Friday, December 14, 2018

Blind Item #6

The significant other of this foreign born one named A/A- list singer could be to blame for her recent troubles. Apparently he confided in one of his mistresses who later got in trouble with the law and gave up the information for going free.


  1. Replies
    1. ? And Heratd maybe....

    2. She told the Spanish authorities that she lived in SA so she didnt pay taxes kn Spain for years. Now they have evidence she was living in BCN from 2011 so she has to pay taxes as local resident

  2. Tax evasion to Spanish government

  3. If that notororious photo of Gerard Pique (Shakira's husband) and Zlatan Ibrahimovic together is anything to go by, then I'm surprised its a mistress that was confided in.

    1. He really kisses girls at bars. Seen it. He had a genuine gf before Shakira. He could be bi but he also likes very young women a lot

  4. By the way, made the readers pics yesterday! Just noticed this morning. :D

  5. Holy crap @Lonely Bastard I just googled that pic and it'd be really difficult to explain that pic as anything other than two lovers caught in an intimate moment


  7. Woah yeah that pic is pretty damning, thanks Montana.

  8. I should maybe point out that the 'pic'that @Montana is referring to is the one of Pique and Ibrahimovic not my one in yesterdays readers photos.

    I have never had my photograph taken during an intimate moment. Though there may be some videos on Xhamster, come to think of it.

  9. Bastard are you the guy in the Rush shirt? I thought that guy might be you, (unfortuntely for you I didnt guess you for #3). 😱

  10. Yep, thats me clad in garb bearing the album cover of the mighty Rush's least successful album. The good looking one.

    You didn't think I was the uggo above me, did you?

    Nah, handsome bastard he was. I probably would too and I don't even go that way.

  11. +1 Bastard but youd have to fight every woman on this site first.

  12. doesn't seem like mistresses would be the problem

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The Spanish are doing to do to Shakira what they did to the natives of Central and South America centuries ago.

  15. Lonely Bastard, thank you for posting your photo. It is so nice to put a face to your posts. I enjoy reading your posts; you have a great sense of humor.

  16. Thank you very much Nor Cal, it's appreciated.

  17. Damnit. This made wine come out of my nose haha caught me off guard

  18. Yes, @ Lonely Bastard thanks! We all love you but I guess you know thst by now. Dont be a stranger, we miss you when you dont show up.

  19. Yo' Bastard, nice picture.

  20. I Googled the pic of Piquéeand Ibrahimovic. WHOA

  21. So more like a Misteress then ?

  22. Shakira was probably busted through the Panama Papers, just like Ronaldo and Messi. She could have been brought into the football player tax evasion schemes by Pique or through contacts in Colombia. A new round of arrests, based on PP, just happened in the US last week. The full implications of the Panama Papers are taking years to resolve (looking at you Trumpie!)

    Shakira thinking she could avoid $16 million in taxes, though, is pure arrogance.

    Alternatively -

    If a mistress of Pique (or say Zlatan Ibrahimovic) flipped on her, they could have alerted the Spanish government to the fact that Shakira was living in the country more than she claimed, and Spain was her official residence rather than somewhere with lower taxes which she barely visits. Portugal has legitimate tax benefits for anyone who earns their money elsewhere. Wanna know why Madonna claims to live in Lisbon now? Shakira could have done the same but never spent any time there and was busted for it.
