Thursday, June 21, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 14, 2018

I can't ever remember this organization really pushing its members via planted news stories to get someone nominated. It just doesn't happen. Ever. They just really want to take advantage of the publicity this B+ list actress would generate if nominated. If she isn't nominated, they want to give her a honorary award. It really makes them look ridiculous. She is a B+ list actress for a reason.

Meghan Markle/Emmy Awards


  1. Dunno...she went from a suitcase model on Deal or No Deal to marrying into British royalty. It's been the role of a lifetime, clearly the woman has skills.

    1. She went from an upcoming actress working every job she could till she made it on Suits then met Harry... she isn’t pushing for this herself, those behind the Emmy’s are so they can gain publicity

  2. An award for getting married? My how the Emmys have fallen...

  3. She married into the top Luciferian blood cult. Hollywood clearly approves.

  4. Forget about the Emmys, this girl deserves an OSCAR for the role she hustled her way into with the Firm.

  5. Nobody would buy it if she was nominated now. She was a supporting actress on an ensemble cable drama that few watched, and wasn't nominated for too many things as a whole. Nobody knew who she was before she was dating Harry.

  6. How needy. She's got the role of her lifetime now and it has its ow rewards.

  7. She's really struggling on the protocol front. Turning her back on the Queen yesterday at Ascot was not a good look. Prince Harry, who knows how things are done, literally walked backwards several steps to avoid turning his back on the monarch.

    At least the Ascot fashion was better than some of her previous looks. The hat was pretty.

  8. What do we think is really going on here? Might this girl have a knack for magick? Is it some kind of message to the British people (and the world) that race-mixing is cool now? Even if she is amazing in bed, I don't think that would be enough for the Royals.

  9. She's a dom, that's how she got hold of Harry... I figure he hadn't liked any of the beards picked for him, so they were quite thrilled he came up with a "relationship" himself. What decided it must have been the racial card... Too perfect an opportunity for the running global propaganda to be passed. I think both spouses knew nobody would have the guts to oppose a "who's for dinner" scenario. Not that she is any worse than any of the "royals", quite the opposite probably.

  10. It's a fake awards show, why not do that to bump up the ratings?

  11. @ ancoranonhocapito - Do you mean a "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" scenario?

  12. Some of the Loco Lulus showed up here!

    Cuckoo. Cuckoo.

    You know who you are.

  13. Harry marrying Megan is all for show anyway. There was a blind here like 2 or 3 years ago where it was leaked that someone overheard the Queen lecturing Harry about how he had to marry a black girl to improve the image of the royal family as tolerant.

    He probably wouldn't go full black so they found him a half breed.

  14. Some of you talk of black folks like they are a completely different species from you. Humankind originated in Olduvai Gorge which is in Africa. You shade & disrespect black are shading & disrespecting yourself

  15. Urban, are you on crack? Markle isn't even black, lay off the pipe. Anyway, it's kind of funny how people hyped up this woman so much and all she's done it it's showing how she has no idea of what she's doing and keeps fucking up in every event. Her fashion sense sucks, her clothes are way more expensive than Kate's and somehow she makes them look cheap, she's got no class and her thirst for money it's showing, they never stay until the events are finished, they just go for the photo ups and after that they're done. I think the only good thing Markle has ever done it's showing Harry's true colors, he's as vapid and shameless as she is. They deserve each other.

  16. Agree with Totto.She,doesn't promote or embrace that she is mixed race . Nobody cares one way or another, and it means nothing except as an excuse for her pr to cry racism when she is criticized.She's just manipulative and fake. The most fame hungry woman I've ever seen. D Day had less planning than this woman,trying to nab a prince. I wouldn't even give her a c+ as an actor, being sexy was her "acting" .I didn't know they handed out Emmys for fooling the RF, a new category? not surprised at Harry with his past, he was her perfect victim. She's burned so many bridges in the real world, and even ghosted her dogs.

  17. Anonymous4:22 PM

    So, the "Child of a California electrician"
    (uh huh), is now fast tracked to Kensington Palace. Enjoyed a forty million dollar wedding on the BBC. Is now invited to take day trips with the Queen of England.Wears Givenchy. Lives next door to Kate, William, and Eugenie.


  18. The fucking Trump Racism brigade has taken over this website. Trash.

  19. Honorary award? For what? Marrying a prince? I'd love to know what they're going to call it. LMAO

  20. Now that Sparkles is married, can't we just put her on the shelf with the rest of the royals and forget about them? Seriously, they are such a bunch of boring that I could care less about her too big shoes and sloppy hair dos and whether she wears pantyhose or not.
