Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 5, 2018

Don't believe the hype. I'm not saying this former A+ list singer wouldn't d some yachting with billionaires if money was tight, but money isn't tight at all for her.

Katy Perry


  1. I think she'd get top dollar if she did. Just so the rich guy could see her nekkid if nothing else.

  2. How can she be remotely broke will all that tour money unless it went up her nose?

  3. She will be old and irrelevant when she runs out of money. Having said that,I don't think she would,it's not in her DNA. A lot of these women have their own money,and still do it. Miranda Kerr,looking at you. The others,many went through fortunes on drugs and bad career moves.

  4. so whats the point of this post?? just to thrown some personal shade??

  5. I'm not digging the short hair look on her. She was much hotter before, in my opinion.

  6. Katy is the highest paid female musician of the year- maybe the highest paid off all musicians. There must have been some rumor about her whoring. She doesn't need anyone's money or attention.

  7. Enty's just calling her a whore while admitting she might not be one yet. Dumb.

  8. Katys doing way too much coke

  9. Not with that hairdo....

  10. She dropped 14 million on the nunnery and will spend millions to renovate it. She did win back 6.6 million for the lawsuit blocking her buying it. Take that Chef!

    She's as broke as I am rich far from it.

  11. "Don't believe the hype, Katy Perry isn't whoring herself out but if it came down to it, she'd totally whore herself out like a five dollar back alley slut."

    WTF Enterns?

  12. Bigger stars than Katy Perry have faded into oblivion. She will too. Money isn't tight now but that won't necessarily always be the case. With the amount of dust that goes up her nose everyday she must have a very large coke bill at the end of the week. She's peaking at about the same point in her career as Whitney Houston was in the early 1990s. And when these Hollywood figures are broke they will do anything at all to get money. ANYTHING!

    It happens to the best of them.

  13. Now we're doing hypothetical blinds, wtf? Leave Katy be, to her mountains of coke and giant boobs.

  14. She will end up broke but not until she is older and forgotten. She is not and never will be legendary like Madonna. Even Mariah is having money problems, hence her return to tv, selling of her massive diamond ring from Packer, unloading real estate...basically what I am saying is that most of them end up broke cuz they think that money train will go on forever.

  15. I agree about the hair. Both her and ScarJo went from stunning to Buzzfeed-skreee! with their short haircuts.

  16. Enty hating on female celebrities again. Katy, Demi, Selena, Taylor, etc. No one is safe.

    Not cool, bacon breath.

  17. that blonde chick who keeps getting married from that dumb science show looks like crap with short hair too

  18. "money isn't tight" and neither is she.

  19. Ruby Rose is the only lady who.looks good with short hair.
