Saturday, November 17, 2018

Blind Item #3

It didn't take the first time, so now this A list reality star and her A- list reality star ex will have to have sex again this month to try and get her pregnant and who really cares about the girlfriend of the A- lister.


  1. Dis-sick and Kartrashian. Lionel's lil daughter is Dis-sick's side piece.

  2. Scott and slow arse Kourtney
    Why do these fools keep having children..

  3. Kourtney started going out and hanging out with teens and 20 year olds after the third one was born (I can't with that name, so I won't even type it). Why the hell would she want a 4th?
    Scott's been the same drunk POS since before Mason was born, so I don't expect anything from him.

  4. Job security for the Kartrashian nannies

  5. Damn. Sofia just keeps looking more and more like an idiot without a shred of dignity or self-esteem.

  6. Mental health runs in the K clan.

  7. Mental health issues run in any male sucked into the Kardashian vortex. Basketball stars begin to suck. Rappers stop writing raps. Alcohol. Drug addiction. Neutering? Something.

    They all become drones with little purpose other than to impregnate the queens.

    Not that I dwell on it, but from what I see there ain't a K that seems very passionate about sex at all. How is it even possible with those unwieldy butt implants? They can barely walk as is.

  8. Maybe the girlfriend is into cucking? Idk about these people *shrugs*

  9. As the oldest of the Kardashian girls, Kourtney was particularly affected by Kris and Rob Sr's divorce. As a result of it, she wants all her kids to have the same mother and father. So it doesn't matter if she and Scott are no longer together, when Kourtney wants another baby, she goes to Scott.

  10. Agree with Chris ^^ plus for all his faults, Scott is a good looking guy and their kids are beautiful children.

    I have always been happy to be 100% siblings with my brother and if I had children I would want the same for them. I don't blame her at all for this.

    Sofia has absolutely terrible self esteem hence the whoring, the new ass, the new boobs and the co-opted life. They are all under PMK's thumb - who do you think manages all their publicity tours and Australia mall tours and flight coordination?

    It's not drunk Scott or bathroom-cowering Sofia - it's PMK.

  11. Scott will do anything for his pay check!! that's how all the men associated with these women roll. They're all on the K payroll one way or another or end up in an asylum. I can't believe Sophia puts up with him.

  12. @hunter sure in theory it is great to be full siblings but what about half siblings with a dad who actually IS INVOLVED and a GOOD ROLE MODEL? being fixated on 100% DNA is a shallow construct. It is no guarantee you will be close or they'll be better off.

  13. She will be the only woman in LA with the same father for all her kids.

  14. So her new storyline is she is pregnant again? Not very creative PMK. How about she goes back to school to get another degree? Lol

  15. So, trying to get pregnant with your ex is healthier than having half-siblings? Get your tubes tied girls. We don’t need any more mini K’s.
