Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and is a part of a long long running franchise at least for one more installment didn't like the event her people had booked her for. So, she did what I would do and decided to make the most of it by getting hammered and everyone left loving her. 


  1. Replies
    1. Franchise being The Huntsman Maybe ?
      I’d be shocked if everyone loved her... maybe she should drink all the time lol

    2. Could this be for when she did "first we feast or the wired autocomplete interview" on YouTube?? She seemed quite nice on them. Not necessarily hammered but not like i was expecting.

  2. Mad Max is a long long running franchise.

  3. As long as it wasn't the keynote speech at a Mothers Against Drunk Driving conference, go for it!

  4. Cate Blanchett obviously

  5. Hey birthday parties can be the worst.

  6. Long, long running franchises, off the top of my head:

    James Bond
    Star Wars
    Planet of the Apes
    The Marvel stuff
    Harry Potter + Magnificent Beasts
    A ton of horror (Saw, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street)

    Is there even going to be another Mad Max movie, and, if there is, would Charlize Theron be part of it? I don't think so and I don't thinks so.

    This could be the new Ocean's movie, but is four films in less than 20 years long, long running? That movie looks really bad, as do most of the stars in it, sadly. I barely recognized Cate Blanchett, and Sandra Bullock looks like she stepped out of Madame Tussaud's (Anne Hathaway and Rhianna look great, though). If the answer is Cate B., I don't blame her for boozing her way through it.

  7. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Mad Max is currentlt tied up in legal quagmire, so there's not going to be one more installment as of now. Not Charlize.

    I like the idea of Cate Blanchett/Oceans 8. Its the only franchise on the horizon that really matches all the descriptors, and she seems like a fun drunk.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I thought of Charlize too, but for Fast & Furious. Talk about long running! And there's definitely going to be at least 1-2 more.

  10. Aw shit. I had no idea Mad Max was going through BS legal drama. Shame, I loved Tom Hardy in it.

  11. Theron is not A- list if Hoult or Evans is A- list

  12. Keira Knightley? I know there was talk of a possible Pirates 6.

  13. Fuck off, Amazing Quotes.

  14. Zoe Saldana Star Trek franchise? Don’t know the event.

  15. Charlize is one complex bundle of threads...

  16. For some reason this makes me think of Kate Beckinsale. Is there another Underworld installment coming out?

  17. I used to really like Charlize until the Sean Penn thing and now I just can't with her. I can't even watch her movies. It just squicks me out that she had sex with Sean Penn. *shudder*
