Friday, December 14, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 7, 2018

And you thought Propecia was just for men. It turns out this A list female singer who has a newsworthy 2018 also takes it. Her hair may be permanently damaged though.

Ariana Grande


  1. She needs to cut down on the f*cking uppers for once.

  2. Hope it helps her. Losing one's hair is probably a lot harder, psychologically, for women than men, desperate combovers notwithstanding.

  3. First they get balled, then they get bald.

  4. She has had problems for years. That is what’s going on with the constant ponytail.

  5. Ariana has said multiple times that her god awful red hair from her time on Nickelodeon ruined her real hair.

    1. She also said she wore ponytails to help grow her hair out. She’s been off Nick for years now. If she wanted healthy hair she would’ve had it by now... step 1, STOP with the ponytails

  6. Called it years ago. Constant ponytails don't help. She could go bald and use different wigs, or none at all.

  7. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Umm she just bleached the shit out of her hair recently after nursing it "back to health" so that's all on her. Damaged hair grows out. Things like extensions and constant high pony tails can damage the scalp over time, resulting in bald patches. Dying and bleaching hair only affects the actual hair which can result in breakage. Sometimes the hair will break close to the scalp and it looks like bald patches but these are temporary and grow back over time. BUT what can affect hair coming in is personal health too. So her excuses about her red hair from Nickelodeon days are BS. I've bleached and dyed the crap out of my hair for eons, I wear my hair in messy buns all the time, and I don't have any bald spots, and I know plenty of gals who bleach and dye their hair all kinds of crazy colors who don't have it either. She's just making excuses.

  8. Women losing their hair is far worse.I don't know why men get so upset about it. Society says you are allowed to be bald. Some of you even look really good bald. Women on the other hand can't just have bad hair without nasty comments flying. even if she screwed her hair up herself with too much bleaching I feel bad for her. Guys can just shave their heads and walk around that way just fine. She can't.

  9. Stop pulling that ponytail so tight, girlie. Looks painful.

  10. I used to sell the stuff. No ligit Dr. will write this rx for a woman that isn't post menapausal guys. If she has a male child ever, very very high risk of deformities if finasteride was ever in her system. Even years later. Doesn't get more stupid or selfish than that chick. Wow.

    1. Nothing wrong with not having children. Its not selfish its smart and better for some folks.

    2. Seen so many unfit horrible parents it would blow your naive mind. @ wingedmo.

    3. Not having children would be better for 80% of humanity in fact. Too many violent morons around.

  11. I get ponytail headaches just from pulling my hair up to work out. Looking at hers makes me wince. She really needs to stop.

  12. Asinine to accuse her of being stupid & selfish. Not all women want children, and not all women who want children are dead-set on birthing them from their own body. Adoption is a great thing for children / parents / families / everyone, really.

  13. She's very young to rule out biological children like that...i am suspicious if she wasn't given that info...big time law suit...

    1. Lots of people decide early on you right wing dummy. WTF

  14. If the people who should not breed stop breeding, the pageant industry will collapse. And who are those pathetic hot mess women going to live vicariously through if they don't birth their little show ponies?
