Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 19, 2018

This late night talk show host could give zero f**ks about this singer/actor/general all around a-hole and his love of underage teens. He should, but he doesn't.

Jimmy Fallon/Jared Leto


  1. he probably wants to share

  2. so whens 'timesup' for jared leto? or franco??

    franco had a RAPE ROOM with a CLEANUP CREW at his acting school in nyc for goddsake.

    meanwhile...geffen...don henley....crickets


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Pretty sure he's said before he only cares about pop culture. He's not one for politics or controversial topics such as celebs going after underage teens.

  5. @nonyabusiness

    not according to his recent response to trump i.e. RAICES

  6. Jimmy Fallon is an emotionally fragile, insecure man child. He'll do anything to be accepted

  7. Anyway, Joe Jackson is dead.

  8. I don't know anything about Fallon, but I'm not sure why he gets singled out for this. Is he Leto's keeper? I don't see anyone in the industry who cares about this stuff beyond lip service. If there were, they'd spend their camera time at awards shows outing the predators they know about, instead of embarassing themselves over politics.

  9. Rot in hell you POS!
    Anyway Fallon is only interested in ratings and making sure he keeps his job. He's a drunk, he doesn't pay much attention to anything else except his wife and kids, and he doesn't care enough about them to not be a drunk.

  10. Fallon is a low-level Masonic toadie, he does what he's told, but on a far less offensive level than Kimmel or Colbert. John Oliver annoys me too, but at least he did his part to take out Brock Pierce.

    Jared Leto is vile in just about every way you can imagine, and repulsive on screen. Hopefully the new Joker movie means his days ruining that role are over--WB can't actually be so stupid as to think making TWO Joker movies with two different actors will right the DC ship, can they? Especially when one of them stinks? One would think not, but it's not as if they've been making rocket science-level decisions over there so far.

  11. Fallon is the Walmart greeter of late night, he just waves at whoever comes on stage.

  12. WB is the abusive husband of DC, now matter what WB says, they just can't do right by DC. Any good DC movie seems like an accident. I mean when CW puts out a vastly superior product to your movies you know something is f*cked up.

    " Here he come, just in perfect timing
    To help the needy and guide the blinded
    Last night I saw a superhero, he was black
    He said, "This is for the street, Black Lightning's back" "

  13. I realize after reading here the opinion about Leto, I was always a huge fan, my family lives for music, and in spite of what appears to be some here, Leto and his band were really great, especially live. Not Dave Grohl or Lizzy Hale, or Sully Erna great, but they are great. I wouldnt listen to Taylor Swift or Demi, or whatever all this new "pop" garbage is, but when it comes to rock and alt, i am all in.
    In addition, Jared has some really great performances in film. I personally liked him as Joker, as did quite a few other humans. Sure, many did not, but many get stuck on one single actor, kinda like me for Batman, to me, Keaton is Batman,
    anyway, Requiem he was great, and he was worthy of his oscar as Rayon. I did like him in Blade Runner and in spite it being such a weird movie, Mr. Nobody was great.
    That being said, I was a fan, I do not buy fully into all the stories I read here, but I have pulled back from him more, I am waiting for evidence of all this bad (though I did have confirmation a bit about his behavior on Suicide Squad)

  14. Leto just LOOKS creepy

  15. Listen to Fallon on the latest "Good One" podcast from Vulture. He sounds fucked-up and at points is barely in the conversation.
