Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 7, 2019

Golden Globes

This A- list mostly movie actress spent much of last night at an after party sexting her celebrity ex because he had given her a large amount of cash last week.

Amber Heard/Elon Musk


  1. So she still has nudies of herself on her phone? But knowing Enty she probably just stripped down in a bathroom stall and took pics of herself right there.

  2. I don't think Musk has time for talking dirty sets, he's got bitches on call in his limo too I bet.

  3. This chick is like an alligator that will bite you if you stop feeding her chickens.

    1. Right? Yet she has people that think she's a victim.

  4. Nice professional transaction, he gave her money and she gave him her nudes! Maybe even some videos of her making out with other females! Yeah, thats it!

  5. Isnt that prostitution? Sex for money?

  6. @Laura, its prostitution only when poor or desperate women do it! When rich and successful women do it, its none of anyone elses business!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. @Laura, I get more of an extortion vibe from her.

  9. Your only young & hot so long...if Elon is so stupid to still be pursuing her...get it girl...

    Enty revealed b4 they broke up bc he screws around & expects her to be faithful to him...

  10. Just bc a chick may sext with her guy doesn't mean she deserves to be beaten...jesus no wonder you don't have a GF & watch porn hub all day....

  11. @Thursday, are you confusing Musk with Depp, or are you saying that Depp beat her for texting other guys?

  12. No, sweetie...It's been long reported Deep is a drunk...& in serious financial trouble....

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. She is so gross.
    Anyone who manages to make millions and still works as/acts like a whore, is f*cking pathetic.

  15. She’s pathetic but the men are all pathetic wealthy losers..
    Men always wants the woman with the bad reputation.
    They know what they are getting and know who they are dealing with.
    One of the two will royally try to dismiss one from the face of the earth

  16. Old joke. A guy asks a girl:
    Guy: "Would you have sex with me for $10?"
    Girl: "No."
    Guy: "100?"
    Girl: "No."
    Guy: "1000?"
    Girl: "No."
    Guy: "One MILLION dollars?"
    Girl: "Maybe."
    Guy: "Now that we've established you're a prostitute, let's negotiate the price."

  17. @more cowbell
    Same vein:
    "If I had a dollar for every woman who thought I was unattractive, eventually I'd be pretty attractive to them"
