Saturday, January 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 11, 2019

This former A+ list athlete/cheat doesn't have as much money as he would like you to believe and his recent relationship is costing him millions. He needs to readjust and start fixing his nest egg, which also includes selling off assets. Everyone makes it seem like some of the assets were purchased jointly, but most involved his money. He has way more money than his significant other.

Alex Rodriguez/Jennifer Lopez


  1. Wow, this is a discriminatory post against people who dont have a Significant other or way more money! Its really stressing me out, i might need therapy after reading this. I feel personally attacked by this post!

  2. Yay I got it 😀

  3. J. Lo is BROKE. She has been BROKE for YEARS. She was BROKE before Marc, took money from Puff, left Marc, was even more BROKE and had to have Puff 'buy' her a house in LA. Whatever property she had/has in LA is NOT HERS. Puff holds all the paperwork. This is why she never bad mouthed him even though he constantly cheated on her etc.
    Hollywood is all a farce. Even wonder why the constantly move into each others 'old house'? Someone is always buying someone else famous' house. All these homes are owned by the elite, by the people who own and control the 'famous' people.
    Famous people don't have sh*t. They sold their souls for fame, there is no real money involved.

    1. This. (Same goes for the Kardashians, Beckhams,...)

  4. Have been calling them grifters for a long time.

  5. Wow between Amazing Quotes and Troy the idiot I am so done with this stupid site. Enty, if you can't manage spammers in this day and age, you need NEW LINE OF BUSINESS. And you two commenters are BORING, TIME-WASTING LOSERS when people were just trying to have some entertainment fun. Get out of your mother's basement every now and then.
