Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Blind Item #12

This foreign born permanent A list singer is traveling overseas. The aging closeted singer has left her lover behind and has been enjoying a young female lover provided by the company sponsoring her tour.


  1. Ah Celine you whore 😥

  2. "provided by the company sponsoring her tour" Wtf???

  3. Yep, Celine. She’s touring Asia right now, I think.

  4. Yeesh hope Celine checked her ID.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Not shocked in the least especially since her deceased husband started grooming her at 12

  7. Again with the "aging" bit... Guess what? We're ALL AGING.

    So when exactly does 'aging' start in your minds? In CDAN world, it seems to start at 90 for men & 35 for women. 🙄

  8. @Unknown, usually about when you put a ring on their finger oh no I didn't ;)

  9. Oh Enty, you probably google 'what is (random celeb) up to?' every few months and then make up a story to fit your narrative.

    I am 100% certain this story is bs made up by you or one of your 'sources' (maybe not the closeted part, I don't know). A good many of your blinds are, along with some inspired guesswork...Is it because you have to produce 15 blinds every day? Then do less. The sad thing is that some people on here seem to take it as gospel...

  10. Exactly @Sofie. This site should be viewed with a healthy amount of skepticism but too many people in here do take it to be the gospel.

  11. @Sofie I'm guessing you weren't here years ago when I posted my theory about this site, so here goes again. I think that the blinds are true, not in the sense that what is stated in them literally happened, you understand, but in the sense that they are indicative of the kind of behaviour you might expect of their subjects. Now, whether these people really are the way others insist they are (Enty does make his living off of hot tips, after all) is another matter entirely.

  12. Cee Kay has got it about right IMO. Everything in these blinds has happened. It's not necessarily happening right now, it maybe didn't happen exactly as described, but something similar happened in the past and is more than likely to happen again. The rampant drug use is part of the H'wood landscape, so is the casting couch, so is the gay/lesbian sex and the "bearding" (many readers have trouble believing that subjects of these blinds shift regularly between hetero and homo relationships, but it's a fact and it's nothing new).

    1. Idk...some blinds seem legit and have been later confirmed after reveals. Like NXIVM

    2. Yup, Kevin Spacey is another example.
      However, those stories were also on other sites. Blind Gossip for example seems more reliable as they actually seem to have some type of vetting process (they only post about 10 blinds a week, compared to Enty's daily 15). But on CDAN, you can send in your own bogus tips and it might get published (someone actually tried it once). E.g. I have a sneaking suspicion that quite a few Gaga-stories were send in by Madonna-stans (and vice versa).

  13. Im LOLOLOL Over Celine you whore lol

  14. The regular lover was asked a few days ago on social media if she was dating her. A meltdown followed. Of course she deleted but the screencaps are out there. So sad to have to live in secrecy and to be left behind while your famous gf goes on tour with another woman and a beard for backup.

  15. Aging?? You call Celine Dion "aging"????

    Are you an ageist?

    Stop with the ageism!

    It's no different than being racist.

    Ageing is, like, 90. Maybe.

    The person writing this blind must be somewhere in the 25 - 31 year age range.

    You will be mighty lucky to reach old age. And, that's not Celine Dion's age, it's more like 90.

    And then there's Iris Apfel who can outdo anyone.

    1. Right??? She just turned 50 ffs. How old is Enty?

  16. It has to be Celine. I believe she's bi and Renee liked them swinging. Dolly isn't touring yet. Roseanne said Dolly has a girlfriend. She just isn't this blind vice. Gloria Estefan also has a girlfriend. My friend worked with her, and said so. I think that's mainly why she, Celine and Rosie are good friends.
