Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 8, 2018

Golden Globes

This permanent A list mostly movie actress who was actually there last night for television had a big breakfast/brunch thing yesterday morning. She invited the entire cast from the show and some of her very best actress friends. One person she didn't invite was an actress from the show who won. Fake air kiss hugs aside, they really don't like each other.

Reese Witherspoon/Nicole Kidman


  1. Nicole doesn't get along with her supposed BFF Naomi Watts, how do you expect her to get along with anyone else? Bitch is difficult.

  2. They like each other!

  3. This is definitely fake in my book, or they just had a small tift at the time. I went to Nashville for a weekend trip in August, and Keith Urban was playing the Bridgestone Arena and Reese was in attendance, and he pulled her up on stage! I don't think that would happen if she hated his wife!

  4. Sounds more like she invited everyone and Nicole didn't show up for whatever reason. People skip breakfast/brunch invites all the time, usually because they want to sleep in.

    1. Maybe he also doesn't care for his wife that much?

  5. Oh the Enterns have been insisting forever that these two don't get along and neither one wanted a sequel then it was one or the other didn't want one and they weren't getting along because of that. Guess what?? 😂They are both doing the sequel.

  6. fake but the more interesting question is (as always) why? Maybe their publicists have drummed this up to keep them interesting.

  7. Team Nicole. Reese Witherspoon is that cunty strain of rich southern bitch. They're literally the worst.

  8. i don't want this to be true. i didn't like Nicole in the past, but after i saw how much Keith Urban loves her, and then really looked at how good of an actress she is, i started the love.

    i also like Reese, although i've read previously that she can be a bit difficult. she did however say on TV once that she wanted to be my besty, so there's that.

    1. She's an atrocious actor! White noise on legs.

    2. She was great in Legally Blonde and BLL.

      If she’s atrocious she fooled a lot of Oscar voters

  9. @cheesegrater, as a sometime southern bitch, I agree with you.

  10. Or maybe it's made-up for clickbait as people feel the need to take sides of these rich ladies who none of us know.

  11. Total BS, not buying it.

  12. Mm bullshit..they're everywhere together. Not in a naomi watts level but they are friends

  13. I think it’s not true, drama equals ratings..
