Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Blind Item #3

This foreign born A/A- list singer who is way more popular now that she left the group she was in and ultimately destroyed by her leaving has been showing support for the long time underage rapist/child porn maker who is a former A+ list singer.


  1. Camilla Cabello And R kelly??



  3. I could have made that mistake though of accidentally singing along to that song blanking for a min its rkelly's, esp since it came out before all the dirt did in my mind (tho i was a teen so maybe it was already out and i had no clue)

    either way, does this really count as 'supporting' him?

  4. R Kelly has written a couple of standards, just like phil spector songs they are part of the pop music songbook. So what if she sang them?

  5. I can picture R. Kelly singing "Pizza!" "French Fries" down the bunny hill!

  6. This BI is really a stretch, the way music is today I could hear an R. Kelly song, like it, sing it when I hear it and never have a clue it's him. I hear pop songs everyday, usually the same ones and haven't got clue one who sings them.

  7. idgaf what rkelly did im gonna sing ignition and laugh/half sing at the trapped in the closet saga. doesnt mean i support him.... way too big of a stretch. and is camila foreign born? i know her parents are but i thought she was born in florida.

  8. Anonymous2:58 PM

    She was born in Cuba. This also isn't a blind item, not really anyway. She posted it to her own Instagram, nothing secret or anything about that. Don't see the point in this one. I might be fan, but I still wouldn't count her as A list, either. So either Camilla is the wrong answer or this is a bit of a rubbish blind.

  9. Let's work on his incarceration before throwing shade on his fan club.
