Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Blind Item #6

This former naked celebrity turned reality star turned host for multiple television shows is basically living off residuals and a line of credit she took out on her home. She can't land a job and blew everything she made over the years always thinking another job was around the corner. The jobs have stopped.


  1. I guess we will get some yachting blinds about her very soon.

  2. Jenny McCarthy?

  3. I think the Jenny guess is the right one?

  4. Brooke Burke, going through. Divorce. Pushing 50, hasn’t worked for a year. Stay in school kids.

  5. It sounds more like Jenny's timeline than Brooke's. Brooke got famous as a host first then went naked. Jenny was naked before anything else.

  6. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Isn't Jenny McCarthy still married to a Wahlburg? She's not going to have to work again. I always thought Brooke Burke seemed like a nice person, but it could be her. She needs to find a rich husband while she still can.

  7. jenny and wahlberg split up

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Nvm, didn’t see multiple host. I think it’s Brooke Burke

  10. They haven't split, there are just blinds pointing to trouble in paradise.

  11. I think a lot of pro-vaccine people would pay for the privilege to punish Jenny. Wouldn't be the first yachter to be paid for humiliation not sex.

  12. Not sure Brooke Burke was ever a 'naked celebrity' i think this is Jenny McCarthy. The house she took out credit on could be the house she owned be fore marrying.

  13. Jenny M and Donny is in the process of breaking up.
    His family hates her and her need to be the center of attention.
    She dated that crazy comic for a long time.

  14. Jenny has a job on Sirius and is not divorced, plus acting work in the pipe line. Brooke started out as a model for Fredericks if Hollywood. She did nude photo shoots early in her career. Playboy coincided with Wild On hosting job.

  15. Donny Wahlberg had better get tested for all the known communicable diseases. I am serious, his wife was once married to Jim Carey.

  16. Brooke got nekkid in Playboy after getting famous on E!

  17. That must have been a funny divorce meeting both demanding spousal support from each other. Since neither one is particularly employable. I do remember what a dick David was to her on the last Celebrity Apprentice with Ahnold.

  18. McCarthy was just on WWHL and Wahlburg was in the audience and they seemed to like each if they don't then they sure can act, which is the opposite of what i think of mccarthy

  19. Not to mention McCarthy is on that new show about guessing the celebrity who is singing so she is still getting jobs

  20. Jenny had problems keeping her too expensive home in the late 90s. Always begging her agent to help. Also Lauren Holly but I digress.

  21. Jenny has a job though. I hope they aren't breaking up because I think they are cute together

  22. Jenny McCarthy & Donnie Wahlberg have definitely not broken up. I actually do think they're happily married. Relatively speaking for Hollywood, anyway. Jenny usually hosts NYE in Times Square, Donnie has a successful show... I don't think she's hurting for money.


  24. More like "Broke Burke" amirite hifive
