Saturday, January 26, 2019

Blind Item #6

Speaking of the disgraced director, this permanent A++ list mostly movie director was asked to comment about the director two nights ago and just ignored the question. Hmmm, a little complicit maybe? A little too much like looking in the mirror?


  1. Replies
    1. Interesting that Singer has always said that Spielberg is his idol...

    2. Both almost supernaturally talented —-both depraved. Singer never surprised me at all but upon learning of the SS information-gutted.

  2. justice for heather o'rourke.

    hollywood has been DEAD silent about the Singer accusations, and that silence is LOUD.

    I wonder if Spielberg will ever go down. It would rewrite film history.

    To me, this Michael Jackson documentary premiering yesterday at Sundance was the beginning of a litmus test for society and fandoms.

    1. Yes i noticed this too @notthisagain. MJ taking the heat off of Singer that's for sure.

    2. Do you remember the blind about the action star who would have been too old even in the 60's or 70's who had his stunt double help him rape boys? He would say it was his evil twin. I could never find it again, nor do I think it was revealed. I always wonder who it was.

  3. Spielberg is a really hard one for me. Maybe it’s because his movies were a huge part of my childhood. Deep down I believe it but I still hold out hope it isn’t true.

    1. Apparently Speilberg was a huge part of A LOT of actors/actresses childhood too!!

    2. .... And it was "a Hard one" for them too unfortunately

  4. I'm still wondering if that supposed alien footage Spielberg has will ever come to light.

  5. with all the trash coming out, why hasnt the FBI reinterviewed Spacey about the island thing? Singer took a boat, so of course that was his excuse. But the FBI certainly by now should suspect Spacey has lied to them, which is a crime. Spielberg was in that blind too. I think Spielberg was referenced as the only predator out of the three that would 'kill himself' out of his reputation being destroyed (Singer and Spacey would stay alive, shameless as they are)

    does anybody remember the blind? was it called The Island?

    1. Yeah, the one about the island and the horse latitudes type ending?

  6. MDAnderson, I am with you. Unless there is absolute proof, I cannot believe that Spielberg is a pedophile.

    1. But why? Can you believe others in Hollywood are? Why would Spielberg be exempt from this? Honestly wondering, not trying to be confrontational or rude.

    Today's Blind Items - The Island

    This is the holy grail. This is what is on the horizon for some actors/producers and directors that will ruin them for all time. Until two weeks ago, I would have thought the chances for anything leaking from this was zero. People kept their mouths shut before even when the feds were questioning lots of people. The thing is though, lots of those people lied to the feds. Some were granted immunity and still lied. Why? Going to jail for lying to the government gets you Martha Stewart time and a book deal. Telling the truth gets you jail for a long time and no career or friends when you get out.

    Can you imagine a place where Hollywood types and rich executives from around the world can gather in one place and have sex with underage boys and girls without any interference from any governments or parents? Yeah, well there was such a place [EPSTEIN'S ISLAND]. There probably is a replacement somewhere. The problem is in finding it. When people are flying in from different corners of the globe, it can be tough. When your only choice before was to fly in a private plane to a private island, people knew where it was.

  8. I think there is some shady stuff going down in Joe Francis Land, but nothing like the hundreds of teen boys and girls that were raped and abused and forced to be with men for weeks and months on end.

    Apparently with all types of local governments looking into sexual assaults and rapes committed by Hollywood people coming into the light, the situation on the island they all thought they had carefully extricated themselves from is back. Could be barely back or could be back where everyone goes to jail.

    Today I am just going to focus on three of the players. They all have been on the island. They all have done some horrible things to tween boys and girls. No one they were with on the island was anywhere close to being the legal age of consent.

    So, most likely to flip and throw everyone under the bus is this A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner [KEVIN SPACEY]. He is the one who almost killed several of the boys to the point where his host no longer invited him. Our actor had a preference for tweens who didn't speak English. He didn't want to hear anything they had to say. Probably one of the cruelest people around. He lied to the feds like crazy the first time around and said he only went to the island to fish and lay out and relax. He also told the feds [FBI] he never saw anything happen with anyone and that he usually was alone when there. He is by far facing the most time in jail if caught so would first flip our second a-hole.

