Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Blind Item #8 - The End - A Birdie Blind Item

I guess it isn't surprising that this director got it so wrong - the ending, I mean - because it wouldn't be the first time, or last, but he does have a reputation for trying to get to the truth about things. What you saw in the movie was little more than an epilogue. The real end happened, unceremoniously, let alone mysteriously, in a dirty stall of the men's room in this capital city bar. He was an expert drinker, but a novice with this other drug - supplied in this case by a man who was depicted in a famous movie from the same year. His darkest vice? He liked to watch people die, often lacing the special bags with more powerful substances. He checked on the victim several times, taking pictures each time. Finally, the body was found by the man's drinking buddy, and a doctor happened to be present, pronouncing him dead. (You may have already heard him tell his side of the story. A famous model was there too.) Because of the bar's underworld connections, and the country's harsh drug laws at the time, the body was moved to another location - the one in the movie. Bribes were paid to the appropriate authorities - there would be no autopsy - and the man was quickly buried in town.


  1. @Sunshine

    I think that’s it. Oliver Stone - The Doors - 1990

    Now who else had a movie made that year?

    1. 1991 was the year of the movie. Trying to find the other movie.

  2. William S. Burroughs--heroin ?

  3. There was a movie about Claus von Bulow in 91...


      Claus is tied to another woman who allegedly died of an OD (Getty ties as well)

  4. "Burroughs accidentally killed his second wife, Joan Vollmer, in 1951 in Mexico City with a pistol during a drunken "William Tell" game; he was consequently convicted of manslaughter. "--Wikipedia

  5. I think the year would be 1971? Morrison's death.

  6. The Doors and Naked Lunch both came out in 1991.
    Burroughs it is! Great job s.s.

  7. No Chaps, the year of the films "based" on those person's lives, 1991, Morrison and Burroughs.

  8. (Dr.)Hunter S. Thompson - where the buffalo roam - ?

  9. Morrison died in 1971. Same year as The French Connection was released. Heroin was supplied by French heroin trafficker depicted in film.

  10. The doctor was just some doctor at the club.

  11. Ya, I was thinking "French Connection" too.

  12. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Biggest clue supporting the Jim Morrison guess is the blind item title - The End

  13. Marianne Faithfull claims that she was with Jean de Breteuil the night Jim died and Jean was the person who supplied Jim with heroin.

    I don't believe Jean was portrayed in any movie. I've never seen the French Connection though.

    JdB died in 1972 from an OD as well.

  14. I think I saw this mentioned earlier today on Twitter but can't find it now, but believe it is Hunter S. Thompson Very sick bastard.

  15. So...Hunter S. Thompson murdered Jim Morrison? Or am I reading it way wrong.

  16. The End is the title of a Doors song. Gotta be Morrison.


    The official story goes like this: On the last night of Jim Morrison's life, the rocker went to a movie in Paris, listened to records, fell ill and died of heart failure in his bathtub at the age of 27.
    But rumors have always swirled around the death of The Doors frontman and, 36 years later, a former Paris nightclub manager is telling a different story. In a new book, Sam Bernett says that Morrison died in a toilet stall of his club after what he believes was a heroin overdose...

  18. I agree the deceased is prolly the Lizard King Jim Morrison. I doubt, however, that it was drugs supplied by William Burroughs. First of all, Burroughs was no great fan or rock 'n roll music, so the idea of him hanging out at a club with Jim Morrison seems to be a little bit far fetched. Also, I don't imagine Burroughs slipping the "good stuff" to Jim Morrison rather than using it himself, being a junkie and all.

    A doc on the making and filming of Apocalypse Now came out in 1991. "Hearts of Darkness--The Filming of Apocalypse Now". Maybe one of the people in Apocalypse Now. I think there were some heavy hitters, substance abuse-wise on that film.

  19. gotta be Morrison.

  20. Here's an account from Alain Ronay, a longtime friend of Jim's, which originally appeared in Paris-Match in 1991--not the best translation, as it reads rather awkwardly, but it does give the background to the official story pretty well, and would work pretty well w/the more recent stories of Jim OD'ing in the club and then being brought home and put in the tub. Given how messed up Pamela seems to have been, it's entirely possible that she honestly thought that her story about them hanging out, him waking up feeling unwell and eventually throwing up, etc. was true; it's also possible that he could have gone home briefly after leaving Alain, spent some time w/Pamela listening to music and snorting heroin, then went out late to the club. She probably woke up after he'd been brought back to the apartment and put in the tub, and it's *just* barely possible that he could have come around long enough to puke before passing out again for the final time, so her story might be more on the money than it initially appears. Also, thankfully Agnes Varda was willing and able to help out and call in enough favors to get Jim buried quickly and out of the public eye before the vultures really descended (talk about a thankless task for someone you barely know; she probably qualifies for sainthood just for dealing w/Pamela in that state of mind).

