Friday, June 29, 2018

Blind Item #4

This former A+ list singer turned full time child molester apparently gave a 14 year old $300 all in one dollar bills. Three stacks all taped together and she thought she was rich. She says she no only was raped by the singer for an entire weekend late last winter, but also was forced to be with five or six other men and three or four other "women," the oldest of which was 19.

After the weekend she was kicked out of the house where everyone was staying. She tried to text and DM, but never heard anything. Two months later, she found out she was pregnant. She was told to meet at a hotel. At the hotel, she was forced to take a pregnancy test in front of a man she had never seen. She was then taken directly to a clinic to get an abortion and was not given any choice. After the abortion, she was taken back to that hotel and was given another stack of three hundred dollars. The man left and no one has contacted her since.


  1. R Kelly? Vile man.

  2. I wish that Aaliyah parents had him arrested for statutory rape. It seems he preys on girls from unstable homes that no one cares about.

    1. But didn’t they allow them to get married? She was a child when it happened

  3. "Can no one rid us of this troublesome pedophile?"

  4. this is one of the worst cases of abuse against humanity that I've heard of...and there are many more just like this person...whomever he is.

  5. They knew.
    The label knew.
    Every corporate venue knew.

  6. He'll run out of money soon.

  7. This is why parental consent must be obtained prior to a minor having an abortion!!! Sex abusers force these girls to get rid of the evidence of their crimes and abortion clinics do not have to report diddly to authorities!

  8. rkelly walks free bc he's pimped out underage girls to higher ups, like politicos in atlanta and chicago. he's protected by them bc they dont want to go down with him

    The Geffen Method

  9. What a complete waste of human DNA. The best part of him was left in a tissue on a park bench by his mama.

    Can't someone lace his Astroglide with something that would make his weenus shrivel and fall off?

  10. Since when was R Kelley EVER considered A+ singer???

  11. Sounds like R Kelly, can we start mailing him scarves yet?

  12. R Kelly

    And yes everyone knew about the Aaliyah (may she rest in peace) situation. I was told that Barry Hankerson, who was married to Gladys Knight at one point and was her uncle (I think), stepped in and had the "marriage" annulled.

  13. That seems pretty responsible if you ask me.