  9. A few years ago it looked like this A list director was going down [BRYAN SINGER]. He never even was interviewed by the feds that I can find. Apparently he always went to the island via a boat just because he is smarter than most and didn't want any record. No record means the feds didn't even know he was a guest on the island. Our director would come for 24-48 hours of nonstop sex. Apparently he would take enough drugs to stay awake the entire time. The host flew in guys the director always wanted but was afraid to go near in Hollywood. In Hollywood, he would never go below 16 or 17. On the island, he would go way lower.

    One person I think would actually kill himself rather than face any kind of public scrutiny is this permanent A list director [STEVEN SPIELBERG]. He too was interviewed by the feds but said it was all relaxation. Funny how the relaxation never included his wife. It was just him and a bunch of tween girls he made call him grandpa. Apparently there was not much sex but he assaulted the girls and touched them and made them touch him. He took a lot of photos. I don't know if the photos exist. My guess is the feds thing before probably would have scared him to death. He seems to have recovered though because he is definitely been back to his creepy self the past 18 months or so.

    There will be way more than these three who go down if it happens. There are probably a dozen A list types who spent time on the island.

  10. @parissucksliterally

    there are millions of people who say the same about Michael Jackson. people dont want to believe it.

    I like Michael Jackson's music and Ive fallen in love with many of Spielberg's movies. It hurts, a lot. There's a feeling of betrayal, anger, sadness, denial. Its all there. I understand it.

  11. link to The Island blind

  12. In a review of the "Leaving Neverland" doc, it's reported that at least one of the kids visiting the ranch met Harrison Ford and Sean Connery.

    I was reminded of the blind where kids were flown by helicopter to the ranch to meet movie stars and directors.

  13. +1 SS and he is most definitely a pedophile and worse, unfortunately.

  14. @Stephe96

    this is the blind you are referring to:

  15. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2017
    Today's Blind Items - Long Time Coming

    When I started putting out feelers to former child actors who had worked on his movies, I was surprised how many people wanted to tell their stories about working for this permanent A+ list director [SPIELBERG]. They come from all different backgrounds and sexes. Most have never worked as adults as actors, but a couple continue to make an effort and a couple have succeeded.

    I started reaching out to them through an old friend. A friend who once had a large role in a hit movie for the director. A friend who until recently, never told me about the dark side to filming a movie with the legend. One thing he said resonated with me and I asked each of the others the same question. Most responded in the affirmative. Some said they wished they could remember but it had been x number of years or others said they really didn't want to think about it too much because it triggered them.

    The query was whether the "back story" of the character they were playing had molested. Their answer was yes.

    One actress who responded yes, said as an adult, when she looks back, she realizes how ludicrous it was that the back story of her character would involve being molested. It doesn't make sense in the story line sense. She was only in first grade when she made the movie. It had a lot of young kids in the movie, although they were older than her.

    1. Thank you. I think it's safe to assume SS was there with the stars of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

  16. Remember when people thought this The Island blind was too far fetched? The good old days.

  17. She remembers a cast "bonding" experience. All of the young actors and actresses were loaded on to a tour bus. Everyone was impressed because each seat on the bus had a DVD player waiting for them as a gift to take home. Back then, those things were expensive. The trip took about two hours from LA and they were served all kinds of kids food on the bus. She remembers the all you could eat candy.

    So, they get off the bus and arrived at this huge ranch [NEVERLAND RANCH]. Who was there to greet them with the director? This permanent A+ list singer [MICHAEL JACKSON]. There were also other men there who she remembers hearing were studio executives. She doesn't know if they were.

    She does remember walking around this carnival as she put it and seeing the executives pairing off with a couple of the actors or one on one. She says they later told her that most were molested or groped. For her part, she says she was just repeatedly groped. There was a carousel ride and one man insisted on putting her on a different horse each time and would lift her and grope her each time. She says she freaks out whenever she hears carousel music.

