Saturday, November 17, 2018

Blind Item #4

The recent subject of a deep dive who used to be an A- list dual threat actress is going out a lot more than she has in years even if it is just hanging out with people after an AA meeting. She is not necessarily engaging with them, but is at least saying yes when they ask if she wants to go out.


  1. If it is Amanda Bynes then good for her!

  2. Hanging out at the local watering hole after meetings?

  3. Hate her. Abusive shithead who plays victim when and if it suits her. And before anyone starts, I don't care if she is/was "sick".

  4. tierney

    do you have any clue who dan schneider is? are you new?

    if you are or arent, sit the fuck down.

    amanda, girl, we are rooting for you. the people who are not arent really people and dont count (like tierney up there)


  6. All the love for Amanda!!!!!

  7. Being sexually molested doesn't make you an asshole. Look at Lindsay Lohan (asshole) and look at Tara Reid (sweetheart) - you don't think those two girls weren't subjected to similar treatment?

    If Amanda Bynes truly is a shitty person, that's a separate issue from her recovery and no she shouldn't get a pass for that, neither should asshole Lohan - I watched every episode of that Oprah series and she was a shitty shitty person. I no longer have any sympathy for Lindsay.

    But I'm not willing to believe Amanda is awful based on one person's online comment. Regardless, as socializing goes, the after-meeting crowd is a good one so yay for Amanda!

  8. Tara Reid sweetheart? Hahahahahahahahahah

  9. Amanda was horrendously abused. She will always have my support...up unto the moment she abuses someone else, which is unlikely. She hurts herself.
    Amanda, keep working at this. You can rise up.

  10. Sorry sick or not sick-she tried to set her puppy on fire on a strangers driveway. She is a danger.

  11. She was a danger at that time. The incident should not define her for the rest of her life. I'm rooting for her. Glad she's making progress.

  12. @Sal Salington: please do some research. I have an ex who has been sober for about 20 years. He sponsors many people (even lets them call him in the middle of the night, if necessary), still goes to meetings pretty regularly, and often goes out for a group dinner afterwards. And NO, they’re not going to ‘watering holes’. They’re going to restaurants & supporting each other to help others to not go to a ‘watering hole’ after a meeting. He is totally fine with not drinking or doing drugs, but continues his involvement in this organization as he feels that it saved his life & he wants to give back.

  13. If this is you, Amanda, please continue to take baby steps whenever you can. We love you and support you, no matter how long it takes for you to heal your life.

  14. ^ this - always rooting for you, Amanda. <3
