Thursday, August 02, 2018

Blind Item #14

This B+ list celebrity is name dropping all of her past clients and doing a hard sell to participants at every event she holds. People fill out a form with their name and phone number and e-mail and they are barraged by the celebrity until the people cave in and sign up for one of the celebrity's programs which is just online crap that costs the celebrity nothing and provides no actual services.


  1. Name dropping past clients?!?! This could be anyone from Tracy Anderson to Heidi Fleiss

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Or Gillian Michaels actually

  4. Anonymous12:34 PM

    K yeah yeah yeah buuuut has anyone ever been so inundated with spam that it compels them to "cave and sign up" for the thing? Like that will somehow end the communication?

  5. Any or all of them.

  6. Or maybe Patty Stanger

  7. Actually according to federal telemarketing laws you are only allowed to get a call twice a month max. That being said, since the national do not call list isn't enforced heavily right now ask each telemarketer to add you to their dnc list.
    But still be nice, they might actually have a service you want.

  8. sounds like some of the people on my facebook shilling for their garbage pyramid schemes lmao

    1. Truth. I wonder what % of these "business people" would have a job if you took away all the pyramid schemes?

  9. Not Jillian Michaels-- she doesn't have a long list of celeb clients, and her app/website actually DOES provide workouts/meal plans. She's not a spam artist at all. She became a celeb from TBL and has retained a loyal following of people who actually love her workouts and how effective they are.

    This could be a LOT of other people, but I'm inclined to believe Anderson.
