Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Blind Item #3

This former A+ list comedian/A list actor paid $10K to get himself on stage this weekend. 


  1. #metoo is over. Time for everyone to get their lives and jobs back.

  2. Twitter is flipping out over this. What exactly do people think should be his punishment?

  3. Tell me how'd you feel if someone jacked off while you are alone in a room, without your permission. At some point, you need to draw a line. Power doesn't buy abuse.

    1. I’m a heterosexual dude, so if a larger, more powerful guy jerked in front of me, and let’s just say I was intimidated because was worried law enforcement would take his word over mine, I’d be perfectly fine with the public humiliation.

    2. I’ve been in situations where men and women try to force themselves on me and I’ve navigated them pretty well. I’ve never been intimidated though.

    3. If I remember his situation correctly, when the innocent creatures that went to his hotel room for "career advice" asked him to stop, he stopped immediately. Not sure why you'd give him a life sentence for that.

    4. It was never without their permission. Some of the female comics even commented that they laughed as it was happening.

  4. Best man, you would open the door , leave, leave the door open and call everybody to come watch the freak. That’s what I would’ve done.

    1. They don't understand knobs in Hollywood I guess

  5. I would kick him in the balls and not stand there like a fool👌

    1. My concern about doing that would be him claiming I assaulted him and cops believing him over me.

  6. It was more than hotel rooms, and the rumors suggest many more than came forward. Ruined career for sexual abuse? You bet your ass.


  7. I think it is okay to take away their career, money and fame. It is those very things they use to victimize others. Without it, most of these bastards are neutralized.

    1. Is that realistically viable? And is this punishment for any crime? Usually there are gradations of punishments. We all know stealing candy is wrong but we don’t give the death penalty for it.

    2. So....you equate stealing candy to lewd acts like this Lois CK freak?

    3. @Rosie nail.head.

    4. No Rosie. I gave an extreme example to show a wide latitude. But way to freak out of nothing. Keep it at 11!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Rosie is against what Louis CK did but cool with adults boning minors they've spent time with since those minors were seven or so years old.

    'Cuz she's a Sagittarius I guess. The heavens move in strange and mystical ways.

  10. F*ckin' scumbug, for years I heard what a great comic he was but never got around to watching him, glad I skipped over all that bullshit.

  11. Oh and in that situation, pepper spray, first the eyes then the crotch. Anything worse and you could be looking at charges.

  12. Not defending CK, but unless he was the one to offer the $10k, this blind is total bullshit. Theres no way the Comedy Cellar wouldn't let him up for free. 1) Hes given them so much exposure over the years with it being in every episode of Louie 2) They get publicity if they are the first to let him perform 3) There are stories that he still hangs around the Cellar, talking to friends and staff. He's obviously friendly with the place.

  13. Right, like I'm sure Jello still sends free pudding to Cosby. Once you're burned you're burned, even Jesus got denied by his friends.

  14. I'm sure a lot of people don't really care either way, and would be fine with seeing performers they like back at work, now that everyone knows metoo is complete bullshit.

    Too bad some witch-hunt victims, like Al Franken, can't return to their jobs so easily.

  15. We've entered peak male mental illness where it's perfectly acceptable to rape and sexually assault women, but "complaining" about it "oppresses" men. It's OK to whip your cock out in the green room and masturbate in front of a woman, but if she "complains" then she's a "feminazi bitch."

    Most of you dirty pigs should have been aborted by the women you owe your existence to..

    1. Why would you even say that? Dude, no one is even talking like that. Meds might help you slow things down so you are able to process what you read.

    2. Jesus Christ calm down. You're suggesting males should have been aborted, and yet they say toxic masculinity is the problem?? And to be clear they only owe half of their existance to women. This is one of the few areas were men's participation is not only necessary, but vital and (gasp!) sometimes welcomed.

