Saturday, January 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 11, 2019

Our favorite alliterate actress turned A+ list celebrity doesn't just have one private social media account, but several. They all follow her best friend.

Meghan Markle/Jessica Mulroney


  1. Can we please stop with the blinds that aren't blind? I'd rather there be less posts than the ridiculously stupid obvious shit.

    Anyone else agree?

  2. Lol @ the sucker half-prince... and the British saps who foot the bill for his wife's trampery.

  3. Ummm, yeah. BFF & so-called stylist who sucks at her job big time.

  4. Back in the day, Enty used to just straight out write gossip posts, like "Meghan Markle has several anonymous social media accounts. They all follow her best friend, Jessica Mulroney." Every! Single! Thing! wasn't a blind--he had one Blind of the Day and that was generally it, just as he has one "big" blind every day today.

    And I'm not even sure why he bothers when so many of them are so completely obvious, like our daily Musk blind, our daily Bieber, that still-one-hit-wonder, that disgraced actor blah blah blah.

  5. C’mon
    This isn’t news or interesting

  6. "My best friend is a stylist." <-- now THAT is an empowered message!

  7. @parissucksliterally - agree. Far too many of the blinds now can be googled (a few key words) and you get same day stories.(and I'm not just talking about tracking down likely solutions in the Daily Mail.) Why not just have an item with details instead of blind and just let commenters comment. And before all the 'quit bitching about the blinds and just don't come here then' fools come out of woodwork a lot of us have been here for years and can remember that was how site originated. A few really good blinds and other items discussed. Only in last few years all of sudden 15 blinds a day.

  8. Sorry Krab - didn't see your post before I posted. Agree.

  9. Ok Enty and Enterns - you see I am not alone here. Can we go back to the way it was? This is obviously annoying people. :)

  10. Markle is no longer just a blind item - she is an opera. Weak monarch, feckless heir, troubled prince, (comparatively) poor but feisty common female who sets events in motion. All the story lacks is a hero. No tenors in the royal family?

  11. The blinds about the Duchess of Suxdix are boring now.

  12. Oh, looks like I was ahead of myself.

    A musical about Princess Diana premieres next month.

    I guess the Meghan opera can be expected in 2039 or so.

  13. I wonder if she will take a long and quiet maternity leave like Kate or she will be calling the paparazzi like she did this week for the restaurant photo op. Also, I wonder if she will use the kid like a prop a la Kardashian and kick Harry to the curb completely. Finally, I am loving watching her as the only pregnant woman in the third trimester that has no swollen ankles and can easily walk in 4inches shoes without hesitation.

  14. It's all for the extra page views the DM'ers give Enty.

  15. I once had a 2nd email address....

  16. Enty spends lot of time on his podcast and perhaps less time on the website. Maybe he would be better off posting news and one or two blinds a day.

  17. Oh dear god, here come the trolls, & "Nutty" who only comments on Markle reveals. Harry was never gonna marry you, move on.

    Markle is an idiot, this is the shit she signed up for, she's just gonna drive herself crazy if she doesn't find something else to do with her time. Diana became ana dealing with this crap, and put on all kinds of meds.

    Markle needs to be careful of Jess, just bc she pays Jess doesn't mean they are besties. Jess will probably write a book in a few years, much like Di's servants.

  18. They selected Markle for political reasons.(inclusion, a big deal in the EU)
    Also, a distraction motive.
    It was never a romance per se. It was a deal. An arrangement.
    They will do anything to keep that volume down.

  19. Thanks, Andi. I comment on lots of things, but no one ever said you were particularly good at reading.

    @Nathalia, yeah, I thought the restaurant photo op with the new young, hot, male press officer was interesting. What's the message she's trying to send? The restaurant was named "Chucs" for what it's worth.

    Anyway, if you're interested in my thoughts on Meghan Markle, I've collected some of them on my Nutty Flavor blog at, also accessible via my profile.

    Not for you, Andi, because it contains big words.

  20. OMG @Nutty - That Twitter screenshot! Your site is a find. :)

  21. Thank you! Glad you like it.

  22. @Andi I was thinking the nut was perhaps the wicked, jealous, half-sibling Samantha. That nut actually changed her name back to Markle only after MM and PH were confirmed as a couple.

  23. I like the story about the POS with the 10 story whorehouse in
    London myself Nutty.

  24. @Sandy, I have a question. I’ve noticed on MM blinds you usually say “welcome DM’ers”. Can you explain this to me please? How do DM’ers get connected to CDAN? I’ve always wondered but too lazy to ask (ofc๐Ÿ˜) TY in advance ๐Ÿค—

    1. Daily mail readers ..non stop bitch fest about Sparkles. It was better when Zack Efron's stans would comment like crazy. Miss those crazy kids

  25. Nutty, I'm going to look at your blog. Thanks!
    And, guess you have a stalker who is fixated on all your comments. Wow.

  26. The "message" that Sparkles is sending with the restaurant meeting is that She is really in charge of the monarchy's messaging.

  27. Nutty Flavor: excellent blog!

    Thanks, you explained/clarified much about MM.

  28. @Nutty I know, right. The name of the restaurant is interesting. Chuck is the nickname for PC in some royal forums threads. It seemed staged to me that photo op.

    Anyway, thanks for the link. I will definitely look into it. There is a blog that I read about them that have great insights

  29. Maybe it’s because I’m a social media fameheaux but if marrying a prince meant that I had to give up soshul meedja, I’d rather not marry the prince and stay single. Maybe buy a dildo.

  30. don't stop commenting nutty, I much rather read snarky truths about the common LA actress, than gushing bs about her special uniqueness

  31. Many thanks for the support!

    Just added a new article with some screenshots of anonymous posts that appear to be from Meghan Markle.

    Accessible from my profile, or at:

  32. Love your stuff Nutty!!

  33. @Nutty. Love your blog. I will be checking in often.

  34. Caitlyn when Enty had his story published in the Daily Mail late last year about going after the pedosfor years, it brought the some of those commenters here and Entry started making up Meghan blinds for them so he could get more page views. So I welcome them usually. Sorry I didn't see this to answer you last night
