Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Blind Item #8

With her most recent actions in public and behind the scenes, this former A+ list singer has drawn even more attention to herself from authorities about what she knows about the celebrity death. If she had stayed quiet, things would have gone so much better for her. She was just so scared of people discovering the truth that she tried to get the narrative going her way and deflecting as much as possible.


  1. I guess enty is still trying to say Lady Gaga orchestrated his death.

  2. Gaga announcing her vegas residency dates sure draws a lot of attention to the cops about a death she has nothing to do with lol Enough of this bs enty you're accusing a woman of murder are you kidding me? Such bullshit. I was joking before when I said next thing he accuses either Iggy, taylor or gaga of murder and what do you know...

    Btw if you missed it: Enty probably got the "mafia ties" shit from the fact that she's italian and was an ex tra on the sopranos once lol

    1. Yep. Yes. As sure as the nights are cold in Canberra.

  3. And yeah her social media posts were soooo suspicious lol just tell us on twitter why you hate her already. Tell us.

  4. Agree with Thonker. There are people who are actually going to believe this bullshit too. Sad.

  5. Who cares about these freaks?

  6. I liked Zombie Boy. He was unique and AFAIK never hurt anybody.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Me too @Low Key I'm really sad about his death 😥

  7. He was a mentally damaged freak, this is my shocked face when people like that kill themselves.

    Anyhoo so Enty is sticking to her story that Gaga is a mafia moll? She's definitely a Satanist and a junkie but the Mafia? Are those dudes still around?

  8. I don't know why Gaga would want Genest dead. Anyway, might be just an assumption she had. Apparently he felt to his death...

    It is very sad and not very surprising...considering that most of Montreal's balcony are indeed unsafe and dangerous.

  9. Everyone has Mafia ties
    You might even have them and not realize
    Shit, Media Matters should be here shrieking about Trump's Mafia ties.
    You guys aren't even worth 15 a fucking hour

  10. Gaga has the blood of many on her hands, not to mention the damage she's done to many of the minds of her "little monsters."

    Her bad karma may be reaching nth levels. If the movie bombs, her handlers may start asking if she's worth more dead than alive.

  11. Maybe it involves drugs she supplied.

  12. Born this way, huh Gaga? Accept yourself and love yourself, the way you "are" huh? Bigger hypocrites are hard to find, quite frankly. Bunch of frauds who have sold their souls for money and fame, forgetting that they are imminently replaceable. Losers all.

  13. Everyone's so settled on Gaga but there hasn't been a reveal yet. Is there NO ONE else that this could be?

  14. It is about Gaga's hasty and unjustified "suicide" comment

    1. It wasn’t unjustified, it was originally being reported as a suicide and she made a very kind statement about her friend and how people should take care of each other. When people started to question whether or not it was actually suicide and his family came out and said it very well could have been an accident she apologized immediately. This blind is so fucking stupid. She obviously got the same news as everyone else and thought they had reason to call it suicide. When they said they were still investigating and corrected those reports she realized her error. I don’t even understand what she did wrong maybe other than making a comment too soon but she would’ve gotten shit for that waiting too I’m sure. She had bad information, we all did, end of story.

  15. Her meat dress was made from the flesh of a dozen Haitian orphans

  16. Zombie Boy had a brain tumor when he was young,it appears he was not on drugs or alcohol. His family does believe it was an accident. Gaga made an assumption, and everyone thought she knew.@Thonker,Enty does come up with blinds from comments,he always has, but now he does it a lot.

    1. @Guesser it wasn’t really an assumption it was originally being reported as suicide. I remember when I first read about it, the headline I saw said it was suicide.

  17. Oh shit, I had no idea that he died. I remember seeing pictures of him before he went nuts with the tats, he was a handsome dude. It seems that he was suicidal before. Sad.

  18. Which celebrity's death?

  19. Tattoos are a form of accepted (these days) self harm. Unless you are a complete sheep who had them done when it was 'in' to seem edgy and original (even though it was neither) self harm indicates a form of mental issues.

    1. And before you think I know nothing, I have scars of my arms which with hindsight I regret but I had my issues. I educated myself on this stuff.

  20. This site is getting a little Alex Jones... I get this is a gossip site, but these insinuations are fucking serious and there are a shit load of nut jobs on this site who belive anything that's posted here.

    1. @tweet only a little? It’s been there for a while. The channers, Q nutters, and pizza loons have taken over the place.

  21. ... he felt to his death ...

    Typo of the day.

  22. The only people who are satanists are those who believe others are. Who are the true believers?

  23. She’s disgusting for saying that poor guy killed himself and he just went out to smoke a cig. So sad.

    1. @ Ari She didn’t say it, she just gave condolences about what was being reported at the time.

  24. @CJ
    well...english is not my first language, my mistake.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Sounds like Genest called Gaga Madonna one too many times.
