Friday, May 18, 2018

Your Turn

Are you going to watch the royal wedding?


  1. Nope, I have paint I need to watch dry

  2. The have a lot of balls scheduling the FA Cup Final AND The Preakness Stakes the same day as this historic occasion!😣

  3. I think my invitation got lost in the mail.

  4. I'm sure there will be all day coverage, I will have to watch some of it at some point.

    1. How about turn your TV off and go outside and get some fresh air... or clean the bathroom

  5. Nope, not interested.

  6. No. I’d rather be a shitty person with no life who mercilessly comments on it all in gossip forums with zero facts whilst having an appalling lack of respect for punctuation and hiding behind a not really anonymous screen name.

  7. FA Cup final is

  8. Yup, but dvr’ing not watching at 6 in the morning.

  9. Nah, not gonna wake up in the crack of dawn to watch that mess. Just gonna stick to watch the highlights online.

  10. No, but is there a channel where I can watch a bunch of their fans sitting around being butthurt because some people refuse to pay proper fealty? That might be fun.

  11. Yes, I'll watch some of it to see if anyone trips up etc. I am slightly curious about the dress. I certainly won't be watching it all day, have a feeling it will be mainly nonsensical padding by reporters and tedium overload. I expect the DM will have the next day edition dedicated to it anyway.

  12. YES! in recording though, not gonna get up at 4 AM to watch live

  13. I suppose I have to. If nothing more, to keep an eye on my husband.

  14. You mean the wedding of that unemployed ginger kid living off his family and that thirsty briefcase girl from that game show? No thanks.

  15. I remember getting up in the middle of the night to watch the wedding of Charles and Diana. It seemed so magical! Not so this one.

  16. I will do literally anything else.

  17. No, but I am dogsitting for someone who is having a wedding party.
    I may watch the FA Cup final. Rooting for Man U though it's not the Man U of ten years ago.

  18. There’s a royal wedding tomorrow?

  19. Yes! Getting up early too. With Pimms cups and strawberries with clotted cream.

  20. Probably not, but will be interested to see all the comments afterwards from people who don't watch.

  21. I’ll wait for Gary Janetti’s take on Instagram.

  22. I am going watch paint peel, then if I have time, I might tune in- NOT! I would rather get a colonoscopy.

    1. Hey I have a home DIY kit if you want to borrow it.... may need a little clean up from last use but other than that, it works great!

  23. I’d rather watch her trainwreck families commentary on British morning shows

  24. I will. I love a spectacle.

  25. @Dundundun, the family’s TV appearance has been cancelled. Call from the palace.

  26. So happy we've had another school shooting to drown out the wedding.

  27. No, we're going to Cedar Point this weekend. I love me some roller coasters. I'll have to catch the rerun.

    1. Awesome.
      Ride the new ride for me.
      There was a demo video floating around a couple months back and I could not stop watching.

  28. @fnchrstphr - Geezus, gross.

  29. Cool!! I don't know how they keep cramming stuff on Cedar Pointe.

  30. 100% watching the royal wedding on the BBC I'll probably mute the annoying presenters they've chosen.

    I expect tomorrow will be a Meghan special on CDAN, revealing how she had a third even more annoying sibling murdered because they were gonna reveal the truth about her 23rd husband, who she sold in to sex slavery to fund her lifestyle blog, that's just a front for the satanic rituals courses she runs that Harry attended, where they plotted to bring down the royal family, but she's double crossing him and when she has a baby she'll have the whole Windsor family bumped off by a group of billionaire sheiks who she yachted for who'll impose Sharia law on the whole commonwealth.
    You heard it here first.

    1. Shhhh... you're going to give away all enty's material for Monday

  31. Anonymous1:00 PM

    No, but I may check the evening news just to see her dress.

  32. @LEANNE - this story should be turned to a movie.

  33. @little miss sunshine her sister has beaten me to it. ;)

  34. Yes, maybe...I'm planning on getting up early to do some work tomorrow morning, so if I put the wedding on the background it will make my office work seem exciting in contrast.

  35. Nope, no interest. I will, however, watch the divorce proceedings with bated breath.

  36. If Sky News has coverage thru the Roku and I happen to be up at 4am, and I actually remember, then I'll peek in. I mainly just want to see the dress she chose. I'd rather be able to fast fwd through all the boring bits at a more decent hour.

  37. Yes. I've watched every one since Charles and Di in the 80's, it's become a tradition!

  38. I think I'll just wait for the Lifetime movie adaptation...oh wait...

  39. Definitely will watch. Friends staying over night to get up early and start watching.

    I'm doing it for Megan and Harry, but also in Diana's memory.

    I'm happy that there will be an American in the family now. I think Megan is going to be a great duchess of whatever they name her. She seems pretty laid back, has grace and class (as has been shown when here cray-cray family tried to rattle her cage in the last days before the wedding. They're so disgusting) seems to have a good head on her shoulders and will complement Harry and the royal family.

  40. You curmudgeons missed out on a beautiful morning. Nice to have something so joy-filled, elevated and inclusive to watch on the news after this past year.

  41. Yes I did! Didn’t have to deal with the time difference though since I live in Germany

  42. Not only No.... but Fuck NO!

    Once again for the umpteenth time.... NOBODY WHO ACTUALLY HAS A LIFE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT SNY OF THOSE USELESS ROYAL ASSHATS!! They are nothing but the British version of the Kartrashians...

  43. Sorry ya'll, but it was LOVELY

  44. Of course, wouldnt let Princess Diana's son marry without fanfare, plus he is a prince of Wales, and im Welsh, plus he's served his country and his nation.....and Lady Diana would have loved Meghan and all she stands for breaking the traditional mould.

  45. So the Queen went and paid for the honeymoon? All expenses paid trip to romantic Paris? The only stipulation is Harry has to fly from Gatwick airport and Meggan has to use the channel tunnel! Ha ha ha

  46. Shouldn't it have been rated PG for tv??

  47. Anonymous8:37 AM

    It's a scary statement about many people buy into this
    "Idols! Royals! You are better than me!" crap.

    If you still think Markle is the bio child of Tom Markle..... I have some oceanfront property in Arizona....really...

    Google the Kalergi Plan.
