Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Blind Item #11 - Mr. X - Old Hollywood

Back in the day, this A+ list mobster backed a number of clubs on the Sunset Strip. Actors wanted to be seen in these clubs which then brought in more people and higher profits for the owners and their "backers." Anyway, the girlfriend of our mobster who is in the history books right alongside him got into a fight with another woman when she found out he was also sleeping with the mobster. How did she find out? At the next table, the woman was talking to this permanent A+ list mostly movie actor with the consecutive alphabet thing going for his name. He said he was open to taking her home that night but wouldn't the mobster get mad because he had seen them together. Well, that brought the mobster's girlfriend over the banquette seat and threw a couple punches before some patrons broke it up.

The actor for his part got a raw egg thrown on him by the mistress because the actor did not come to her defense. My question has always been where did the raw egg come from?


  1. Bugsy Siegela and Virginia Hill?

  2. Bing Crosby for the consecutive alphabet actor?

  3. Bugsy Seigal/ Virginia Hill

    Virginia Hill was called to testify at a congressional hearing about racketeering which was shown on live TV back in the 50s. When reticent to admit where her substantial wealth came from, she was pushed to answer by a senator questioning her and replied, "Well Senator, it's because I give the best blow jobs in the United States."

  4. Errol Flynn for the actor. Known hound dog.


  6. raw egg from the table side cesear salad - Bugsy Segal, Virginia Hill - Errol Flynn

  7. Nicky Santoro, Ace Rothstein and Ginger McKenna

  8. Btw the raw egg probably came from a number of popular beverages of that era that are made with egg whites. And are delicious.

  9. Are raw eggs safe to consume?

    1. I feel like that is always debated, personally I’m not bothered. I always sample cookie dough, make meringue buttercream, and I love a gin flip cocktail. Plus like when you’re mixing egg whites with gin and cigarettes, what does it matter anyway.

  10. @cap'ngeech Cigarettes pair well with everything. As does cookie dough.

  11. Ramos Gin Fizz, Tom and Jerry or maybe the hangover cure Prairie Oyster.

  12. People have a hard time spelling Bugsy Siegel :-D

  13. Welcome back Mr. X!

    I love your blinds!

  14. But Errol Flynn was gay. There's no way he wanted to sleep with a woman.

  15. ^^^Perhaps that's why he proffered up the excuse "aren't you banging the big cheese?"

  16. @Brayson We in this household have all consumed raw eggs at one time or another, to absolutely no ill effect. I still put one in my homemade Caesar salad.

    @Camal I *might* be willing to concede that Flynn was bi - he probably screwed everything. But his love of multiple and often underage females is legendary.
