Saturday, August 18, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 8, 2018

This former A+ list rapper is on drugs so strong that he can literally stand in place doing nothing for an hour at a time. It freaks anyone out who hasn't seen it, but his family just calls it zombie phase.

Kanye West


  1. Do they really call it that, or is it what you call it after seeing Kim’s insta story? At least be more original.

  2. To Kanye,never take your meds on an empty stomach. Trust me on that.

  3. enty made this up b/c of a video kim posted on instagram and kanye's mentally ill ass was just standing in the background...he's gotta make things up to fill that 15 blind item a day quota

  4. Otherwise known as “concentration.”

    Of course, I get why that would be a foreign concept in the Kardashian household.

  5. @nonyabusiness - That video was shown on the Sandra Rose site a week or two ago. Anti-psychotic medications can cause people to stand like statues because of the muscle spasms and rigidity. IF that happens then it is permanent (not the statue pose, but the episodes).

    MTONews is reporting Kim wants a divorce.

    1. It’s called Tardive dyskinesia- it is associated with high doses of certain antipsychotic meds(neuroleptic one’s to be specific).

  6. The whole family are zombies

  7. Yeah, it was that post by his droopy wife.
    He looked like something out of blair witch project.

  8. I'd be blitzed every minute of every day if I had to deal with those bitches

  9. @schweetyfleety: "Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a serious side effect that may occur with certain medications used to treat mental illness. TD may appear as repetitive, jerking movements that occur in the face, neck, and tongue. The symptoms of TD can be very troubling for patients and family members."

    That does not sound like standing still in a stupor.

  10. TD would not be good for Kanye because the damage is irreversible. Especially when it affects the speech. Some meds do space you out like venaflexine.

  11. I have cared for folks with TD and standing still was not something I associated with that, in fact the complete opposite and generally spastic above the shoulders but the face seemed to be most common. I would not put it past this family to have him drugged up so badly he is half catatonic.

  12. I'm not on drugs and can do that. It's called lazy.

  13. Ketamine for rapid acting anti depressant?

  14. Poor Kanye is suffering from a severe case of Kardashianitis.

  15. He does not look like a zombie on twitter

  16. Page Six today says the Kardashians are more powerful and famous than the Windsor’s because Kim Kardashian has Donald Trump’s direct phone number. They think the royals are more like the Kardashians now because Harry married a black gal and all the Kardashian’s have black and boyfriends, girlfriends and husbands. All the Kardashians yacht and Meghan Markle yachts too. PMK believes she is is the new Queen Mother because the Kardashians don’t know who Kylie’s baby daddy is and no one is quite sure who Harry’s real dad is. Kate probably can read and didn’t do heroin while pregnant like Kylie but the Kardashians have the Windsor’s beat on the plastic surgery and cottage cheese front.

  17. for how long it has being like that? i can't remember the last time i saw him look like a non drugged person

  18. i've never been a fan of Kanye & certainly not that parasitic family. But, if he is truly that mentally ill, he deserves compassion. I had been on an antipsychotic for awhile and my doctor tested me for TD at every visit. He either doesn't have a good doctor, or the Ks should go to prison for obtaining an Rx illegally. Mental illness is horrible enough without having to live it in a public spotlight not knowing what you're doing. He should file for he divorce and take her for every penny.

  19. "Drugs" or 'drugged up on medication?'

  20. Kanye is in the wrong family to need care and concern. They will drop him like a hot rock.

  21. He's not doing drugs, he's just going forward in time to see every possible future outcome. Like Dr. Strange, I mean "duh"
