Friday, June 22, 2018

Blind Item #4

This former A+ list mostly movie actor turned A lister is rewriting history. Yes, his family was upset about a marital decision he made, but they were more upset that he returned to his substance abusing/violent ways that made any kind of familial relationship almost impossible.


  1. Depp, interview he did recently.

  2. That interview is fucking bonkers, too.

  3. Can someone translate?

    1. Johnny Depp’s family didn’t want him to marry Amber Heard especially without a prenup but he did anyway.. he forgot to mention they were even more upset about him drinking, doing drugs and being violent. That’s the reason they didn’t have a relationship, not because of who he chose to marry but of course he put the blame all on Amber.

  4. Johnny Depp. He’s a piece of shit! That interview was just about him trying to place blame on everybody else and look like the good guy. If you have a $650 million fortune wouldn’t you make sure you maintain that money? And the fact he tried to say he was depressed after his divorce. yeah I’m sure his ex wife was too when she was being dragged through the media and being branded a liar by his team even though she provided enough evidence to backup her claims of him abusing her throughout their relationship.

  5. Johnny's grip on reality was loose at best for the past 10-15 years... now it's clearly almost gone. And because of the money and paranoia - he probably won't get the help he needs.

  6. Is he too broke to hire a publicist. The interview was horrible and made him look bad.

    1. Lol the interview showed his true colors, he should’ve just admitted to what he did to Amber and called it a day.

  7. Can you imagine when Depp read that article you bring some dude into your home for 3 days you smoke them out you treat them good and then they s**** all over you. That would suck.

  8. He won’t be a live in a year. Hate to say it but he is on a one way train to destruction. Up 72 hours straight, drinking all that wine and stories of hash and tobacco. The fact that his “lawyer” (ie. Leech) is there 24/7 (imagine the cost of that). Can’t even get out of his rented fortress without help because he doesn’t know how to open the door. Family who is estranged yet took millions from him. Completely out of touch with reality. So sad. We all have to remember that becoming a famous actor does not make you smart. Vanessa was probably the only thing that held him togetherness over the years.

  9. Wasn't there a blind that he didn't hit her, that she hit him?

  10. You know when Depp sold his soul to Disney I really thought hey that's good, he's settling down, ensuring his family's future. Nope he was just building up to even bigger f*cking up.

  11. Dude's a fool, like his fans.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. That's odd. Most of the "evidence" Heard supplied was thrown out of court. She wouldn't even sit for her deposition.

    Let's see. There was the video footage of Depp banging a cupboard which had been edited. There was the photo of her "bruise," which doesn't prove he hit her either. One of her witnesses (she only had two) dropped out. The police said they found no evidence of domestic abuse. Her accusations of DV only came to light AFTER he refused to pay her $50'000 a month which even Amber's own lawyer thought was excessive. She only filed for divorce because Depp refused to let her ex-girlfriend move into their home and she handed him the papers within three days of his mother dying.

    As for being a "fool," those would be the morons who repeatedly turn a blind eye to Amber's criminal record as well as her own arrest for domestic violence. The same idiots who haven't even spent 5 mins reviewing the evidence or read Amber's foot in mouth statement or looked at the evidence Depp had on her such as the conversation she had with her make-up artist...

    Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, Amber did lie? Because there's more evidence of that than there is "evidence" of Depp beating her.

    1. Lmao her evidence was NOT thrown out of court.. she chose to not purse the case because she was running out of money. Those bruises on her face were REAL. That time he “broke” his hand he cut his finger and wrote that dumb shit on the mirror in blood about Amber fucking Billy Bob which he was forced to deny that even happened. His own management he was suing supported those FACTS. Take a read of official court documents and Stop the fuckery.

  14. Definitely Johnny Depp, I just read the RS piece.

    It's worth noting his divorce from Amber was going down just as his abusive mother died which is a very difficult thing for a damaged person to deal with.

    Johnny has chosen to hide from his problems for too long, can't keep hiding forever.

  15. I think both Amber and Johnny are very messed-up people

  16. i read the 'rolling stone' interview. the saddest thing was the writer noticing at one point that everyone in the house was paid to be there. johnny has no friends except this shady lawyer, seems like.

    and the lawyer is the one who asked for this interview to set the record straight---that johnny's the victim. that sure backfired.

  17. nancer, I had the same thought--they were all paid. The interview was pathetic and JD came off as a sad, slightly crazed has-been.

