Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 5, 2018

Two writers on this talk show hosted by an A+ list host asked for a raise. The host fired them and brought in two new writers at scale. Pretty much the way the host treats every writer on the show.



  1. A lot of businesses operate like her as well.

  2. How is it that she prevents these stories from getting into the press?


  4. Oh good. But I meant the things millions of people read, like the tabloids.

  5. Writers never get raises. Too many willing to work for next to nothing to "break in" This isnt shocking or news

  6. it's a shame because it's one thing to ask for a raise and be told no

    and still have a job

    but this is why people fear asking. people say this never happens but it absolutely does.

  7. I wish someone would wrote a tell all about Ellen. Every single thing I have ever read about her says she is the exact opposite of her public persona and a nasty person. I feel she gets a pass because of her sexual preference. Jmho.

  8. Ellen is in deep shit and facing jail time.

  9. That's just plain nasty and everyone thought I was a bitch because I never watched her TV show and I rarely watch her talk show.
    She actually looks evil on her show, her eyes can't hid her distain for some of her guest.. She needs to find another dance, it was cute when she started but now she barely puts in any effort..

  10. She doesn't dance anymore, Twitch does.

  11. the comic Greg Fitzsimmons talked about working on her show. He said it was very toxic and felt discriminated against (not legally but spiritually) for being straight.

    He got fired for being depressed and expedited it by shit talking his co-workers. He wasn't allowed to go to the Emmy's and he had written the monologue every day and a majority of the jokes. It's only fun from the outside.

  12. I know real estate developers who do that.

    Go into escrow and you don't get paid.

    I escaped recently from one developer's "I pay after escrow closes" line.

    Never again.

  13. She's known for being an absolute monster to her staff. The image she projects is total bullshit.

  14. That dance is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen.

  15. Not surprised. Ellen has always struck me as slightly callous and being about the bottom line.

  16. Does anyone believe fhe host of a daytime talk show manages the hiring and firing of staff????!!! And that she could care less about $150k salaries?

  17. Businesswomen are bitches and businessmen are doing good business. Go fucking figure.

  18. There are a lot of bitches in either gender.

  19. everyone knows she's a thunder-cunt from waaaaay back

  20. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Ellen has eyes like a bot. I get hybrid vibes when I look at her. Same feeling I get from Candice Swanepoel and Elsa Hosk.
