Friday, May 25, 2018

Blind Item #11

This A list talk show host is headed to divorce. The host has been selling off things purchased during the marriage for the property division.


  1. Seth Meyers or Jimmy Fallon.

  2. Hopefully Andy Cohen

  3. Although Ellen is always a tabloid divorce headline.

  4. I feel like we see this blind every time someone married makes a large sale.

  5. Ellen is higher than A though, Wendy Williams has marriage troubles and a whole lotta other ones.

  6. I hope it's Dr. Phil, because it's about time that fine-lookin' woman came back on the market. ☺

  7. Rachel Ray came to mind.

  8. Unrelated***
    But Blind Gossip has an item today that sure sounds like Halle & Keanu. But they're saying the stories are planted.
    So everyone here is right on the money, not believing it.

  9. I hope it's not Ellen and Portia!

  10. Ha @ everyone guessing Wendy. She's too cheap to go through with a divorce, she'd rather put up with her husband's cheating than to part with her millions.

    1. She’s not selling. She’s all about raking it in. Her whole show is one giant paid endorsement.

  11. Isn't this a blind every time Ellen sells a house which is normally every year and when they don't get divorced we get another about Portia being sick of constantly moving and her drinking.

  12. I honestly wish it’s wendy! She has to leave that man now! Ever since the news about her husbands affair broke she hasn’t been the same and it’s heartbreaking witness

  13. It's not heartbreaking for me. She knew very well he was cheating long before it was found out by the public. She's said some very nasty things and defended a lot of nasty people, so I don't really feel sorry for her.

  14. Gay/Lesbian couples arent very know for divorcing tho....its why most couples last so long. Open relationships. She bought a house and sold it for 4 million more within 8 months. Thats just smart business.

  15. Ok, I'm going to say Kelly Rippa. Just to be different.

  16. Lesbians have a ridiculously high divorce rate. Gays are usually open about cheating though. On paper, their marriages tend to last but that's only because they're out fucking other dudes.

  17. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Steve Harvey, baby!

  18. i saw Fallon and wife holding hands and being cutsey at a crosswalk last week. not them.

    1. Fallon was just drunk again and she was helping him to not fall down as he crossed the street 😂. That's a good wife!

  19. this would seem like Ellen bc she just sold property and the recent happy couple photo ops of her and portia have been quite odd.

  20. @kms

    damn, his wife is really in the dark, isnt she? he's a full blown alcoholic that likes to f--k co-eds he meets in manhattan bars.

  21. @DWelsh

    yep, they did a study several years after gay marriage was legalized federally in the US. gay male couples and heterosexual couples have near the same divorce rate. lesbians? very very high, much higher than the other two.

    I blame the whole 'second date, bring a uHaul' mindset.

    for people outside the US, Uhaul is a truck you rent in to move into your home, house, office, whatever. its a reference to the hasty domestication in the lesbian community that can often happen (OBVIOUSLY this isnt every lesbian couple)

    1. @beebopcowboy and DWelsh- just asked my kids about that . He is a psychology major and said his class was told women are more sexually fluid than men especially during their late teens and twenties and that plays a significant role in those higher divorce rates.Btw, Beebop Cowboy is my fave. I almost got a Corgi just to name him Ein. I resisted the impulse.

  22. It only makes sense that lesbians have the highest divorce rates. It's got to be hard as hell to live with another woman! We're nuts!

  23. Seth Meyers is one of my “crushes”, he & his wife just had a 2nd the lobby of their New York Apartment!

    1. Def not him. They are super happy.

  24. Not Ellen. Portia just started a wildlife foundation for her birthday and they’re getting ready to go to Africa on vacation.

  25. Dr. Phil's horrible, fake plastic bug-eyed constantly shilling wife is literally the worst, even compared to him
