Thursday, February 01, 2018

Your Turn

Hosting a Super Bowl party. Do you tell everyone BYOB or do you supply it all? I think it should be BYOB, not just because of the expense, BUT, people like drinking a lot of different things, so let them bring what makes them happy. My parents, who have been collecting liquor for decades do have just about every possible liqueur. I think back in the days of fondue, they would also drink these liqueurs which have probably been in the house since the fondue days. 


  1. Beer you supply, wine and whiskies they bring.

    1. Sounds like the start of a limerick πŸ˜‚

  2. in these craft beer days, i'd bring their own beer/wine and the house supplies a clear liquor and a dark liquor cocktail option.

  3. I never expect my guests to bring anything except themselves.

  4. Anonymous10:09 AM

    BYOB. In my state, if you provide alcohol to someone, even someone of age, in your private home, and they get drunk and drive and cause an accident, YOU can held as liable as much as them. The loophole being that if they BRING their own stuff, then you are not held liable. (I also work in the alcohol industry for my safety job, so I am well aware of the regulations in my state.)

    1. @Melvin: what would happen if they brought their own beer but drank your booze? How does liability work then?

    2. lol Melvin reads as though he be like "officer I never saw them before in my life..or that hubcab"

  5. Good beer on hand, anything else they can bring. Sometimes it's fun to have a kind of alcohol potluck.

  6. When we used to host sports events, we had plenty of food, beer, wine and some liquor. Everybody would bring more. We don't do it anymore. It will either be a quiet night not watching the Superbowl, or we'll Uber it to our local.

  7. I homebrew. So, if I host a party, I usually have at least two kinds of beer on tap and a lot of bottles of different styles. People can BYOB if they want, though.

  8. The last two times I watched the Patriots in the Superbowl with others, they lost -- to the Giants.

    Since then, I won't take that chance.

    I watch it by myself, on my own LG TV with my own snacks, drinks, etc.

    So, yes, Enty, I BMOB!

    And, no one else is invited!

    Go Pats!


  9. Anonymous10:32 AM

    More than a handful of people? BYOB.

  10. To be a good host, you have to have some beverages available. If you're not offering alcohol it's polite to state byob on the invite. I prefer to provide everything and tell them if they want to bring something that's great. Better if they share with the group. I hate going to parties with six different ice chests guarded by different guests.

  11. So your parents drink a lot of kirschwasser? I don't recall another liqueur for fondue, unless it's a chocolate fondue (?).

  12. I would supply soft drinks.

  13. I don't ask my guests to bring anything. If I have a party, I supply everything.

  14. BYOB. Here in Wisconsin, even if you provide the beer, everyone STILL brings enough extra booze to completely inebriate a small country.

  15. Some of the first booze I ever sneaked was from that five foot tall bottle of Galliano! It sat in the corner of our dining room for the entire 1970s. Sticky and sweet is what I remember about it tasting like.

    Thanks for the memories!

    1. Omg! Same here! It's nasty but a very pretty bottle.

  16. If I invite people over for a party, I don't expect them to bring anything unless i ask them to. I always have food and beer/liquor, but most people always bring a six pack or an app/dessert or something with them anyway.

  17. Yeaah, let everyone bring their poison πŸ˜… I have enough trouble already, watching drunk people so they won't ruin my house lol.

  18. I provide wine and beer, anything else guests should bring. For smaller gatherings I provide cocktails. I also like to ask people to bring a favorite dish or dessert (if they wish) so people can try new things.

  19. Pop, pizza, pot. Good to go.

  20. When I came to my friend's wedding, the first thing they did after picking me up at the airport was take me to a liquor store (where I was humiliatingly carded) to get Baileys. LOL. They knew I had to have my Baileys and I wasn't going to have wine.

    BYOB but I'll have snacks and finger food and maybe we can order pizza later. 🍺πŸ₯ƒπŸΏπŸ•

  21. Turtlenecks and fondue and "Last Christmas" by WHAM! πŸ‘©πŸ»πŸ₯ƒπŸŽ„

    Hmmmm... ❄️

  22. lol I brought a bottle of Bailey's to my aunt's once for her.. I then drank her whiskey with coke and she made me some funky ass drinks called bulldogs or groundhogs had gin and other stuff I then moved on to her bottle of Bailey's I drank the entire thing I was SMASHED. I last remember hugging everyone and being shuffled to car as I proclaimed nobody goes home till someone projectile vomits off the deck! the car door slammed and I remember the black desolate country roads and the irritating chant of drunk girl riding shotgun (me!)
    I then was left off at my door and woke up next day feeling like death,my hair even hurt. went back to bed and finally awoke feeling semi-okay. it was midnight.

    I will watch Superbowl at home.

    1. "Projectile vomits"!!!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      God the things I learn from this site. Yesterday it was "prestige porn" (the kind of thing even your Asian-equivalent-of-a-Southern-Belle mother would be proud of you being cast in). 🀣

  23. People better BYOB at my house. There's no booze around here.

  24. I provide everything--food, drinks, etc. Ooh, I like the idea of Baileys, haven't had that in years.

  25. It's a mix. When myself or one of my group of close friends throws a party they provide food and drinks. But everyone that comes over brings at least a six pack and everything goes in the tub/fridge/ice chest together. The running joke is the host ends with party with more beer than they started with.

  26. Bet your parents don't have Jaegermeister.

  27. I have been to 1 super bowl thingie in my life, at this guy's house in Miami a long time ago. I brought nothing.
    To me it was super boring, and I ended up stuffing myself with ribs and chicken wings the entire time, and reading gossip magazines.

    The World Cup finals is soooooooooo much better!!!!!
