Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Blind Item #5

This former B- list loser turned C- list loser has blown every last cent he ever received in that lottery of life. He is rolling the dice trying to set himself up for life before the lottery runs out. The thing is, he will just blow it all even if he gets what he is asking for from his ex. No, not that one, the rich one. Go get a job. Do something. You have worked maybe five times in the past decade for a couple weeks each time.


  1. K-Fed. In the DM today he's asking for more support from Brit.

  2. K-Fed was my first thought, too.

  3. Isaiah Silva? Gabriel Aubry?

  4. lol, not even an A-list loser.

  5. Lots of losers know how to spend money!
    The sad thing is: he doesn't understand earning it.

    And, IF he could afford an apartment building I have listed that nets $20K per month, he'd only have to work a few days a month -- collecting the money!

    Unfortunately, he can't afford to buy it; nor does he have the business sense to manage it.

    So, Brittney will just have to keep writing monthly checks until she runs out of money!

  6. David Howes, you forgot that he couldn't even hold on to any.

    I believe there are 3 types of money people: those who know how to make money, those who know how to preserve money, and those who only know how to lose money.
    The first group can sell ice to eskimos and sand to arabs.
    The second group takes low risks, and knows when to live a little, or pull back.
    The third group, is the one, that, no matter how much money they get, they will always end up broke.
    Without fail. And they never blame themselves, but it's always somebody else's fault.

    1. I take umbrage with this statement. I blame myself plenty whenever I wake up with a pounding head, empty pockets, and the haziest of fading memories about the stupid, but fun, things, I did the preceding night/s to lose all my money

  7. "Get a job." LOLOLOLOL!

  8. He absolutely makes me sick. He said he can not "afford" to take vacations or provide all the extras on 20K a MONTH????? not a year, a month. that is tax free BTW..
    It really bothers me alot when ppl get divorced and the spouse wants huge alimony payments, usually I understand Child support, but child support is not to help YOU live in the life of luxury, it is for ONE thing only, to take care of the KIDS.
    I know many single moms who get MAYBE 2-4 HUNDRED a month, and work jobs that pay maybe 40K a year, and they have mortgages in good homes, nice cars, their kids are dressed nice, and they take vacations. I

  9. Look at it this way-

    Those boys are growing up and KFed has maybe 10 more years to milk Britney for big bucks. The only success of KFed is spreading that seed and he has, what, 4-6 more kids to support?

    He still wants a pimp lifestyle though, as imagined by white teenagers everywhere.

    This is his attempt to get the money to last a life time (or would if it weren't in KFed's hands.)

  10. He’s so gross! He has a wife and several kids.. why can’t he actually work? Why can’t his wife work? All they want is Britney’s money and hopefully the judge sees through this! When you get child support you’re supposed to save some of that money for the children’s futures.. let’s see the records for that. It’s time for him to WORK.

  11. @boredatwork boredatwork
    A Very Large +1! You are right on!

    Within the past year, a retired casino owner/operator died.

    No one with the exception of maybe 50 people, knew what he looked like or could even recognize him if you met him on the on the street.

    Wealthy beyond wealthy.
    There are/were maybe three people more wealthy than him in Las Vegas when he passed.

    Nice homes, nice cars, even had his own airplanes (yes, plural) that he piloted himself.

    I was fortunate to have been introduced to this self made billionaire once.

    Who was he?
    Hint: RIP, Mike!

  12. If only her parents had let her stay married to the guy from her high school....she could have lived a relatively normal life, but of course, it would have shoved them off the gravy train.

  13. This has to be fuckwad Federline.

    I saw that he wants to ask for almost $100,000 a month for child support. GTFO!

    What a low life LOSER! The world can only hope and pray those two boys don't turn out ANYTHING like him. He is the lowest of the low when it comes the male species. I'm not a violent person, but I would LOVE to see someone, ANYONE, punch that douchebag in the face and knock his ass out!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @pixiegothy - don't even get me going on the scum bag that is Isaiah Silver. How that judge let him keep the Unplugged guitar is beyond me. I still get upset thinking about it. I can only hope the greedy, user POS will auction it off for money one day, and F.Bean can buy it back. :(

  16. Federline has dirt on Britney, it's just a question of how much it's worth every month to keep him quiet.

  17. Yeah but would KFed come off as a bad guy now if he told anything? I think so. No doubt he also signed a NDA years ago, too.