  21. This is def Jim Morrison, But i question the guesses on the other man. It says the man was depicted in a famous movie of the same year. (which i assume to be 1991) I could not really find any other "famous" movies depicting a real life man in 1991. I know some have mentioned the Naked Lunch, but is that famous? I for one have never heard of it. And did it actually depict the author? I am going with Drop Dead Fred, thats all i have..
    (since I am not familiar with the Naked Lunch, i am hoping all the better guessers here can connect the dots for me. ;)

  22. I thought the heroin dealer was depicted in 1971 the year Jim died. According to Marianne Faithful, Jean de Breiteuil sold him the stuff. He was also supposedly Keith Richards dealer. Jean also died in 71.

  23. @totaji

    Yes, and Jean de Breiteuil also provided the heroin that killed Janis Joplin and Talitha Getty. They all died within two years of each other.

    1. So it’s about him. He liked to watch people die supposedly. But what’s the movie about him? Is it the French Connection?

  24. The director "gets it wrong" -- Oliver Stone (a reference to JFK, perhaps? Enty is a lone gunman theorist?)

    The town must be Paris -- "this capital city bar. ...the man was quickly buried in town." Pere Lachaise is in the heart of Paris.

    "a man who depicted in a famous movie from the same year [that Morrison died]"

    The French Connection (1971)

    "lacing the special bags with more powerful substances"


  25. Was there really a movie made about JdB? Seems like too much of an also-ran to have had a movie made about him. He doesn't even have a Wikipedia page. The French Connection was supposedly about a drug bust that took place in 1961, which would have put Breteuil at about 12 years old. I think that Breteuil and Morrison are who this blind is about and the part about the movie that depicts the killer is a misdirection.

  26. Definitely Jim Morrison but I'm having trouble deciding if the year of the movie is '91 or '71. From the wording, I'm leaning towards a movie from 91, but what movie and who???

    The Count was a drug dealer and responsible for quite a few deaths from bad heroin making the rounds.

    So is this Birdie person saying there were actual photos taken of Jim before he died?

  27. French Connection or Last Tango in Paris. Although I’m certain Enty would have mentioned the controversy surrounding LTIP.

    The model in the blind is Elizabeth Lariviere.

  28. Good point that he was too young for The French Connection, Joseph.

  29. Could it be Morrison and HS Thompson for the supplier/murderer? " supplied in this case by a man who was depicted in a famous movie from the same year." Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas depicts HST in a famous movie - which is set in the same year.

    I can buy it if it was accidental, but I don't see HST as a murderer.


  31. Wish I could find that Twitter post but apparently HST was into snuff films. Anyone who could watch sh** like that is capable of anything.

  32. I take the blind to mean that the movie in which the murderer was depicted was released in 1971. Fear and loathing, the book, was released in 1971 but not the movie.

    Pretty good blind, I have to say. Imagine if those photes surfaced?

  33. Moving the body sounds legit but the rest sounds like an urban legend.

  34. Now we know the two user names you use.

    Go take your meds, you're overdue.

  35. @tinydancer very, VERY few snuff films actually exist, most of the purported ones are fakes. i mean it's fucked up either way, but.

    personally i had no idea that the official story was the heart failure in the bathtub thing. all my life i basically figured everybody knew he had ODed. i've never heard any OTHER story.

    1. You should check the dark web then if you think few exist

  36. Morrison was seriously injured in fall before he ever left for Paris. He was coughing up blood frequently. According to his friend who was with him that night, he couldn’t walk more than 100 feet without having to stop and rest for 10 minutes. He most likely had a blood clot in his lung which came loose and he bled internally. Case closed.

  37. Oliver Stone with JFK was another real person movie.

    Moving a body was common at the time to avoid scandal. But now it's a crime.

  38. @geeljire yes, but hunter s thompson died before the dark web existed, so

  39. Just want to say that the part about moving the believed unconscious Morrison and putting him in the bathtub rings true.

    Back in the bad old days before you could call 911 and be revived one of the methods used by junkies to revive someone who had od'd was to dunk the person into a bath of ice cold water.

    This is the first I'm hearing about the heroin connection and Morrison (may he RIP). If I'd known about it the whole bathtub thing wouldn't have been such a "what?" for me.

  40. Hunter Thompson was a sick fuck and I wouldn't put it past him wanting to watch the life go out of someone.
    There is a snuff film being made, as I write, somewhere in the world, if not more by the time I finish.
    If you think that it's ever been different, you'd be wrong.

  41. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Hunter S. Thompson? LOL? Seriously? These comment threads are dropping in IQ faster than the value of Bitcoin.

    Oh, wait, are some of you snowflakes idiots who don't get that the character of Raul Duke, who Thompson used to embellish real life events with fiction to make better stories, isn't real? You must be, because I've seen you babbling about adrenochrome, which Thompson made up out of thin air for his book. "But I sawr it in a moovie" Hunter loved to bamboozle people with shock value, but it takes a special stupidity to believe it. And he was into snuff films? According to whom? I'm a big fan of the man, and there's never even been a hint of that. None. Oh, but you read a twitter post that conveniently doesn't exist. Yeah, okay.

    I can't believe someone thinks Hunter S. Thompson gave Jim Morrison a bad dose that killed him. These comments threads are done. Over. Finished. The chromosomally damaged have taken over with their nonsense. Everything exists, because it's on the "dark web". You're all either 12, or hoplessy stupid.

  42. Okay Unknown, bye....
    Fuck off then, you dense cunt.
    Riddance, retard...
