Friday, December 14, 2018

Blind Item #5

It is not so much what this A+ list singer did as who she shared all the information with because of who provided the service for free.


  1. Her facial recognition system...

  2. So who did Taylor share it with? The FBI? Maybe it was for finding a stalker or a potential terror threat.

    1. She claimed the facial recognition was to identify stalkers but who knows considering.

  3. She's a creepy freak.

  4. Tay Tay in the CIA, confirmed!!!!!

  5. Tay Tay needs to get a grip.
    Fucking paranoid

  6. this is a rare time where id be ok defending swift after hearing she has 100 STALKERS
    100 stalkers is a lot of stalkers.

  7. Anonymous8:25 AM

    She's friends Lena Dunham. Nuff said

  8. To play Devil's Advocate, it's possible the government was looking for some critical person they expected to attend the Swift concert and used the stalker excuse as a coverup.

    Who knows, most people only believe what they're told.

  9. Can't blame her if this is swift. Just how many creeps with a large collection of guns do you think a pretty 16 year old blonde girl from country music has collected over the last decade? a few years ago one even tried a mini 9/11 by attempting to fly a plane into her high rise penthouse in Nashville. Let alone the recent creep who got into her NYC apartment. She employs a private army for security for a reason. I'm sure such software will be SOP for major events in the future.

  10. I have no problem with this.

  11. Well, her stadium tour was the big money maker of the year, and although I don't know her music, I like her for her political stance this year. Go Tay Tay..or and she is very generous to fans.

  12. While Taylor didn't do herself any favors about opening her popsinger mouth on politics, I mean really, wtf cares what she thinks, she has had a serious problem with stalkers. I hope the technology helps track down the suspects.

  13. Wasn't there a blind awhile ago that eluded to kloss & Kushner and spying?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I think it's time for a body double to perform! Rake in the bucks while Tay Tay luxuriates on the island of Lesbos.

  16. Honestly, most pop concert performances are like watching the animatronic robots at Chuck E Cheese, none of the kids will notice or care.

  17. That's why I might be swinging back to Team Katy, at least her fans know she likes to do drugs and f*ck and generally get around, no illusions there.

  18. Oh the blind right, facial recognition is so last gen, so much harder to avoid gait and posture recognition.

  19. Nutzis or Nazis, that is the question.

  20. @Do Tell

    It matters. If Tay is encouraging young women to vote, more power to her! Her fans absolutely listen to her (while I personally find that very strange, depending on a celebrity to explain the importance of voting.)

  21. @ Brayson Because gait and recognition software would be so helpful in a packed crowd where people are standing shoulder to shoulder.

    @ plot From the perspective that she is encouraging people to vote, sure. I was talking about the point that her political stance does not matter and clarifying it would alienate a lot of her fans.

  22. If Tay's political stance has a real life effect, then it does matter. if it alienates fans, it's probably those 4chan fanboys who enshrine her as their Aryan goddess. Tay used to have country fans, but that was over a decade ago and they've all moved on or matured into better music.
