Saturday, January 26, 2019

Blind Item #5

At the request of the big studio who wants to make as much money as possible down the line for this movie, this disgraced A- list director scrubbed every bit of his association with the movie from his Instagram. Like people, will forget. Please.


  1. Replies
    1. Obviously.... And I’m the topic of predators- the MJ doc is garnering serious attention at Sundance and people are stunned by its -revelations(which we here have known for some time)

    2. Right Tricia and taking attention away from Singer and Co.Imo!

    3. For the moment. But that article that came out was brutally damning at least..

  2. Who wrote this blind? Was this written by an adult or a teenager? Like people will ever forget, pleaseeeeeeee!

    1. Written by someone with a much better job than you.

  3. what a joke! Fox is so pathetic.

    when you search the hashtag #bryansinger, its still all Bohemian Rhapsody pics and stuff.

    Rami Malek is pathetic as well - he really thought people would believe such a lie, and in such a 'whatever' tone - 'it is was it is' - fuck you dude. You dont deserve any awards, and especially not that oscar you've sold your soul for.

    1. Joke indeed. Every time a celeb plays dumb I laugh to myself thinking, “I’m a nobody in Pittsburgh and even I heard the rumors.” They all lie.

    2. Everybody is somebody, in Pittsburgh!

    3. Ha! So true, Astra! Someone once told me they love meeting yinzers because we’re all so excited to be from Pittsburgh. 😂

    4. Y’all are really great! Never met a person from Pittsburgh that I didn’t like! I even like your accents 😁

      Lots of people from WV are big Steelers fans too, y’all are SERIOUS about your teams!

  4. Singer / Bohemian Rhapsody / Oscars

  5. There’s also a Weinstein documentary at Sundance, apparently it’s pretty damning and was getting a lot of attention before the Jackson doc was announced at the last minute. It’s been crickets re the Weinstein doc in the wake of the publicity from the MJ doc though.

  6. I think maybe references to Apt Pupil being removed? So it is not associated with Bohemian Rhapsody?

  7. Singer's Instagram doesn't have any reference to Bohemian Rhapsody anymore. But the studio thinks they are putting one over on us.

  8. @notthis: when I read Rami’s, ‘it is what it is’, I wanted to puke. So far he has nothing new lined up & I hope it stays that way. Fucking jerk!


  9. There are no accidents in Stanley Kubrick films, every minute is carefully planned out

    When Stanley made Eyes Wide Shut he called the main character Harford

    Har Ford = Harrison Ford

    as I'm sure you're aware Eyes Wide Shut is about wealthy people operating a sex ring

    when it came time to cast the leader of the sex ring Kubrick asked Woody Allen to play the role

    when Tom Cruise character sees too much he has to sacrifice his daughter , he lets her get taken away by two strangers in a toy store during the films last scene

    Kubrick knew Warner Brothers would cut the toy store scene if he made it too obvious so he shot it very subtle , even i didn't spot it at first

    Cruise and Kidman stand there and let their daughter get taken

    Harrison Ford has publicly supported Polanski , he even went all the way to France to give Polanski an oscar

    i believe Harrison is involved in all that sick sh-t

    1. I thought the ending of “Eyes Wide Shut” was the vaguest thing ever. Chilling to me tho because it’s like the cult stalks you for life—like you’ll never escape, that’s what I took from it.

      I didn’t notice the doctor character sacrificing his daughter to the strangers.

      No offence to any Kubrick fans, but for all the hype about his reputation for being a “perfectionist”, the first thing I notice in the opening scene of “The Shining” was the shadow of a helicopter (I’m assuming it’s the helicopter they used for filming because they didn’t have drones back then). I mean really. 🚁🏔🌲

    2. Harrison Ford was Indiana Jones movies. The Temple of Doom was creepy as hell and had too many kids in it. Spielberg is a pedo and Ford did those movies with him so I wouldn’t be surprised if he is one. He’s always seemed like a massive asshole and his grumpiness is not endearing, he’s just an ass.
