Friday, May 25, 2018

Blind Item #12

There sure is a lot of back and forth of two jets, one of which is registered to this very wealthy family, between various properties in the US owned by the family and an island in the South Pacific. Apparently in the two weeks it has been going on, no one from any agency has even inspected the outgoing planes or the passengers or what they are carrying. On the other end, everything is greased with local officials so nothing has to be done. One celebrity offspring is in the South Pacific, but no one knows if she will stay.


  1. Kuntrashians? Waltons? Dumps?

  2. Sounds like Trump maybe taking incriminating documents out of the country but I can't see Tiffany being involved. So probably someone else.

  3. Can't be the Trumps. The description is "very wealthy".

  4. It is pretty telling that for normal flying you can have to submit to a body scan, your belongings being tossed and possibly a cavity search, but with a private jet you can be cramming endangered animals into a coke filled cabin and no one blinks an eye. One rule for them, one rule for us.

  5. How much justice can YOU afford?

  6. Well, even with private jets you still have to go through customs. So if they sneak it on the plane, they'd probably still get checked in the next country. As far the coke, etc, a private chartered plane is different than an airline responsible for 300 members of the traveling public who mostly don't know each other.

  7. Bronfman family, owns about 80% of Wakaya Island in Fiji.

  8. Let's see... after somehow managing to buy Chelsea the world's fifth-most-expensive-wedding ever -- that after leaving the White House "broke" -- could those indefatigable public servants the Clintons have any more money stashed away?

  9. Definitely the Bronfmans .. Hannah is there right now

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Yup. McCain going to die any day now. A great big pig-style butt fuck is coming for them when McCain can’t provide cover for them anymore.

  10. If it's the President why not use Tiffany? You just gave the reason.

  11. All you people saying the Clintons and the Trumps just love ignoring the most important detail.

    "One celebrity offspring is in the South Pacific, but no one knows if she will stay."

    If any Trump kid or Chelsea went to the south pacific and didn't come back people would notice. Jesus. It has to be a celebrity daughter no one would miss otherwise whatever criminal nonsense is going on would be exposed in half a minute.

  12. Unless it was one Bill's love children.

  13. Bronfmans investments in the NX.... sex cult.

  14. Has CDAN become Share Blue central?

  15. Don't be so sure to write off Tiffany as innocent.

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  18. hey announcement to the people always jerking off to political crap in the comments -
    this fucking has nothing TO DO WITH POLITICS. stop trying to troll hard w/that BS. JUST STICK TO THE FUCKING BLINDS.

    god, you political trolls, both liberal & republican, need to shut. the. fuck. up. ITS A GOSSIP SITE, GUESS THE FUCKING BLIND. STOP STROKING YOUR HATE-HARD-ONS FOR CLINTON & TRUMP. nobody gives a shit about you or your beliefs, whatever they are.

    yea this is def the sex cult w/allison mack. $$$ back by the bronfmans

  19. Donald “Jeffrey Epstein buddy" Trump. Lock him up!

  20. Ok.. so one of the jets is the Bronfman sisters jet they bought for NXIVM use. The island is the privately owned (80% purchased by Bronfman sisters) Wakaya island in the Fiji's. The island is rumored to be for the sole purpose of setting up NXIVM in the event of legal problems and the need to flee the US. Fiji has an extradition treaty with the US, but has strange language that precludes extradition for political or religous matters.

    The celebrity Catherine Oxenberg from Dynasty has a daughter India Oxenberg in the cult (not sure if she is in So Pacific though). Wonder who owns the 2nd plane?

    Sounds like they are implementing their plan B to escape the law. They have also done extensive research on setting up their own country with their own govt and laws. Two houses belonging to Raniere and Mack were just seized, NXIVM just announced all current/ongoing programs are now on hold... and its rumored that there could be charges of perjury and more against the Bronfman sister in the works

    It's amazing what a fuckload of money will buy you....