  18. He's friends with Marilyn Manson and Alice Cooper, amongst other people.

  19. Depp seems like a preview of Zayn Malik in about 2031, if Zayn makes it that far.

  20. Josh Brolin has been pulling similar shit lately. When he was asked about his arrest for beating Diane, he was like "it can't be explained" and then basically blamed her for calling the cops on him. Men are such assholes

  21. Is it really a blind when you just grab something from the headlines and don’t put he names involved in it?

  22. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Depp isn't really friends with Manson, they're drug buddies. Manson doesn't really "do" friends, he does drugs, and a lot of them, and only hangs out with other druggies. He's always been like that. He's that shithead we all knew in college who didn't trust anyone who didn't get high every day, like it's some club.
    And then Depp goes and starts a band with two of the straightest arrows in the business, Perry and Cooper. I'm beginning to wonder if that's a band, or a drawn out intervention trying to save him.

    Since that article was in Rolling Stone, I'm skeptical. It wasn't an interview, it was a hit piece. They're out to get Depp, so I would ask, what are the connections between RS, that author, and the people Depp is suing? This is what they DO. They try to win in the court of public opinion.

    I like Depp. I like his movies. Yes, he's batshit insane, and he's worked hard to achieve that, and I think he's headed for a major attempt at rock bottom, which he may or may not survive. Yes, he's a man child who let a bunch of greedy scum rip him off, and turned around and blamed it on him. He should have fired everyone years ago. 650 million, gone. That's insane. And it took really fucked up behavior on both sides to do it.

    My hope is that he does a Robert Downy Jr, and comes off rock bottom stronger and better. I really do. All the try hards and trolls here can shit on him all they want, but my gut instinct is that down deep he's a decent dude, who's just lost in drugs and alcohol and surrounded by enablers, and if he gets free of that, he'll be okay. I don't know why Enty hates him, and honestly, I don't care.

  23. While I don't disagree with what you say, unknown ^, I was merely pointing out that he does have friends. He's hated by the Amber sycophants and Trump nutbags, but he still has fans. I too would like to see Depp bounce back, but I think it's too late for him.

  24. Whoa, just a minute! Surely you mean 650 million SPENT BY DEPP. The guy bought islands, yachts, chateaus in France, expensive art and drank expensive wine to name just some expenditures. Plus a staff of 20-30 people who all expect to be paid well with benefits. I am not saying he wasn't ripped off, but the bulk of that money was wasted by him and him only. I do not know what Vanessa got in their divorce, but Amber got exactly what he owed her and not a penny more, and it took a whole year to get it, and she has donated the entire amount. If Depp feels like blaming someone, he should start with himself.

  25. Only she hasn't donated the entire amount. She made one payment. Actually, scratch that, Depp made the payment.

    Although he was ripped off by a few people, he is to blame for his out of control spending though. I agree with you there.

    1. Johnny DIDNT make the payment, he tried to do he could get a tax break and she called him out on it. He paid her in pieces for two years and she recently donated ALL of it when she finally got the full $7 million, the hospitals even released statements saying they received the money. RESEARCH YOU IDIOT.

  26. Amber paid the whole amount, which it took her a full year to get. Depp has tried to pay himself for tax advantages and she would not have it, rightfully so. Check your sources, she did what she promised.
    I do not get the Amber Heard hatred, the woman was abused and blamed for everything wrong with Depp. They have been divorced a while now, is he doing any better than before? If your answer is no, then I guess Amber was not to blame for his drug use and spending to begin with. It bothers me that people are so sympathetic to a washed out abusive druggie and are so quick to blame his victim.

  27. Yet you don't feel the same contempt for Amber's booze and coke habit or, more importantly, the fact she was arrested for punching her girlfriend? Maybe you should do your own research and examine your own hypocrisy? Oh, and she didn't pay all the money. I don't know where you've got that from, but then money wasn't the motive for marrying Depp or for divorcing him.

  28. This discussion is pointless, I would however like to mention that injecting heroin is somewhat different from boozing and coking up. The life expectancy is quite different too. I seem to remember wild blinds on this very site suggesting Amber was providing him with heroin so that he would die quicker and she'd inherit his money. You can find them quite easily if you care to look. Those blinds were pure malicious slander, and I don;t recall anybody apologizing for them or retracting any information

  29. Is it sad that I thought immediately of Brad Pitt?

  30. Again, the Amber defenders still make no comment about her criminal record, her history of theft and fraud (as well as forging documents to smuggle her dogs into Australia) or the fact she was arrested for domestic violence? You bunch of hypocrites.

    She is as much as a booze hound as Depp, but hey she's only on coke (yeah and the rest). You criticised Depp for his drug habit, you hypocrite, then downplay Heard' s drug habit when it's pointed out to you that she's no better. LOL!

    Oh, and Amber admitted to lying about the writing on the mirror. She did it.

    1. Would you let Johnny Depp plate job you?

  31. Johnny Depp is 55 years old. If he had a brain cell left, he would have taken a leaf out of the Brad Pitt handbook and admitted to being a culpable jerk. He was rolling in money, islands and property and he's squandered it on meth &/or heroin. The love of red wine didn't create this mess.
