Friday, January 11, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 4, 2019

This permanent A list rapper was never going to contribute to that docu series about the singing child molester/child rapist. It would have shed a light on what our rapper was doing and to whom and it isn't pretty.

Jay Z/R Kelly


  1. just another pig. this isn't surprising. can't stand him and Blah, err i mean Bey. sick ass*****

  2. People in glass houses....

  3. Anonymous8:44 AM

    The Jay Z story probably makes the R Kelly story look sweet and innocent by comparison. Of Jay Z and Queen Weave will continue to be idolized by the ignorant masses.

  4. These guys didn't get to where they are by being nice.

  5. @Thursday, nope most got there by sucking d!ck and what what in the butt.

  6. Damon Dash spoke about that JayZ was dating foxy Brown when she was 16. Their were rumors that JayZ was messing with Aaliyah before her and Dash were engaged

  7. Apparently JayZ has secretly fucked everyone so I believe it.

    Rachel Roy AND Gwyeneth Paltrow? Wtf??

  8. I. TOLD. YOU. SO. The Beyonce/Jay-Z worshippers like Obama are COMPLICIT. They're all involved in this and worse. Don't argue with me or call me names. You know I'm right.

    1. Chewbaca go back to your fucking portal. WTF like Obama STfFu

  9. Barack Obama's best friend?

  10. Brayson87 said...

    @Thursday, nope most got there by sucking d!ck and what what in the butt.

    Yup yup. Blackchild productions, now banned on YouTube, first broke the news on these dark rap productions. All these 'artists', as an exercise in power and control have to give up what is called the "Gravy" in order to make it in the cult (Give up the a-hole to make it in TheBiz) to these record business executives who have cultivated a culture of rampant, sodomite, brand of homosexuality that is about power and control and licentious immorality not about the kind of alleged love that a normal homosexual couple may feel. It is greed personified in sexual expression which spreads like a disease through the industry and LITERALLY turns these people into demons, how in the flackin world does lil wayne or 6ix9ine think that shit they do to their bodies and faces looks good? It's metaphorically demonic shit and I ain't no Bible thumper.

    These record producers literally take it not necessarily because they want to (but they do) it is because they HAVE to as a matter of the oath they take to the cult.

  11. Jay Z would be a pimp if not for rap. You can tell he's a natural. Pimps are born not made. R Kelly just kept the two careers in balance, pimping and rap. He's probably so good at pimping that he could start a cult.
