Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 29, 2019

This celebrity offspring of an A++ lister bailed early from rehab. Not a good sign.

Paris Jackson


  1. What did anyone expect? She’s got major issues and who can blame her? Her own mother sold her to the weirdest man to ever live, who appears to be a pedo, and his family certainly hasn’t cared for her properly since his death. It’s a miracle she’s even alive.

  2. And yet her brothers seem fine.

    1. It certainly is weird, isn’t it? I bet the dynamics are far weirder than we can imagine. I wonder why? But even in normal families there can be massively screwed up ones, and totally normal ones.

  3. Maybe they should try treating her for depression first and then see if she still needs rehab afterwards.

  4. Great then they can give her already prepaid bed to an underprivileged youth in need. Rehab only works if the person wants to get clean, otherwise it's a waste of everyone's time.

  5. +10000 Astra and Sandy. We dont know the true details as to what transpired in her childhood and what she was exposed to? Just because her brothers turned out fine doesnt mean anything. Every person has different capacity, both mental and physical. She is just 20, so hope she is able to figure out her life and lead a happy one.

  6. I find it more and more difficult to muster any sympathy for her. She has the money to access care that 99.9% of addicts can't receive, and yet she thumbs her nose at it.

  7. She should totally hook up with Artie Lange when he gets out of lock up.

  8. I am not going to waste tears on the privileged. She should talk to her father's first wife to get a grip.