  16. How's the genetic superiority coming along, Viking Song? Any progress in your quest to eliminate the "mud people?"

  17. No, Totaji, you gave a moronic example of your idiocy.

    Comparing sexual assault to stealing candy is pathetic. Comparing ending the career of a comedian with a history of sexual assault as being as disproportionate as giving someone the death penalty for stealing candy is both moronic and pathetic..

    1. Learn how to read and not rage. In time you might learn how to.

  18. Those people in the room should get up and walk out next time he's on stage (if they dont support him). Dont pay to see his movies, his stand up, or anything he's directly linked to. That's what you do.

    Doesnt matter what networks or clubs do when you can control what you choose to see. If people dont support him, he'll stop coming around eventually.

  19. I've never said anything of the sort, J, but I'm not surprised my post triggered you given that you're one of the biggest misogynistic pricks on here.

    1. Your the triggered person calling people names. I was trying to have a conversation. Like an adult.

  20. Viking Song, tell us again about Taylor Swift's creamy white skin and her Aryan perfection. Must make your miserable, hopeless existence somewhat more tolerable in some way.

    As for your single-note cri de couer about aborting men, yeah, we get it. You're a deep thinker; albeit a relentlessly repetitive and unimaginative one.

    Say it again, the abortion thing! Each time it's fresh as spring rain in Wannsee!

  21. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Not a fan of his, but he wasn't accused of rape. Learn how to protect yourself instead of whining. I've seen women do much worse to men in public.

  22. @J

    "Rosie is against what Louis CK did but cool with adults boning minors they've spent time with since those minors were seven or so years old"

    I see you haven't read the latest. Being stuck in Rose hate is a terrible condition.

  23. plot, unlike some simpleminded folks, I don't read a single crafted statement from some toxic moron and decide that person has become decent and noble.

    Imperfect though it may be, I like the rule of law. And I hate mob-inciters who would tear it down. Also I'm rather ill-disposed toward child molesters, and these seem to be exactly the people Rose McGowan is most friendly with. Maybe you too... would explain things somewhat.

  24. Or, plot, is it the racist Viking Song you're eager to defend?

    The incoherence of your writing and (to paraphrase another poster) dingbattedness of your thinking makes it nigh impossible to guess what you're on about... but maybe some nexus of Rosie's seeming tolerance of child-molesters and Viking Song's master-race madness underlies your garbled philosophy.

  25. Are you flirting with me?

  26. Nope. Better read a different horoscope.

  27. @J

    "The incoherence of your writing and (to paraphrase another poster) dingbattedness of your thinking makes it nigh impossible to guess what you're on about... but maybe some nexus of Rosie's seeming tolerance of child-molesters and Viking Song's master-race madness underlies your garbled philosophy."

    This, of course, is perfectly coherent.

    You poor thing.

  28. Yes, it's standard English. Understandable to those who've mastered the language, and sensible to those who've encountered you.

  29. Naw, J, you need a few writing classes, love.

    Know what one of my favorite professors said first day of class? If you can't write it, clearly, you don't understand it.

    Kicked our asses, but you could have used that class to judge what you understand and what you don't.

  30. Sure plot. You're Cicero redivivus.

  31. This thread got real stupid toward the end here.

    But the thing is, bottom line, Louis C.K. is brilliant and often hilarious. He's also a gross pig, but that sure as hell won't end his career. Talent wins out over time, every time.

  32. There's some excellent writing and intelligence on this board. High level knowledge, logic and some almost Shakespearean insults. Then there's me... thanks for the lols !

  33. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Louis CK was never funny. Much like Roseanne Barr, an overweight housewife with adenoids, how did she do it? Shudder to think what rituals they attended to sell their souls for fame.

  34. Both Rosanne and Louis are talented people. I'm going to miss his stand-up, mainly because he makes my husband howl with laughter, which makes me laugh at him more than Louis. His show was spotty. There were a few brilliant episodes and a lot of navel gazing mediocre ones.

    I don't know how he's going to crawl his way back or if he should be allowed to at this point.

  35. Anonymous6:41 PM

    They should have paid the audience 10k, for sitting thru his show. Ugh