  18. correction: federline douchebag is asking for $60,000 not $100,000.

    i just can't with this asshole. he makes my skin crawl.

  19. So KFed wants $720K a year to hang out like a playah.

    Is that math right?

    Well, that's not exactly a huge amount of cash come to think of it. Wives of Kelsey Grammar and husbands of Halle Berry have won more than that.

  20. Okay Plot, I'll play devil's advocate.... Camille Grammar, not only had cancer, but also runs charities. She's at least trying do something. Halle Berry's men still work (or still have money from their own careers early on)...even Gabriel.

    What exactly does Federfuck do? Sit on his fat ass, impregnating random women and using Britney's money to pay for his OTHER children from OTHER WOMEN. So, yeah, I think it's an enormous amount to ask for having a career as a douchebag deadbeat.

    'nuff said. I can't believe I already wasted this much time discussing someone who is unworthy of of our precious time.

  21. @Glue

    Totally agree with everything you've written.

    I'm just saying that less than a million a year for child support, from someone of Britney's net worth, is really not that much. It would be a good thing for KFed to work, since he is displaying how an adult acts for that litter he produced. I don't know what exactly he does. But in terms of payments, $720K a year isn't exorbitant.

  22. I wnould imagine Brits boys eat steak every nite at his house and the two younger ones eat 73% hamburger
    Mat cause disharmony
    Also Brit needs to write a check directly to Security detail
    If the boys get kidnapped and ransomed because she went on the cheap there, she’ll really lose it

  23. K-fed. He wants a 3 x increase in child support so $80K/mo although Brit Brit pays for EVERYTHING for the kids except food/place for them to sleep when they are with him. He had plenty of $$ to hit Vegas for his 40th bday with his wife and "entourage" of 13 though.. and to shoot $200 through a money gun at a dancer. He feels he's owed this "because he wants the increase to recognize the sacrifices he has made because he has gone above and beyond what most people would do in this situation" , by which I guess he means the situation of procreating and having to care for the resulting children

  24. Well, I look at it this way. KFed has kept his mouth shut about Brit all these years, and his kids *are* entitled to live with daddy as they do with mommy. AND they have lived primarily with him for years (maybe still do?)

    Do I think he's milking this situation for all it's worth? Damn straight. But I don't actually fault him for it. Fish gotta swim and all that.

  25. *entitled to live a lifestyle with daddy...

  26. To David Howes--your Vegas BI is a hell of a lot more interesting than K-Fed. I'm assuming you're talking about Michael Ensign, who went from a dollar-breaker & craps dealer to boss of Mandalay Resorts. Federline ain't worthy to even smell Ensign's shit...

  27. 3x 20 is 60, not 80k. It's super messed up he wants this money to take care of his other kids and his wife and hell no, he doesn't deserve it. 20k monthly is more than enough to take care of his two sons. Since he has the 4 other kids by two other women, he's obviously trying to set them up with their own $20k monthly but Britney isn't responsible for the lifestyles of his other progeny. That's his and their mothers responsibility

    I was reading earlier that Britney's people tried to come to an agreement with him out of court but he turned it down, so maybe he does have something on her as he seems to think he has some leverage. Evidently, Britney's earning power has increased since the initial awarding of the settlement; she has earned tons from her residencies, perfumes and other deals. I have no idea how her earning more money makes the expenses of their two kids more for Federline. Even if he has primary custody of the kids, I'm pretty damn sure she's paying for their schooling, healthcare and other big expenses . Dude is totally using her as his own personal welfare and hopefully the judge see this for the moneygrab that it is.

  28. @Lucy I hear you girl! I was so upset when I read about the guitar on DM but I wasn't surprised. I knew this marriage would end in tears since the first time I saw a picture of Frances and Isaiah together when they started dating, dude looked like a generic walmart Kurt, it was obvious he was only interested in Kurt's fame and fortune, not Frances :(
    Don't worry he will auction the guitar, that loser needs money.

  29. K-Fed might technically have custody, but Britney's been paying for all of his other kids (and their mother's lifestyles) for years. The only worker in this equation is Britney.

    He needs to accept the money train is going to end and get another career. As if there's no other options in life, other than be a dancer or DJ?

  30. Definitely KFed aka Rock out with your Cock out.

  31. @Lucy the plot thickens, Isaiah is sueing Courtney for attempted murder over Kurt's guitar

  32. Yeah, imma have to see a police report of that alleged attack by Courtney's minions (Sam Lufti raises his ugly head again.)
