Monday, November 12, 2018

Blind Item #6 - People's Choice Awards - Kindness

Prior to the show, this B+ list mostly television actress from a very hit almost network show not about superheroes agreed to auction her dress and get a whole bunch of other memorabilia together for a high school fundraiser for a student who was paralyzed by a drunk driver.


  1. She went somewhere else instead, smart girl

  2. Camila Mendes was there though lol

  3. I saw that maybe its her

  4. Yeah I don't think Lili was nominated this year but Camila was. I really want to believe that the Riverdale cast is as sweet as they all seem.

  5. @Ophelia, if you do that, there is a 99% chance you are setting yourself up for failure!

  6. I like them both, but I get the vibe that Camila is even sweeter than Lili.

  7. @yepthatsme I know, lol I guess I'm just an eternal optimist, hoper of far flung hopes :)

  8. The Riverdale cast has made some amazing contributions to fundraising efforts for a non-profit I work with. Regardless of how they may behave (misbehave) personally, their professional actions are very positive.

  9. Aaaww...I like 'em both, but I can totally see this being Camila.

    So here's something kinda funny/not really: I've been around CDAN--off and on--since late 2006, and when the kindness blinds were introduced, I liked them as much as anybody else.

    Lately, though, I've realized that they're the only thing that keeps me coming back. I'm no f***ing Pollyanna, so that tells you something about how much the tone (& basic FUN) of CDAN has changed.

    It's clearly time I mosey on from this site (which misses Dave S./the OG "Ent lawyer" something fierce). But I'll never forget the "glory days" of ZX, Hez, Mooshki, Jax, Pinky, Twisted Sister, GladysK, Norma Desmond, Anna Marie & a ****ton of other great people (and, oh yeah, me--Curious_Cailyn--an *extremely* minor player.)

    I'll always keep my Blogger ID (for you fellow old fogies). But bye to y'all - I hope CDAN gets a much-needed 2nd/3rd/ (or 4th?) breath soon...
