Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 30, 2019

The latest chance for the former A list singer/child molester to go to jail has evaporated because the singer was able to write a check to the victim and they agreed to not cooperate with the police. The thing is, it didn't even take that large of check. Less than six figures.

R. Kelly


  1. Looks like the victim got what she wanted.

  2. the mere mention of his name now makes my skin crawl.


  3. Stupid, stupid selfish people.

    It would be nice to see people who took settlements named in lawsuits by subsequent victims.

  4. .
    She got exactly what she asked for... she got screwed, twice.

  5. He is going on a 3 country tour now, its like he is taunting everyone! Maybe he will slip and hit his head on the commode while taking a sh*t! One can hope!

  6. Firm believer in karma...he’ll get what he deserves in some form or another.

  7. Touring thru Aus, NZ and SLanka late Feb, announced two days ago. Sri Lanka. Must be a cricket fan.

  8. 5 figure checks look huge to poor people. Pays off bills, buys food, pays rent, doesn't get you a good lawyer who can get you more though.

  9. Apparently some parents are more than willing to whore their children out. I wonder if he got the family's number to call in the future now that he knows the price of their daughter. Once the family blows that money you know it won't be long until they put her out on the corner and it won't be to catch the school bus.

  10. I wonder if those parents were younger parents or parents in their 40's, I'm guessing younger parents.

  11. Kelly is a predator, they know who to target. Like child molesters dating single working mothers.

  12. Hopefully these places he's touring know about him and have eyes on him hoping to catch him in the act.

  13. Australia wants to ban him from entering the country, thankfully.

  14. @Lucky13, Oh great, one of the few countries where the wildlife could actually kill him won't let him in. Just cover him in water bottles and drop koalas on him.

  15. If you have to take the money, do it and STILL out him. He'd sue, you can use a public defender, perhaps serve a little jail time, and then be out. You'd still have your justice. Say that you're doing all of this because you're poor needed the money, but were willing to take the chance and expose him.

    I know I'm dreaming of this scenario, but damn, Kelly needs to be taken down. If that doc doesn't do it, then nothing short of one of his victim's father putting a bullet into his head will.