  21. Some of us old timers remember when the Bronfman family financially backed murderer Ira Einhorn. What a piece of work this clan is.

  22. Oh, and google maps of the island shows a brand spanking new, super nice runway for such a small, secluded, and remote place

  23. beebopcowboy said...

    so if this sex cult is making so much money that even the big bad Bronfmanns are involved with it and suddenly need to cart planeloads of hot cash out of the country, just how bad was that "sex cult"?

    It sure must be a lot more than just some freaky guru that wants to surround himself with a nubile young harem.

    Is this some big world wide pimping ring?

    I keep waiting to hear more.

    I can't help but suspect that Jennifer Lawrence "retired" from acting to get into pottery a few weeks before Harvey came under attack for similar reasons. Hot young women stars luring young wannabies into white slavery.

    1. I dont know if the cult NXIVM is making any money or not... but court documents show that $150 million was drained from the sisters trust fund and bank accts by Keith Raniere. That was before the old man passed away... so, they prob got more cash now

  24. @Cadmium Exactly! I hope they are not allowed to flee the country. How are these Bronfman sisters allowed to continue doing what they are doing?? Are they really, really good at subverting the law? Or just can afford better, shadier lawyers than Raniere and Mack??

    1. They are the money behind Raniere and Mack. They are heiresses to a massive fortune

  25. The Bronfmanns? Subverting the law? hahah.

    Back in prohibition, when the Bronfmanns were making their massive fortune rum running from Canada to the US a combined US Canada law enforcement task force of 127 riflemen consisting of RCMP and the neighboring state police to Saskatchewan had to retreat before the booze running operation they were trying to interdict. They were massively outgunned by the Bronfmann's gang of criminals..

    Now THAT is subversion of the law...

    1. My aunt was married to one of the Bronfmans lawyers .... Always weirded me out.

  26. @LEANNE NORMAN - Soooooooo, why would you say anything at all, if "it must be someone else"? And this is a legit, non-rhetorical question! I'm super curious what your intended contribution is. :) Looking forward to reading your coherent reply!

  27. @NancyFromNabraska firstly I said
    "it's probably someone else"
    "It must be someone else"
    If your going to take issue with what I've said at least quote me accurately!

    My first thought was Trump because of the legal trouble he's in and I could see him trying to subvert the course of justice, by taking incriminating evidence out of the country, so it fits the first part to me, but the second part about the daughter didn't seem to fit, so I qualified my guess as do many people who guess here.

    What are you the guess police? Lot's of times we guess the first thing that comes to us or some just troll names.

    I hadn't heard of the Bronfmanns till this blind they aren't household names in the UK as far as I know.

    I hadn't heard of the Bronfmanns till this blind they aren't household names in the UK as far as I know.

  29. @beebopcowboy - If free speech bothers you so that, which it clearly does, you could always fuck on off to another website. Problem solved. Just a suggestion, not trying to tell you what to do or say or think.

  30. The Bronfmans are evil incarnate. Hopefully they and the entire NXIVM cult can "escape" to the island only to have it subsequently nuked.

  31. @Leanne Norman: Trump is not in any trouble. Can you point to anything illegal he’s guilty of? No. There’s no evidence of any wrongdoing, you see, or he’d already be impeached. And boy, will you ever be surprised how all this Trump stuff turns out. Wait later than 11/11/2018 and you’ll see.

    As to the Bronfman sisters, it’s obviously them. After Alison Mack got nabbed & went downtown, she’s singing like a canary to cover her own butt. It’s damage control time for the Bronfmans, who are about as mind controlled as it’s possible to be, so aren’t looking out to damage control themselves, so much as their handler Keith Raniere. Unfortunately, they’re going to learn the hard way that there’s a new sheriff in town, and he isn’t beholden to the Derp State, so those sisters are digging their own grave at this point. Almost 100% sure that they aren’t aware that they are being closely surveilled. Government teams have *everything*. Whoopsie.