    My friend from so long ago says his experience differed slightly. There was no tour bus. There was just him and a studio tour. He was older tan our actress above. He was in that sweet spot our director loved. The director kept telling him his back story and talked about being molested and wondered if my friend had been molested. The director then started touching our actor and did so throughout the entirety of the movie like it was perfectly normal.

  18. Another actress who was a teenager when she made a huge movie for the director says that she wasn't given a ride on a tour bus, but instead, was given a ride on a helicopter with her younger actor co-star. They ended up flying to that same ranch north of Los Angeles. When the helicopter landed, that permanent A+ lister [MICHAEL JACKSON] was waiting there with the director [SPIELBERG]. Also there was another actor from the movie who is probably B list today. The actor was sent off with a group of men to the carnival while she was followed by this B list actor who asked sexual questions one after the other and excused himself multiple times. She assumes now he was going off somewhere to pleasure himself and then come back after. It was hot that day and she remembers him drenched in sweat and just a pig in so many ways.

    She said she has talked to actors who didn't even get to act in a movie directed by the director but were still hired to help develop the back story of the adult actors because they might use some flashback shots. All these actors added to the totals molested by the director and his friends. Every movie seemed to have any kind of reason they could to find teens boys and girls that could be molested under the guise of developing their character.

  19. tehbird do you have any stories?

  20. Michael Jackson and Steven Spielberg seemed to have a close friendship, with their common interest of pedophilia making them even closer, dare I say co-criminals (way too light of a way to put it).

    Didnt they have a falling out tho? Michael Jackson paid for some mass voodoo ceremony and spells on him, or something?...what caused that?


  22. quote from VF article:

    "In August 1993, I was on the beach in Nantucket when I was told that Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter was trying to reach me: Michael Jackson had just been accused of child molestation by a 13-year-old boy. Thus began an odyssey of 12 years in which I wrote five lengthy articles for the magazine about the trials and tribulations of this music icon whose fame had literally deformed him. I spoke to hundreds of people who knew Jackson and, in the course of my reporting, found families who had given their sons up to him and paid dearly for it. I found people who had been asked to supply him with drugs. I even found the business manager who told me on-the-record how he had had to wire [ON MARCH 4TH 2003] $150,000 to a voodoo chief in Mali in order to put a curse on David Geffen, Steven Spielberg, and 23 others on Jackson’s enemies list. I sat through two trials and watched his bizarre behavior on the stand when he said he did not recognize his publicist of a decade. One of the reasons I endured this not-fun circus was that, when I began, I was the mother of a boy roughly the same age as the ones Jackson was so interested in spending the night with. His behavior truly troubled me. Understandably, in the wake of his death, there are those who do not want to hear these sad facts."

    I wonder who the other 23 names were on MJ's enemies list.
    we already know how depraved Geffen is, and how he covers for Singer.
    Geffen, Spielberg & Jeffrey Katzberg founded Dreamworks.

    1. You can always send the blind to FBI. They probably are already investigating it. It takes time

  23. Spielberg kept in touch with Roman Polanski after Polanski anally raped that child

    He even asked Roman to direct Schindlers List a movie about a man who saved women and children

    remember that incident when a guy was arrested and said he wanted to rape Spielberg? will i reckon that was Hollywood sending Spielberg a message .. if you talk about us you'll have an accident

    We got rid of Sharon Tate and we'll get rid of you as well if we have to

    1. Or it was someone who was directly affected by Spielbergs crimes (eg a father,uncle brother of a victim)

  24. @ Stephe96

    There are no accidents in Stanley Kubrick films, every minute is carefully planned out

    When Stanley made Eyes Wide Shut he called the main character Harford

    Har Ford = Harrison Ford

    as I'm sure you're aware Eyes Wide Shut is about wealthy people operating a sex ring

    when it came time to cast the leader of the sex ring Kubrick asked Woody Allen to play the role

    when Tom Cruise character sees too much he has to sacrifice his daughter , he lets her get taken away by two strangers in a toy store during the films last scene

    Kubrick knew Warner Brothers would cut the toy store scene if he made it too obvious so he shot it very subtle , even i didn't spot it at first

