Saturday, January 26, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 18, 2019

Our celebrity CEO had the first of many bad days today.  The teeth of his settlement with the Feds kicked in at the beginning of the year, which put a damper on his ability to lie about the really big things. Both of his big companies are in deep, deep financial trouble.  The others are just complete frauds.  It's 30 minutes to midnight.  After the crash is complete, expect people from the CEO's personal and business lives to spill even crazier tea than you've ever heard about him before, and that's really saying something.

Elon Musk


  1. Enty keeps posting about Elon but there has been no "big news" about the guy....what's up?

    1. There has actually. The Azaelia Banks blind was confirmed, his activities at burning man had came out, his court date with the sec was a big deal, and I'm sure there are more that I can't think of off of the top of my head.

      For the most part, seems like someone is helping cover his droppings. How can your company produce it's products in tents and be considered to be doing alright?

  2. Don't buy a Tesla Car!

    If you own a Tesla Car, get rid of it quickly.

    Things are really going bad for this guy and fast!

    1. Everybody I talk too love their Teslas... As a matter of fact, I even heard that the trade-in value is better than that of a used Delorean... However, I think it's still easier to get replacement parts for the '81 Delorean though

  3. Musk is a narcissistic at it finest.. He waste all that money the government gave him..
    He’s a addict and he’s crazy 😜

  4. I wouldnt buy an electric car for a long time. Battery life & replacement costs, motor life & replacement costs, and resale value are all giant worries.

  5. Anonymous2:37 PM

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  6. Musk curated a Ponzi scheme. Nothing more.

  7. @Snit I was just about to ask, for all the tea spilt on this blog about Elon, I sure don't ever hear about him irl
