depressed equals extremely easy to manipulate and use. And I wonder if we'll ever know what really happened with her son's death? Sad all around.

  69. Ok first of all @Fufu, you're clearly deranged.

    I tend to agree with John Doe and I can see J's point. That does not excuse men in power taking advantage of their positions, but is this a new thing? Hell no, it's been around forever. And yes, it is more dominant in certain business, rather than others, that's just a fact.

    ANS married a geriatric billionaire, now what kind of message does that give out to the world? That she likes money and she'll do pretty much a lot, to get hold of some. Of course men will come forward trying to buy her for a night, WHY SHOUDLN'T THEY? It's a profession as old as time and many beautiful woman are very happy to do it. Some of them go into showbiz, because then they become famous and rich in exchange for it. .

    For example: all the blinds about Scott Disick pimping out that Ritchie girl. Excuse me, but why doesn't she just stop following him around? He's not holding a gun to her head, she does all that prostituting WILLINGLY. Like many many MANY other women in showbiz.

    A lot off powerful men don't need to rape anyone, they can snap their fingers and have 20 gils on their knees in no time. Why should I feel sorry for these girls? Since when have women been denigrated to brainless bimbos, without dignity, self respect and sense of what's right or wrong? Is this what female empowerment is to you morons: no brained women, who don't understand how the world works? We don't live in Utopia, this shit is REALITY. And it's for you to decide whether you want this or not. And if you want to go int showbiz, REALITY is that you'll get a million times more than in accountancy.

    And finally: by victimising women who HAVE A CLEAR CHOICE, you are invalidating those women and kids, WHO DO NOT HAVE ONE. And that to me is inexcusable, and much much worse than the so called 'victim shaming'.

  70. I don't understand the whole premise of modeling but I am, admittedly, not fashionable. Does anyone buy a pair of jeans because of the way that Anna Nicole Smith or Kate Upton looks in an ad?

    Sex sells. Sex being more than just a noun.

  71. @bored

    There is really only one solution and that is to treat prostitution in all it's forms as a protected class and profession like any other. If Sofia Richie wants to make money yachting, she shouldn't have to hand over her money and life to a slimeball like Scott Disick.

    The only reason prostitution, in all it's forms, is illegal is that men make more money from it that way while women take all the risks. If young girls want to yacht or use their youth to make money performing for old greasy slobs, more power to them. But they need the protections of real employment and the same respect and regulations that other real jobs.

    Again, prostitution is kept illegal because it benefits the money of the elite and it keeps men in control of a transaction where they have no place (unless Scott Disick is sucking dick on yachts for money, too.)

    The other bonus of legal prostitution is it would become abundantly clear that pigs like Harvey Weinstein don't visit prostitutes to fulfil his desires because he craves the power and control over women in a rape situation, and rather than strike a deal with them for money, he'd rather tempt them with parts so he can abuse them. That line becomes perfectly clear when prostitution is legal.

  72. Plot - we agree again. Since I was young I thought prostitution should be legalised, taxed and women in this field properly protected.

  73. Mark, to answer your question, yes. A whole lot of people buy clothes because of models in ads.

  74. Lawd Martin Singer AGAIN? Lol he's like the attorney you call when you're a nasty rich sob and you're guilty but know he'll get you off. Every time I see singers name connected to someone I think " yep guilty ".

  75. A little off-topic, but can someone explain to me why it's legal to pay someone to have sex that's filmed for a porno, or accept money to star in the porno, but not for a private sex session?

  76. @bored

    Dogs and cats AGAIN! ;P

  77. while the details may be true, it's tough to blame ANS drug addiction on just the men involved here.

    It is well known that she had so many plastic surgery procedures, including a very drastic "double implant" procedure to achieve the buxom look (she was extremely flat chested before). She redid her breasts many times as well as her face, etc. This potentially got her addicted to painkillers, which ultimately did her in. Michael Jackson, w his addiction to plastic surgery, also became addicted to painkillers.

    So I call BS on solely blaming these folks, even if true. She had a lot of work done, often and coped w mental and physical pain w drugs.

  78. I like Kate Upton a lot but I find it hilarious that she’s calling out the Guess guy because she got her start by making her beautiful but very porny Cat Daddy video with Uncle Terry. Yeah. I’m sure all she did was dance for him.

  79. A sad case. She didn't seem to have much self-worth. Add in the drugs that her industry seems to swim in and her early death was one of those ones that didn't shock.

    Regarding which group gets the worst of predators. Everyone can get it. The group I've seen get the worst of it isn't women or men, it isn't pretty or ugly people, sometimes it isn't even gender if you can wrap your head around that (the power dynamic being the turn-on rather than the sex or attractiveness). The people who seem to suffer more than others are the vulnerable - young, powerless, friendless, a stranger trying to break into an exclusive club, someone needing a break. Predators number 1 thing they target is vulnerability so if a kid is getting abused it's much more likely to be the one who is socially isolated and has no support network to tell or trust - an orphan, one whose parents recently divorced who is struggling at school, the bullied kid, that kind of thing. Predators have a beacon for that kind of thing. Especially those who groom.