    Cruise and Kidman stand there and let their daughter get taken

    Harrison Ford has publicly supported Polanski , he even went all the way to France to give Polanski an oscar

    i believe Harrison is involved in all that sick sh-t

    1. Your theory is a little "out there" but I like it!

  25. ss and singer.
    justice for all those poor children. justice for Brad Renfro!!!
    happy saturday, y'all

  26. I definitely believe SS is a pedo.

  27. I spent two decades in LA and knew a few Speilberg adjacent people who are not celebs but permanent A++ within the biz who have been close business associates with him and who also run in Spielberg's social circle, and I heard a lot of stories, but I never heard a peep about Spielberg having a seedy personal life. If there was anything salacious, I'm quite positive I'd have heard something.

  28. He directed Poltergeist and both the lead girls have died. Wonder if he had them killed.

  29. I’ve always thought Steven S was. Pedo.
    I remember the interview for ET WITH Drew and she said something on children would say “ he tried to protect me”
    She started drinking after that movie and doing drugs.
    Steven has his behind this good guy character so well, it’s pathetic
    Never watched ANY of his movies

  30. @notthisagain I wonder where these gatherings moved to after Spielberg and MJ had their big falling out?

  31. Everything posted have been Blind Items.

    I believed the MJ stuff as soon as victims spoke out and accused him. I will do the same for Speiberg, if in fact he is a vile person too. But until then, I can't go there, because yes - it hurts.

  32. The MJ curse stuff is fascinating. Certainly makes you suspicious about what grudge he had at that specific time. Looking back at the news articles from when the story was out, it doesn't say whether he had one grudge with all the people on the list or whether it was a variety of grudges. The official story was they fell out over Hook I think. I've searched for the names on the list before but no luck. Spielberg, Geffen and who knows? Maureen Orth was the journalist who wrote the Vanity Fair article mentioning it back in 2003-ish. No luck searching for her stuff either.

    It's helluva suspicious obviously, knowing what we now know about Jackson. They were tight in the '80s though.

  33. We've all put entertainers, directors, actors, singers, etc on pedestals for what they've produced for our liking. Not until we get older do we realize they're human and can be just as depraved as the next door plumber. Appreciate for the art they've provided us, but leave it at the door. They're all curated to what the public wants from us, nothing more.

  34. I read all the MJ stuff two weeks ago and both he and Spielberg got up to A LOT together. Full stop.

  35. Many if not most artists are monsters. Particularly in show business, but also in visual arts, literature, etc.
    As for Spielberg, there's such a wealth of circunstancial evidence that there's no doubt in my mind that he's a pedophile.

  36. I grew up up in the 80s and S was on his way to legend status. I remember my very observant father had an issue with the depictions of parents in his films as absent, neglectful, checked out, clueless or incompetent. In SS films, parents and kids are polarized against one another—children are the caretakers, decision makers-adults aren’t needed. Parents are an inconvenience. E.T., Hook, Goonies, Jurassic Park, Super 8, Empire of the Sun, War Horse, Ready Player One. I thought it was a bit old fashioned of him, but in hindsight I think he was on to something.

  37. I forgot about how MJ wanted to put a spell on SS, or something of the kind, but that was something he actually said.
    I remember that MJ actually thought that he 'loved' children. From interviews and that documentary, I believe him. He truly believed he loved children and that sex was an expression of that, much like many in NAMBLA. If he were to see abuse or what he perceived as mistreatment, he would've had a problem, by his demeanor and steadfast insistence of NOT being an abuser.
    He was definitely abused as a child by his pos father, I don't know if it was sexual but it wouldn't surprise me. The whole family is fucked up.
    Just pondering the idea that this and the blinds added above have a correlation.
    That SS is a jew should have sparked antisemitism claims. Go figure.

  38. I'm not a big fan of Spielberg's movies - except for Jaws and Duel. I have always felt they were slick and mindless fluff with no basis in reality at all. However, not one person to my knowledge has come forward and accused him publicly. Could this just be a salacious rumor?

    If people start coming out of the woodwork accusing him, then there might be something to it. Otherwise it is only gossip.

  39. Fascinating new layer to the SS theory
