Thursday, June 21, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 14, 2018

So far, this former A- list mostly television actress from a defunct show and not much else since except for some reality, is saying no to any deals that get her out of her current situation because they all include at least some time behind bars. If the time behind bars is removed, look for her to change her tune about her innocence.

Rose McGowan


  1. Hope she gets life.

    Toxic femininity is out of control.

  2. So Rose goes to jail while Weinstein and Cosby are still free.

    1. Bill is getting sentenced in September and Harvey is having his day in court soon. Just because she claims somebody raped her doesn’t mean she gets to break the law all of a sudden and get away with it. Regular citizens go to jail for less crimes that isn’t fair.

  3. Of course Weinstein and Cosby should be rotting in a jail cell right now but them being pieces of shit doesn't mean that Rose isn't a piece of shit. She's not a rapey piece of shit which is definitely better but ultimately, she's still a piece of shit.

  4. People who falsely accuse others of crimes should get the same punishment the crime would merit.

  5. OK - Not a big Rose fan myself, but are we SURE the Weinstein PR Train isn't gas lighting the public on this one?!!! She's a wack - agreed, but I am not convinced HW and his Mossad thugs didn't set her up. That wallet was out of her possession for over five hours!!

  6. I believe Rose has been victimized but she is still a very toxic and manipulative woman. Roses army wouldn’t exist if Harvey gave her the 6 million she wanted. Don’t get me started on her BFF Asia.

  7. Had Harvey given her the $6mm blackmail money, all of her phony concern for other victims would have vanished a long time ago.


  8. There was a BI claiming that Harv's Israeli commandos planted the coke on Rose while she traveled. Recent BIs have turned a 180 and now all condemn Rose.

    Which is it?

    Which PR firm is playing games with this site now?

  9. Doesn't matter. She's scum.

  10. @MDAnderson... I know you said you don't want to get started lol... But now I'm kinda DYING to know. Tell me more about Rose and Asia! As odd as I think Rose is, I've always been on her side and never doubted her intentions in all this but the more I read, the more suspicious I become!

    Feel free to spill all the tea you have. I don't need proof lol. Rumours are fun enough for me! :D

  11. @gingersnap go to the Instagram account @justicefortony

  12. The timing and the fact that the come just happened to be in her lost wallet makes me wonder. Most druggies are more clever with their airplane hiding places, if you know what I mean. Just because you don't like her doesn't make her guilty.

    1. I know a guy who lost his wallet and had coke in it..he's in jail the finder turned it into cops so no us dopers are forgetful too

  13. @plot,Enty has been printing Anti Rose blinds for months,including one that she will likely OD. While I don't doubt Rose is or was a drug user,leaving drugs in a wallet makes no sense, a dog would find it in a second,no need to search.

    1. Try that with a sense of entitlement and closed judgement it's her dope

  14. @Guesser

    I have no doubt that Harv is capable with his ex-Mossad agents of doing something exactly like planting drugs on Rose. People know how to transport drugs in this day and age. In a wallet usually ain't the way, you are correct. Why put your coke in the same place as your credit cards, which you will no doubt need in an airport terminal to buy some water, at least?

    It seems farcical how the blinds on CDAN can switch sides on a dime when writing about the same event. That's what I find amusing here.

    1. Cuz you need your card to cut out a line and why would anyone pay attention to her wallet...the girls on some heavy shit being raped don't make you go full out nuts like she is

  15. She had drugs in her wallet, the goal should be treatment not incarceration, I doubt she was on her way to sell them.

  16. Agreed with Plot, this site and it's flip flopping on Rose never makes any sense. And say what you will about her: she may not be the most likable person but pretending like Harvey Weinstein is innocent and being framed? Now THAT's a laugh. The guy was caught on tape trying to force a woman into a hotel room.

  17. DumDumPop - Where did you get 'pretending like Weinstein is innocent and being framed'? who said that, nobody?

  18. Faced with jail time, I'd change my tune on a measly possession charge in a freaking heartbeat.
    Rose may not be likeable or to many's taste but that's what makes her all the more believable to me.
    I'd venture a guess that those who would smear anyone who've experienced sexual abuse - whether blatant or of the coerced kind - are either lucky as fuck or too ugly to be bothered with.
    On the other hand, for the disgustingly misogynous bunch of dicks here, the idea of NEVER getting laid comes to mind.

  19. Rose McGowan is such a phony motherfucker that it's refreshing to see her getting her comeuppance.

  20. @mary

    "for the disgustingly misogynous bunch of dicks here, the idea of NEVER getting laid comes to mind. "

    That's an incel male in a nutshell. They are involuntarily celibate which they blame women for when, of course, it's their own damn fault or the fault of life lived through video games and porn.

  21. Quick quiz.
    What's slimier and more repulsive?

    Harvey or Rosie??


  22. give my right arm to see woody allen play Hymen Roth in godfather remake

