Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Your Turn

What flavor potato chips? Sometimes I can't decide and I wish they had a bag with three sections of different flavors, but if they did, it would be like when you get a DVD with three movies on it. Two are great and one is some movie no one will ever watch.


  1. lol kinda like flavored popcorn. I love Ruffles (but only with cottage cheese for dip) or Doritos as a stand alone but every once in a while I have a major craving for Fritos.

  2. Lay's Dill Pickle Potato Chips are pretty good.

  3. Utz brand deep fried pickle chips. They sound like barf city but are amazing.

  4. Homemade tortilla chips with homemade salsa y green sauce

  5. Trader Joe's has a really cool snack, "Spud Crunchies," that's like crispy french fries in a bag. They are very potatoey and tasty.

  6. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Wise potato chips regular flavor, low salt. The best.

  7. Cool ranch doritos are my go to, but for potato chips, salt and vinegar and some of the weird lays flavors. LOVED the Ruben sandwich ones.

  8. I have a new found love for Veggie chips now, YUMMMO

    Otherwise potato chips depends on the brand, Salt & vinegar, natural low salt, honey barbecue.

  9. Any brand of salt and vinegar potato chips.

  10. Usually with potato chip bags I feeling like I'm buying air that happens to have some chips at the bottom.

    1. The air is put in to make the chips less likely to break.

  11. Zapps new orleans spicy cajun crawtators...or zapps voodoo...a new orleans company recently purchased by utz so they are here in FL and will be national soon, also available by mail....hopefully will stay awesome despite recent purchase.

    1. Love the Zapp's Voodoo flavor. Now I'm wishing I had some.

    2. Yup after writing my answer had to break open a bag o' the crawtators!

    3. Love Zapps too but hard to find in San Diego! Hope they sell at Walmart mart.

  12. Love the Cape Cod Kettle Chips...Russet flavor!

  13. Lays Low Sodium, you can really taste the potato - delicious!

  14. Plain,to use for dips. They do sell packages with multiple flavors, but the bags are very small.

  15. Actually,the best is the Utz fried in lard, but I don't want a heart attack.

  16. Old Dutch Dill Pickle. It puts Lay's to shame.

  17. @Guesser - those are AMAZING with sour cream and onion dip.

    1. Well that should finish me off! I just pretend they don't exist.

  18. The only potato chips that are the most awesome in the world are Utz regular potato chips. I really have to be careful because I easily binge on them.

  19. Korean brand Doritos called Nacho, Pringles Fresh Ground Black Pepper (RIP. I'm still begging them to bring that back) or Walkers Prawn Cocktail. I like weird flavors.

    Seriously though. Nacho is the shit. Better than Doritos.

  20. And RIP to Planters Cheese Balls. *sniff*

  21. Munchie Mix with Fritos mixed in. I have issues.

  22. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Pringle Sour cream and Doritos cheese

  23. I live in an area that supplies Lays and Cape Cod chips with their potatoes. One day I was at the Circle K down the street and I kid you not, I saw a bag of biscuits and sausage gravy flavored chips! I watched them sit on the rack for a week or two and have not seen them since. I posted a pic of them on my twitter account that said our local spuds were coming back to haunt us!
    Yes, I now live in North Florida and we were probably a test market for them but we weren’t buying THAT flavor!

  24. HAHA I loved the Lays Buscuit and Gravy chips. I'm such a sucker for when they put out those crazy flavors. I've tried them all and have even ordered the weirdest flavors on amazon.

  25. A Canadian company makes a "Ketchup" chip. Saw a bag in the States from Frito Lay saying it was "Ketchup". the American chip was shit. Too sweet, bitter just nasty. One day I'll find that Canadian chip and I;ll buy a 1,000 cartons.

  26. In Canada Old Dutch and Lays make Ketchup Chips (Lays bought Canadian Company Hostess Chips in the 80's - I think)

  27. Tim, the Walkers Ketchup chips were good. You might be able to get them from websites that sell British food.

  28. Ruffles All Dressed chips are bomb!!!! Or Snyders BBQ (but I think those are regional).

  29. Baked Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles, Jalapeno Ranch Ruffles, Reduced Fat Sour Cream and Onion Pringles and Reduced Sodium Pringles. But one chip I wish would come back is the Baked Tostitos Cream Cheese and Salsa Tortilla Chips. Those chips still haunt me.

  30. Just gave up potato chips, used to be
    zapps regular flavor and zapps bbq

    favorite double movie dvd
    zatoichi / sonatine
    both great movies!

  31. Salt and Vinegar FTW

  32. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Jalapeno doritos

  33. I just had some Maple and Bacon flavored Kettle Chips. They have only started selling Doritos here in Belgium during the past year. No crunchy Cheetos. Most of the chips we have available to us are so greasy that it keeps me from wanting them too much. Much better to go down to the friterie and get frites! Even without the lemon mayonnaise, they are great!

  34. Me too CeeCee! Cottage cheese is the ONLY dip I use. Makes a meal for me!

  35. Plain old Lays Potato Chips.

  36. Kettle used to make a potato chip that was slow cooked at a slightly lower temperature and came out perfectly caramelized*. They were delicious, but I think they might have struck most ignorant smackers as “burnt” and they disappeared from stores soon after. I’m still mourning their loss.

    *Like the fries at Lafleur in Montreal. So good. https://www.mtlblog.com/lifestyle/the-real-story-behind-montreals-restaurant-lafleur

    1. Those sound great! When my kids eat Ruffles I make them give me the "burnt" ones.

    2. @Elizabeth S:

      They were SO good. I live for the more burnt bits of fries and potato chips.

  37. Cheese Ruffles, cheese Pringles, and regular Lays/Pringles

  38. Cheese Pringles. No matter what size canister I get, it’s always a single serving.

  39. Jalapeno Cheetos rock my world

  40. Plain salted chips. Any brand really, but Old Dutch is a favourite.

  41. Zapps are good if you're in Texas or Louisana

    But I'm spoiled because this company is in my hometown.

    I should go over to the factory tomorrow & restock (see if they have any specials in stock). Plenty of free samples on the days they cook.


  42. I'm in the upper midwest, so my favorite is a Canadian favorite called All Dressed. I don't eat chips much anymore, though. Our local grocery chain makes their own version, and those are my favorite.


  43. 1980s/early 1990s: Hooplas by Keebler.

  44. I only came in to add my vote for the Zapp's Mardi Gras flavor! Yum!!!

  45. Lays sweet southern BBQ. Miss sour cream and onion doritos!

  46. Harvest cheddar sunchips

  47. Utz does a wonderful 3 kinds of potato chips bag: Russet, Black, and Sweet (Yam). I'm addicted to it.

  48. So hard to find but piknik ketchup potato stix. They're heavenly!

  49. UTZ honey barbeque.
    Can't eat just one ... family sized bag.

  50. At the moment I’m loving ranch-flavor Munchies mix. It might satisfy your craving for variety. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munchies_(snack_mix)

  51. Ruffles All Dressed chips... or if you're overseas, they make chips in a prime rib or steak/beef flavor that are insanely good. We ate a whole bag in an hour in Santorini!
